Of course, I watched the superbowl yesterday, Gee, with where I work, how can I NOT? One single commercial talked to me. The one from Budweiser, about our brothers, sisters, mothers, uncles, fathers, friends in Iraq.
They flashed a website across the screen at the end of the commercial.
herosalute.com. This is not a bad idea. And it's nice that someone's finally doing something nice for the troops....OUR troops.
Perhaps it's because of the bond that I've been starting to feel with
itsacountry, but I actually teared up at that commercial. I'm not sure if our brothers and sisters in Iraq got to watch the superbowl, and all the commercials, but I hope they did...to see that someone is finally looking to thank them, and not just pay lip service by saying "I support our troops!" You do? How? Just saying the words doesn't cut it, buddy-boy.
I say the words...I mean the words when I say them. I'm even working on a gift for the Marine closest to my heart (And, my god, it's taking forever to do this....I'm putting lots o' work into it.) I want to DO something for the troops that I support. To show them I'm not just saying what everyone else says back here in the states, in comfortable beds, safe and sound because THEY make it that way for us. I'm just happy that someone with alot more power/financial-means can do this for our troops.
It may not sound like terribly much, but it's definitely a nice gesture. And one that I think more companies should be making.