Date: Monday, Feb. 26
Rating: G
Summary: The two have a little discussion about Oishi's options for the medical field~
No resistance is allowed without them paying the price.
Oishi knew he'd never be able to forget what had happened in the weeks he, Kaidoh, and Hirakoba spent in the lab. He never really believed the false illusion that forgetfulness would give, since he still had nightmares about the events that took place there, before he and the others left...
If you leave or fail, they will suffer the consequences. You know we could poison them without you there to neutralize the substance, or subject them to risky experiments that could kill them….
Even though the three boys were highly-prized lab rats, and it was logical that the doctors would think more than twice before applying unnecessary punishment, having such words repeated all over and nonstop was bound to affect someone who valued life so highly and wanted so deeply to protect those he loved.
None of them will die if you help us, Oishi. Please stay true to our guidelines and they will be fine.
And he did. He complied with their demands without question, believing he would protect Kaidoh and Hirakoba by doing so.
You can keep them safe and alive, Oishi. Their lives and deaths are partially in your hands.
Or maybe he complied with them just to keep his conscience quiet. After all, he failed to protect his friends, and especially his estranged boyfriend and the sister who would soon become a Ryuhana student.
After dabbling in such thoughts for some time after class, Oishi looked at his hands. He now kept them hidden behind leather gloves, ones that had belonged to his uncle. However, now that he thought of it... One of his new teachers had been in contact with his deceased relative and mentor before his death. And if Oishi Akitaka had placed trust in that person, maybe he could help him before Oishi took off to work with Mariko-sensei and her colleagues in their clinic.
Biting the inside of his lip, Oishi said goodbye to his school friends and began searching the halls adjacent to the school library, looking for one Inui Sadaharu.
It just so happened that right about now, classes were ending and students were filing out, chattering amongst themselves. As his classroom emptied, Inui finished packing his things into his briefcase and he set out as well, stepping out into the hallway. After a moment of deliberating, the scientist decided that he was not as hungry as he thought he was, and that there would be time later to have a little something to eat. At that, he turned and strode down the hallway, heading for his office, passing a lingering student.
Bingo. It looked like Oishi was lucky, for he had found the person he was intending to talk to within five minutes of search. So, he extended a gloved hand and tapped his teacher's shoulder, calling to him.
"Inui-sensei... May you grant me a bit of you time, please?"
The teacher felt a light tap and immediately halted in his tracks. He glanced over at Oishi, brow rising. "Ah, yes. Oishi-kun, was it? I was just heading to my office. How may I be of assistance?" he asked with a polite nod.
"Yes, it's me."
For a second, Oishi felt like running away from the man he was standing right in front of, a rush of uncertainty rushing through him. But he pushed the fear away; it wasn't like him to run away.
"Inui-sensei," he added, steeling himself, "you said you not only knew my uncle, but that you could offer me some counseling about my future. I'm sure you might have an idea of what I could do in the next months as I settle myself in the Outside World without tripping over my own feet, so to speak."
Inui stared at the younger man before him. Oishi Syuichirou-- nephew of the late Oishi Akitaka. Mutant abilities including accelerating the healing process of others, as well as some sort of energy drain that one of his colleagues had the misfortune to experience. He was useful during his time spent at the lab, as Rin and... Kaidoh, was it? As Rin and Kaidoh's abilities were suppressed, and thus, needed someone to heal them.
The scientist smiled at his student. "Why don't we go to my office? We can discuss your options there." Nodding to Oishi, he led the way to his office which was still bare but livable.
"As you wish." He followed Inui, trying to recall any other possible encounters that happened before they spoke through the journals - apart from the one during Uncle Akitaka’s wake, of course.
Ah, yes... Oishi remembered that. After his uncle decided to stop teaching at the university and work full-time at the public hospital until his death, a group of students came to their house to bid him farewell, and Inui was among them.
Inui said something about making himself comfy, and Oishi came back from his thoughts. He quietly sat in a chair in front of Inui's desk and waited for the other to settle himself in before speaking.
"Sensei," he said, "as I've told you, I already have job offers outside of Ryuhana, thanks to my skills as a healer. I had considered taking them but due to...," he struggled with the words, his thoughts now replaced by memories of his time at the labs. His eyes were fixated on his gloved hands. "…due to some problems with my powers, I'm hesitant to accept now. It might be more trouble than it's worth, but I still want to see if taking the job is actually an option."
