The Birthday Gift for HPLover2!

Mar 15, 2016 10:30

Title: The Birthday Gift
Author: feihu
Recipient: hplover2
Pairing/Characters: Fuji Syuusuke/Fuji Yuuta
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: PWP, A/B/O, smut, incest, implied future mpreg
Disclaimer: All characters are property of Konomi Takeshi, only the plot is mine.
Summary: Yuuta can’t resist his brother any longer, and convinces Syuusuke of the benefits of being together.
Notes: Tried to include as many likes as possible.

In the year 2015, a virus was released in Japan. It wasn’t fatal, and one third of the population was lucky enough to be immune. For the other two thirds, the story was radically different. Half of the affected population, male and females alike, experienced higher than average virility. In contrast, the other half were far more fertile than normal. It had been shocking for all involved, and despite international fears, hadn’t spread out of the country. New gender labels were put in place for the population of Japan as a result of what the virus did. The portion of the population who were immune to the effects of the virus were now labeled as betas, and for the most part they considered themselves lucky. The virile were alphas, capable of impregnating their partners, while the fertile became omegas.

A microcosm of the nation was the Fuji family of Tokyo. With three children, they encompassed all the new genders. The oldest, Yumiko, was a beta, and she was perfectly fine with that. She was in no hurry to be driven by her nature to settle down and start a family. Her younger brothers, however, defied expectations. Anyone who saw Syuusuke in passing, or saw him interacting with Yuuta, would have assumed the middle child was an omega with the youngest of the three being the alpha. That couldn’t have been farther from the truth, as anyone who actually knew Syuusuke would be happy to inform anyone who asked just how protective and ruthless the slim man was. Syuusuke was proud to be an alpha, and he was every bit as protective as the stereotypes that had sprung up almost immediately would imply. The most common subject of his protective nature was Yuuta, and that had only intensified thanks to the virus. Anyone outside of his family who paid any extra attention to the youngest Fuji got subjected to a dark glowering stare if Syuusuke was present, And heaven forbid another alpha should try to approach Yuuta, Syuusuke would only just barely hold himself back from causing grave bodily harm to them. Even Mizuki, the former teammate of his younger brother and perpetual thorn in his side got more than his usual dose of loathing, and the manipulative man was merely a beta.

For his own part, Yuuta was by no means oblivious to the way his brother had started to behave. On the one hand, he was very happy about it. Yuuta had missed Syuusuke defending him and being so protective, even if he had rebelled as hard as he could against that side of his brother in junior high. On the other hand, however, the youngest Fuji was deeply conflicted. Yes, he was a single omega, and yes, his brother was a single alpha, but that didn’t change the fact that they were brothers. Surely, any relationship that strayed outside the norm of familially acceptable was still very much a taboo, wasn’t it? Yuuta had turned to the internet and the counseling center at his university for advice on the matter, though it was really more a search for justification. In all his classes, he was around alphas who were unattached. And yet, for all that, not a one of those other alphas made him yearn the way his brother did. He never imagined any of his classmates bending him over and claiming him, let alone breeding him. That honor belonged strictly to Syuusuke, and Yuuta didn’t know how much longer he could resist the need to belong to his brother in every way. Assuming, of course, that the elder Fuji wasn’t completely and totally disgusted at the thought.

One of the downsides to being an omega, and the one that Yuuta hated the most, was going through what had been coined as a heat cycle. Every month, for no less than four days, Yuuta’s body nearly burned with the need to be fucked by an alpha. He usually locked himself in his room to ride it out, with only Yumiko daring to go near. It was hell, especially with his brother’s scent and pheromones all over the house. They only drove Yuuta even further into the madness of primal need. And, of course, his next cycle was slated to arrive just in time for Syuusuke’s birthday. As it was a leap year, the whole family would be together to celebrate it on the actual day, which scared Yuuta. Would he be able to resist offering himself up as a present for his brother with their parents home for once? He prayed he’d be able to, there was no way he could handle the shock and scorn if he caused a scene in front of the whole family.

