Happiness Day! ^^

Sep 09, 2007 12:11

Hi minna! ^^ Thanks for the warm welcome! I was so touched when i read all the comments! <3 So, here i am! :3 *hugs minna*

Sorry for the delay, i have been downloading Arashi stuff these days while i was meeting with my family ^^ Too much to download! Shukudai-kun, MMA, 24h with Arashi (and with Kat-tun? where i can download it? U.U I saw the Real Face performance in a TV when we went to a Ramen restaurant to dinner with a friend <3), happiness performances, .... what more? xD and fancameras ^^ And then I need time to watch it! xD And I am starting university in 2 days T.T This sounds so hard! U_U But i am genki, the trip was the best ever! full of good memories to do my best the rest of the year! ^^

And the first day i was at home, i had to pre-order the new Arashi DVD! what a surprise ^____^

Mochiron, i bought BokuImo Premium Edition! It was my shooping in Shibuya, me and my friend bought it on HMV. It was so exciting to can buy a DVD in a shop... i don't like to buy by Internet T.T

The same as the magazines, to find them at the convini or in a bookstore! ^___^ But now that I have left Japan, a lot of magazines were out in that week! *cries a river* as Oricon Style.... I wanted it so badly >.<

Ahm.... i have started to speak about Shibuya day...mmmm... It was at the end of my trip xD Well, i will continue because it was a full day of Arashi xD We went to HMV and 109 building. We didn't know what more to do there.... We tried to go to Johnny Family Club, but we had a wrong address >.< (another day we found it! hihi) But we were so lucky! My friend was filming the street cross with all the people, while we started to hear a song.... Happiness!! The promotional car was there!!! I had my camera on my hands, so i started to take pictures xD All the japanese people around me were so surprised, i don't know if it was for me that i was taking pictures, but then, other girls were taking pictures too with their mobile phone. Japan have really awesome mobile phones *_____*

And to end the day, the Happiness first performance on Music Station!!! ^____^ We arrived early to the hotel, to make sure that we won't be late for the performance. We wanted to see the MiniSuite and Opening with Arashi ^^ Music Station is on live, and we saw Arashi concert just the day before! We could feel Arashi so close ^^ It was a special feeling <3

Gomen nasai, i am not good to write a lot in english >.< Even this, I hope minna will enjoy my stories ^^ And i would like to start updating the blog with Arashi news too! Gambarimasu!

performance, happiness, ms, me, feelings, , bokuimo, japan, arashi

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