Inui sat himself down behind his desk and folded his hands before him as he listened to Oishi attentively. When Oishi's eyes lowered, so did the scientist's, and he started to understand what Oishi was getting at. However, as he was playing a teacher who did not know anything about Oishi previously, he had a few questions that needed answering.
"If I remember correctly, you mentioned that your mutant abilities consist of healing others, am I correct? So then what are these problems you're speaking about?"
"Some power-ups that came in recently," Oishi said and he looked up, forcing himself to look into the other's sharp eyes that seemed to pierce him with a single glance, and for that same reason scared his sister so many years ago. "Healing used to be my main skill, yes, but now my abilities include poison neutralizing and energy draining."
He sighed, then slowly started speaking again. "The circumstances causing such upgrades were not among the most pleasing, as you might have heard, so I fear I may have some degree of psychological block regarding control. However, I don’t want such things robbing me of my long-cherished dream, Inui-sensei…."
"Psychological block? Would you care to explain that further? Such as, do you have to be in a certain state of mind for those abilities to manifest?" Inui asked as he stared back at Oishi. "Poison neutralizing would not be detrimental to your future patients... on the contrary, it would be very beneficial. But I suppose in order to use them, you would still need control over them in order to be effective."
Oishi thought that if he wanted Inui to help him, he'd have to speak about ‘those days’ after all. "I only had healing powers for a few years, but my other abilities were developed forcefully and under extreme pressure. Or so to speak, under torture. That had altered my emotional stability, which is vital to control energy-based powers like these. Especially when they affect other people's bodies and health. This is why I've come to ask for your counseling, Inui-sensei; I need a second opinion on what I could do to regain my hold on my powers before I leave."
Inui wouldn't have called it torture per say, but that sounded about right. It was important to keep Oishi under such pressure, to keep him under control-- his abilities were not destructive and if it were not for that healing ability, he would've been a rather normal human. As such, keeping a collar on him wouldn't have been very effective. And though it was highly likely that Oishi would've healed his friends' wounds on his own, it was good to keep a degree of control over him.
"I'm very sorry for what happened to you," Inui sympathized, pulling the corner of his lip down in a frown. "But may I assume that this emotional instability is related to your confidence in using your abilities? You're afraid of hurting others.
"... I am," Oishi replied after a few moments of silence, trying to find the adequate words. "I had escaped such treatment and freed my friends after almost killing one of the doctors with my draining energy, which I don't know how to really control. I'm afraid of having it coming out when I need the healing or detoxifying ones, since it looks like it's a sort-of backlash after all I went through."
"I see," he nodded. "Your worries are justified." Inui paused for a moment. "It seems your state of mind is the most imporant factor in controlling this new offensive ability. I imagine that you were either frightened or angry... or even both, when they manifested? In any case, if you're worried about their effects on your future patients, the next logical step would be to use what time you have left here to improve your control, to learn how to focus the right emotions with the right ability. You must not be distracted when you use them."
"... I see..." Oishi repeated the words the others own words without noticing, and he closed his eyes. Yes, he was entitled to angst and he was worried about his current situation (first serious boyfriend he ever had was out of reach, his emotions were rather screwed after getting out of that lab, new powers had just come out), but there was a limit to such negative feelings. And as both a future medical doctor and a mutant whose powers were fueled by his emotions, he couldn't afford to let himself lose it.
"I understand, Inui-sensei." He opened his green eyes, staring into Inui's own. "I will ask my future boss for help, and the same will go to the current medical staff in Ryuhana... Can't let such things beat me in any way."
Inui smiled faintly. "No, you mustn't. But if you have the determination to control your abilities, I have confidence that they won't be a problem in the future." His smile grew warmer. "As Oishi-sensei's nephew, I have no doubt you'll be a superb doctor. Just the fact that you're concerned about your patients in the future speaks wonders for itself. Please, do your best."
Oishi nodded, biting the inside of his lip (ah, that small quirk had become such a habit for him)...
"Thanks for reassuring me," he said to the older man, but somehow his voice didn't sound as clear as he wanted it to. An inner voice, one so quiet that it took him a while to realize its presence, was telling him something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what or why... But Oishi didn't say anything openly about it. Better keep it inside for now.
"I must go, though. It's time for lunch and my senior friends are most likely waiting for me in the cafeteria..."
He bowed quickly after getting up from his chair, trying to smile at Inui before leaving. "Thank you again, Inui-sensei."
"It was my pleasure to help," Inui replied with a nod as he watched Oishi leave. Once the other was gone, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his PDA, pushing a button to stop the recording process.