February 29th arrived with bad news. Mr. and Mrs. Fuji were stuck overseas, their flight cancelled by a storm that was expected to last the full week. And to top it off, Yumiko’s job was sending her out of town to cover for someone at another branch for two weeks. Syuusuke did his best to smile and assure both his parents and sister that they could have their usual celebration once everyone was able to make it home, though on the inside he was crushed. He only ever got to celebrate his birthday on the proper day every four years, and this would be the first time things hadn’t gone to plan. Sighing, he resigned himself to just an evening with Yuuta. Hopefully his younger brother wouldn’t have any last minute plans.

Though he’d acted saddened that the rest of the family wouldn’t be home for his brother’s birthday, Yuuta was actually quite happy about it. He could already feel the start of his heat coming on, and his willpower in resisting his brother was completely shot. According to what he’d learned in his internet searches, children of siblings had a high chance of not experiencing any genetic or medical issues. That had been reassuring, as his relatively new omega side caused a need in him for children. And really, part of him quite liked the thought of having a family with Syuusuke. But that was an issue for another time. At the moment, he was busy making sure he could be the best present possible for his brother. Yuuta knew, from conversations that he’d overheard, that Syuusuke prefered men to women, and fancied the thought of a very male omega dressing prettily for him. Using his allowance, Yuuta had found a store that catered to male omegas, and found a silk robe that would look sexy without compromising what was left of his masculinity. Purchasing it happily, he hid the garment away where his brother wouldn’t find it.

The day had gone as normally as it could, with Yuuta making some of his brother’s favorite spicy foods for their dinner. He could tell that Syuusuke was disappointed to have not gotten a present from him, but the older man hid it behind a smile and a claim that spending time together was more than enough for him. Yuuta had blushed at that and tried his best to focus on washing up the dinner dishes without making it obvious how aroused he was. He was getting anxious for later, and promptly declared that he was going to shower as soon as the dishes were done. The look in Fuji’s eyes showed a bit of surprise, but not a hint of argument. He simply requested that he be told once the shower was free. Not fifteen minutes later, Yuuta shouted down the stairs of their home that the bathroom was open before scurrying to his room. He shut the door and leaned against it, waiting to hear the sound of the shower running before pulling out the garment he’d bought. With shaking hands, he put the silken robe on, trying not to moan at how the smooth fabric felt over his highly sensitive skin. His heat was hitting in full force, giving him courage and nervous anticipation in equal measure. Quietly, he snuck over into Syuusuke’s room and climbed into the older man’s bed.

As he entered his room, Syuusuke’s feet froze in place. He was wearing nothing but a towel, and Yuuta was in his bed. HIs younger brother’s status as an omega had been a source of great consternation for him, all his instincts were constantly driving him to claim the youngest Fuji so that no one else would ever be able to have him. It was hell to resist that and still be in his presence, but Syuusuke would go through that hell a million times over if it meant keeping his brother from ever hating him again. This situation, however, was entirely unexpected. It almost seemed like a cruel joke, and it took all he had to avoid saying that outloud. “Yuuta...what…?” He couldn’t think, not with the scent of heat starting to permeate the small space.

Slipping out of the bed, Yuuta nervously pulled at the hem of the scandalously short robe as he stepped closer to his brother. “Aniki...I want you.”

Sidestepping his brother, Syuusuke sat on his desk chair and shook his head. “That’s just your heat talking, Yuuta. You’ll regret it later.” It almost killed him to say that, but he was sure it was true.

Yuuta shook his head and knelt in front of his brother. “It’s not my heat talking. I’ve been thinking about this for months, you know. I even made sure there wouldn’t be issues when we have children. We’re both healthy, no one in either side of our family has any genetic issues, so it’s safe.” He felt like he was on fire to be so close to the alpha he wanted without being claimed and taken roughly.

Syuusuke took shallow breaths, trying to avoid losing control. Yuuta looked far better than he’d expected while kneeling like that, and the omega’s scent was quite obviously turning him on. “Then why did you wait? And why did you wait until you’re in heat to bring this up? It doesn’t really make me believe you.”

