Please leave a comment here if you're interested in either applying as a moderator or a banner-maker at
Moderator Status: OPEN - two positions
Moderator Application Form
Copy the form in the text box :). I've conveniently bolded all the headings for you, well, for my convenience, really.
Username:Have you moderated at an icontest before?: Yes/No
If Yes, at where?: [note: you do not need to be moderating there now, but I'll check to see how you've done.]
How often are you online each week?:Why should you be chosen?: Banner maker Status: OPEN
Banner maker Application Form
Copy the form in the text box :). I've conveniently bolded all the headings for you, well, for my convenience, really.
Username:Are you currently making banners for other icontests/communities?: Yes/No - If yes, at where?
Will you be able to complete banners within 3 weeks?:Banner Examples (Give at least 3):