Ikenie no Yoru Review

Apr 13, 2011 21:26

Today I'm going to be reviewing Ikenie no Yoru (Wii) since I thought it was funniest horror game I've seen in my life.
Well, the game is pretty scary in the first round and story is interesting too.
I've also read the horror novel that are posted on the official website and I thought the story was well made.
The novel on the official website are pretty easy to read so I highly recommend reading it if you have played this game since you will know what happened in the past. (By the way, it's kind of scary...)
In the second round of this game all the stages will be cursed and you have to complete it again to remove the curse.
Each stage have different curse (restrictions) that it made it hard to complete the stage (for example, you can't run throughout the stage or you will die and have to start from the beginning of the stage)
First funny part of this game is the final stage in the second round... the curse is called 煩悩の呪い (curse of greed).
This curse was super hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing from beginning to end (LOL) It was so funny that it ruined the final stage...
***SPOILER: highlight below to know what kind of curse this is***
Every time you walk you will hear sexy women's voice which gets really annoying when you run *dies* by the way, it doesn't sound sexy at all
Other funny part is the bonus stage (I call it "Heart stage") that appears after you remove the curse for all the stage... I wasn't expecting that kind of story so it made me laugh.
I won't mention too much about the bonus stage but let me just say that stage wasn't horror game... it's more like a bonus for guys... (it's similar to the curse of greed)
By the way, I felt sorry for Red after seeing the bonus stage and hearing the song in the 2nd version of the staff roll... (the 2nd version of the staff roll gets unlocked after playing the bonus stage).
Anyway, that's all I can mention about the funniest part of this game ^_^
BUT let me mention this again... this game is SCARY. I especially got scared with Yellow's story. Blue and Black story weren't scary as Yellow's story...
Also another thing I would like to mention is the BGM. Some of the BGM are pretty and I really like it so definitely check that out as well if you're interested in playing this game.
続編でも作る予定なら別に文句はないけど、なんだかな~って感じ。結局Happy Endでブラックはどうなったんだwww

review: game

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