Reaching for the edge of the towel at his brother’s waist, Yuuta pulled it open to free Syuusuke’s stiffening cock. “Because I knew my heat would line up with your birthday, and I wanted to give myself to you as a present. I could have my pick of any alpha I want at school, you know.” Yuuta slowly wrapped his fingers around his brother’s length and began to stroke slowly. “But I don’t want any of them. I just want you, Aniki.”

Moaning, Syuusuke had to grit his teeth to keep his focus. “You know there’s no going back. Once you’re mine, that’s it. I will never let anyone else touch you. Ever.”

Nodding, Yuuta looked up to meet his brother’s dark blue eyes. “I know. I don’t want anyone else to touch me. I just want you.”

Syuusuke had seen Yuuta in heat before, and he knew what instinctual need looked like in the younger man’s clear grey eyes. The look he saw at that moment was far deeper and more intense, and it crumbled away the last of his control. With a strong grip, he pulled Yuuta’s hand away from his length and stood. “If you really want me, then ditch that pretty robe you’re hiding under and get on the bed.”

Yuuta scrambled to his feet, his fingers fumbling with the belt of his robe. Once it fell open, he couldn’t shrug it off fast enough. “How do you want me? On my knees?”

“No. On your back.” Syuusuke wanted to be able to see his younger brother as they fucked, and he wanted Yuuta to be able to see him, as well. He watched as Yuuta climbed on the bed and laid back, legs spread and looking oh so welcoming. The stark line of contrast just above his brother’s knees, where his tennis tan ended and pale skin continued upward, made Syuusuke lick his lips as he settled between the younger man’s legs. He didn’t waste any time making sure Yuuta was ready for him before lining up and pressing in slowly. Yuuta was in full heat, and more than welcoming for Syuusuke’s cock.

With a long moan, Yuuta wrapped his arms around his brother’s shoulders. “Aniki...oh fuck…” He’d never had anything inside of him before, he’d always been too embarrassed to use any toys to get through heats in the past. Being penetrated for the first time had Yuuta’s own length throbbing and leaking over his stomach as Syuusuke paused inside of him. He had a feeling his brother was waiting for him to adjust to the intrusion, but patience was never a virtue Yuuta had ever claimed to possess. With a soft growl, he gave Syuusuke a half-hearted glare. “Move.”

The command amused Syuusuke, but he was more than happy to comply. He’d had sex before, but not since the virus had made him into an alpha. And being buried inside of such a willing and receptive omega was not doing anything good for his staying power. Pulling nearly all the way out, Syuusuke slammed his hips forward, burying himself inside of his brother once more. The hard pace continued, with each thrust coming faster than the one before. Distantly, he was glad no one else was home with the way the headboard was hitting the wall. Beneath him, Yuuta worked to match his movements, driving him all the more wild.

All too soon, Syuusuke began to have trouble moving. Yuuta’s passage seemed tighter with every stroke, and it was getting more and more difficult to pull out and thrust back in. Knowing what was happening, Syuusuke shortened the length of his thrusts. He was knotting his brother, completing his claim on Yuuta as his and only his. Leaning down, Syuusuke kissed his brother fiercely as they rutted together, smothering any sound his omega might make.

Yuuta cried out loudly into the kiss, coming hard between their bodies as the knot in his ass rested against his prostate. He felt truly owned and claimed, and was already counting the seconds until they could go again with the few brain cells that hadn’t been shorted out by his orgasm. Breaking the kiss to gulp down air, he flexed the muscles of his ass and moaned at the fullness he could feel inside. “ big...your knot feels so good.”

Syuusuke moaned as Yuuta clenched around him, his own climax rippling through him as he spilled every last drop he could inside his brother. “Fuck,’re so tight.” He had no idea how he was going to keep from jumping his brother constantly despite who else may be home at any given time. But then again, if he got Yuuta pregnant with this heat, that would be even harder to hide. The thought of seeing his brother heavy with his child was enough to chase away Syuusuke’s worries, leaving him peppering the tan column of Yuuta’s neck with kisses. “I’ll spend your whole heat fucking you. You’ll be walking with a limp until your next heat.”

With a laugh, Yuuta held his brother tight. “You better. Let everyone know I’m off the market for good.”


!nc-17, !fic, yuuta, fuji

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