A Thing for Blondes for PerkyandProud!

Apr 02, 2016 21:42

Title: A Thing For Blondes
Author: OnlyLenLen
Recipient: Perkyandproud
Pairing: Oshitari Kenya/ Akutagawa Jirou
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of the characters in this story or the Prince of Tennis franchise.
Summary: Oshitari Kenya just might regret not staying in Tokyo that night for the rest of his days. A couple of drinks can cause you to recognize feelings you never realized were there.

Kenya had only been in town for a day before Yuushi had dropped the bomb on him. He was tired and still half asleep from waking up earlier in the morning than anticipated due to the noise coming from the downstairs of his cousin’s house. “Yuushi, what on Earth are you doing? It’s like six in the morning.”

“I have to prepare everything for tonight, Kenya.” Yuushi’s low voice answered as he continued moving around furniture.

Kenya rubbed his eyes and began making himself a cup of warm tea. “What’s happening tonight?”

Yuushi stopped all movement and looked as his dimwitted cousin. “I’ve invited a few of my friends over for a small… get together.”

“Are you telling me that you’re throwing a party.”


And just like that Kenya was running around Tokyo buying a nice outfit because his when he ask his cousin if he could visit that weekend before he began college, Yuushi never told him about the party until that very morning. Naturally he had no reason to pack nice clothes so all he had were a pair of shorts and a couple of t-shirts.

When Kenya returned from his short shopping venture, another person was standing inside the house talking to Yuushi. He was small in stature and had quite nice looking red hair. “You must be Mukahi-kun!” Kenya had put two-in-two together from information Yuushi had passed down to him through their many phone calls.

Gakuto looked at Kenya and then back to Yuushi. “Who the fuck is that.”

Kenya’s eyebrow twitched. “It’s me? Kenya. Oshitari Kenya. Yuushi’s cousins?” Gakuto stared at Kenya with his big blue eyes in confusion. “I went to the U17 camp with you guys!?”

Gakuto shrugged. “Sounds fake, but okay.”

This was going to be quite the interesting night for the blonde haired Oshitari.

As more time passed more and more people began filling the house. At first Kenya had thought that only Yuushi’s old middle school tennis team would show up, but how wrong he was. The guys from Seigaku and Rikkai that Kenya recognized from his middle school days had all shown up.

The reason Yuushi gave to explain why exactly he was throwing a party was something along the lines of “You didn’t think you were the only one leaving for college next week, did you Kenya?”

Kenya gave up after a couple of minutes and decided to enjoy the party himself. He began to drink like everyone else and sooner rather than later Kenya found himself slowly slipping into a state of drunk. This was rare for the Speed Star of Naniwa.

As the hours passed and everyone around slowly became more and more intoxicated, Kenya came up with an idea of his own. “Hey! Everyone! Gather aroooound!” He yelled loudly as he tapped a silver spoon against a cocktail bottle. “Okay, okay, okaayy. SO. I have an empty bottle and like, one time Yuushi here told me about a fun game we could play.”

“Kenya, everyone knows what the spin the bottle is. You don’t have to ex-“

Kenya slapped his hand over his cousin’s mouth hard. “Shut up. I’m trying to start a game here, Yuukun.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, so whoever wants to play has to sit in a circle on the floor and be willing to kiss a people, okay? GREAT.”

A handful of the boys sat down in the circle and took on this mysterious game of spin the bottle. This bunch included Kenya, Yuushi, Gakuto, Jirou, Hiyoshi, Sanada, Akaya, Niou, Marui Eiji, Oishi, and Fuji. A small but very drunk group.

They started the game and things got pretty interesting. Hiyoshi kissed Niou. Niou kissed Eiji. Eiji kissed Gakuto. Gakuto kissed Kenya.

And then Kenya spun the bottle. True to his Speed Star name, the bottle spun at a super high speed and everyone watched in awe spewing out random drunk thoughts as they did. Once the bottle started to slow down, everyone got quiet.

It landed on Akutagawa Jirou. The prime sleeping beauty of Hyotei Gakuen. Kenya’s drunk brain took one look at Jirou and that was where the trouble started. Something about his natural blonde locks and adorable almost-baby face amused the drunk boy. Kenya crawled over to Jirou and examined his face with every move forward. Jirou’s lips looked so kissable in that moment.

They locked lips. Of course, Jirou tasted like alcohol as much as Kenya did, but there was still something sweet about the kiss. Kenya pushed forward more and Jirou wrapped his arm around Kenya bringing the Osakan as close as he could. No one would have expected anything other than a quick kiss, but for some reason, Kenya just couldn’t have enough of Jirou.

“Get a room, oh my fucking god.” Gakuto yelled out after laying on the floor. “Stop being so gay.” He stated abruptly as he threw lose paper streamers at the two.

The two broke apart their kiss and Jirou had a blush on his face. Kenya rolled his eyes and stared at Gakuto. “Why don’t you stop fucking my cousin, kay?”

Gakuto, again, couldn’t help but laugh.

The game went on a few more rounds, but eventually the alcohol started wearing off everyone’s minds and the party started to dwindle down. The last people in the house were all from Hyotei. Shishido and Choutarou offered to help clean up, but Yuushi told them to head on home.

Kenya then observed his cousin asking Gakuto to stay for the night and lead the small redhead up to his room.

“Yuushi cannot be serious.” Kenya muttered to himself as he rubbed his temples. His hangover was already starting. A tap on the shoulder shocked Kenya as he jumped and turned around to see Jirou’s face. “Oh, hey…”

Jirou yawned pretty big before scratching the back of his head. “I was supposed to go home with Ryou or Gakuto, but as you can see Ryou is already gone and Gakuto is staying. I’m too tired to go back home, so do you think Yuushi will mind me crashing on the couch?” He asked and then layed down on the couch anyways. “Thanks.” He said softly before even allowing Kenya to answer and started to drift off to sleep.

“I don’t think Yuushi will care, but why the sofa. You can sleep with me in the guest room. That’s what it’s for and I don’t care.” Kenya asked. When he didn’t get an answer, Kenya looked down at the boy and Jirou had already fallen asleep. “Atleast your fast about it…”

Kenya picked up Jirou princes style and carried him up to the guest room. Kenya placed Jirou on the bed and turned the lights off. “Atleast you’ll be comfy.” Kenya got into the bed himself and curled into the sheets.

A few minutes into the night, Jirou somehow managed to roll over and latch himself on to Kenya in almost a cuddle. The warmth from this was quite nice, so Kenya didn’t oppose. In fact, Kenya was almost charmed by the situation. Yuushi was in his room having sex with Gakuto while Kenya was cuddling with this small cute boy from Hyotei.

It could be way worse.

The next day Kenya awoke to an empty bed and a screaming headache. He walked downstairs to see Yuushi making tea for the both of them. “Where is everyone else?”

Yuushi chuckled. “Gakuto and Jirou left already. They had to get home, but I’m sure I can convince Gakuto to bring Jirou over again soon.”

“What are you talking about, Yuushi?” Kenya questioned as he sat down beside his cousin on the bar. “Why would I care about this Jirou perso?”

Yuushi sat the mug down in front of his cousin and Kenya took a sip. “Oh, was it just a one night stand sort of thing?”

Kenya did a spit take and looked his cousin dead in the eye. “Excuse me?”

Yuushi took his glasses off his face to clean the spit and tea off of them with his shirt. “Jirou told me you two had sex. It’s kind of sad that you only want it to be a one time thing. Jirou looked pretty happy when he talked about you.”

Kenya had a million thoughts go through his mind at once. “What do you mean he told you? I don’t remember any of that!?”

Kenya’s phone buzzed and he quickly pulled it put of his pocket. It was a text from an unfamiliar number that read, “It’s Jirou! I’m not really good at this texting thing, but keep in touch, okay?” Followed by a ton of emojis.

Kenya’s eyes widened and he sighed. Jirou’s face flashed through his mind. He was so cute and Kenya liked that about him. “Did we really hook up?”

Yuushi continued laughing at his cousin. “I’m starting to wonder if you just have a thing for blondes.”

The next day Kenya began his trip back home to Osaka. The bullet train was a 3 hour ride, but very much worth it. On the way to his home, Kenya kept staring at his phone. Jirou’s number felt like it was staring back, and Kenya had the need to call.

So he did.

“Kenya! You actually called! That’s so cool of you. Yuushi said you were a hopeless effort. Can you believe that?” Jirou sounded really excited on the other side of the phone.

Kenya smiled at the sound of his voice. He just might regret leaving Tokyo that night for the rest of his days.

!fic, oshitari k, jirou, !pg-13

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