Who: Niou and Kirihara
What: Just talking
When: a few weeks back
Why: Because Kirihara wanted to stay.
Niou jingled the change he had left in his pocket, fingers wrapping around the pack of cigarettes there. He pulled it out, removing a cigarette from the fresh pack he’d bought shortly before, thanks to the money his parents had provided him, on the pretext that he was starving and in desperate need of food. Niou loved it when he could fool his parents and convince them to give him money for food he never did buy. It never failed, and it never would, even if he came begging for dinner the following day and raided the fridge on a weekly basis, stealing all he could from the chilly depths. ‘My cooking never tastes as good as Mom’s does,’ was his constant excuse, and it worked well, being a partial truth: no cooking was as good as his mothers.
The cigarette pack was replaced, replacing the pack for a lighter, with which he used to light the slim stick between his lips and even that was replaced in his pocket, leaving his fingers free to pluck the cigarette from between his lips and exhale smoke. It felt good to have nicotine in his system again.
The walk back to his apartment from the small liquor store where he regularly bought his cigarettes as an easy walk, taking him past various merchants hawking their wares still, so late in the evening, to the degenerate youths that roamed the city, and inevitable, the scents of the food being cooked in the small carts would waft to Niou’s nose. If he wasn’t hungry, it was nothing - he could pass right by without being tempted. But on nights when he was hungry, it was far too appealing to stop - and he seemed to be hungry that night. Passing one of the usual vendors, Niou paused, remembering the kid in his apartment and with his own stomach rumbling, food looked too appealing to pass up. Before he realized it, the money left in his pockets was being traded in for two bowls of ramen, and Niou was left carrying it back to the tiny apartment he called home, that had been invaded by a sixteen year old kid.
Kirihara had been bored all day while Niou went out to do whatever. He had decided that he didn’t want to go to school that day and who could really force him other then Niou who probably didn’t care what he did. Kirihara had spent the day lazing around and surfing the net. When it started to get late Kirihara had took the time to clean up the dirty parts of the apartment. He would have to take another day of school off so he could get some of his things and add it to the apartment so he would have some clothes to change into instead of wearing Niou’s. He was curious though if he asked Niou would the other boy let him stay or just tell him to finally go home. These thoughts were circling Kirihara’s mind when he heard the door. He quickly turned around from where he was and bounded for the door snatching the food away from Niou sniffing at it. “Mmmm it smells wonderful Niou. I’m starving!” He exclaimed smirking at him and setting it down on the table. “Niou I was thinking… tomorrow I go grocery shopping.” Kirihara said not able to say that he was going to bring his clothes there just yet. “You don’t have anything in there… and I’m a good cook so I can cook for you.” Kirihara told him feeling almost bouncy. That was good, he didn’t want to change his moods, he didn’t want to hear the voices right now.
Niou looked at the kid when he walked in, about to speak, only to have the food ripped from his hands. “Hi, nice to see you too Akaya, my, what an interesting day you had, I want to hear all about it. And why, sure, I’ll share my day with you, I know you are just so interested in hearing about it,” Niou rambled to the air over Kirihara’s voice, removing his jacket, tossing it over the back one of the only two chairs in the apartment and pulling the pack of cigarettes and his lighter from his pocket, to set them down on the table. Niou dropped into the chair he had just recently placed his jacket on, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table and reached for one of the bowls of ramen and a set of chopsticks.
“I don’t care if you wanna go grocery shopping,” Niou told him. “I ain’t got anything in here, so it could be good.” Niou paused for a moment to shoot Kirihara a glance. “Is there anything to drink, tea or coffee or soda or even juice?” he asked abruptly. “I spent my last yen on the ramen and didn’t think of getting anything to drink. And speaking of that, I ain’t got any money to pitch in for food, so I hope you have some money, kid.” Niou brought the noodles to his mouth, chewing quietly for a moment and then looked up at Kirihara once again.
“Are you sure you can cook? You aren’t gonna burn my apartment down, are you?” he asked the black-haired boy, setting his chopsticks down and pushing his silver hair out of his eyes. “And don’t you like, have school or some shit that you should be doing? School’s kinda important, you know, even if most shit you can learn outside of school.”
Kirihara went into the kitchen and started to heat up the water to make tea. "We have a few tea bags for tea...." He said softly and shrugged his shoulders while watching him from the kitchen area. "I told you when I first came here that I had money. My clan left it all to me...." Kirihara muttered his eyes going cloudy for a moment. Kirihara shook his head to clear his thoughts. "So I can handle the food for us. And yes I have school Niou...but you know I'll go back after tomorrow. I need to get my things from my apartment so I can move in with you." He said absently.
When the water was done he made his way with the cups and teabags to the table and sat them down sitting across from him making a face at him. "This place is boring when you're out all day..."
Niou glanced up as Kirihara wandered into the kitchen, laughing to himself about how comfortable the boy was in his apartment, already, and how well he knew his way around, even after only a few days. He returned his attention to his food after a minute, slurping up the noodles as he listened to the boy talk. “I don’t need your money, kid,” Niou said, shaking his head to get his bans out of his eyes. “You can pay for the food, but that’s all I’d let you pay for. I really should get another job,” he murmured to himself, thoughts trailing off, only to be brought back to reality sharply with Kirihara’s words, laughing at himself. “You’re not only gonna go shopping tomorrow, huh? Planning on moving in permanently?” Niou shook his head. “Feel free to do whatever you want, Akaya, as long as you don’t mind to continue sharing the futon or living in a one room apartment.”
Niou set down his bowl and chopsticks, reaching for the cup and placing a teabag in it, pouring hot water in a moment later. “You act as if it is my job to entertain you all the time,” he teased, reaching over to mess up Kirihara’s hair. “I told you, go to school or something. You won’t be here and bored, all by yourself. I do have to go to classes, you know.” Of course, Niou rarely did go to class, instead choosing to spend his afternoons roaming, but he wasn’t going to mention that. He needed to set something of a good example.
"I hate living alone...you're nice..." Kirihara muttered. "Alright fine I’ll go to class so I won't be bored...." He made a face at him. "Wait...don't treat me like a kid Niou." Kirihara snapped at him and then proceeded to ignore him eating his ramen as he sulked in silence. He hated when Niou treated him like a kid it bothered him, he didn't understand but it did. Kirihara had spent so much time alone and the fact that someone thought of him as a kid after that he hated it.
"And...I don't mind sharing the futon with you or the apartment..." He said softly finally after eating. He reached out and put a teabag in his cup and poured the water over it watching Niou closely. "What's wrong with trying to entertain me? I entertain you plenty....or at least you always seem amused by me..." He said frowning and turning his head away again setting the water down.
“I treat you like a kid ‘cause you are one, Akaya,” Niou told him, not even bothering to bite back a laugh at how easily it was to provoke Kirihara and make the other boy sulk. Niou sipped at his tea, lips curling into a grin as he kept his eyes on Kirihara. “You’re still young, still in school, and you’re fun to tease. That’s why you’re so amusing. Stop blushing so prettily and looking so cute when sulking and maybe I’ll stop. But don’t take my words too seriously.”
Niou set down his cup and stood, stretching his limbs, arms rising over his head and causing his shirt to rise up, showing off his toned stomach. “You sure you don’t mind sleeping on a futon? Or sharing a one room apartment? From the way you talk, you must have had a pretty nice place to live in before you decided to crash over here.” Niou picked up the trash from the low table, carrying it into the kitchen to throw it away before he ended up just leaving it on the table, adding to the mess that was his apartment usually.
"The way I talk?" Kirihara asked curiously watching him for a long moment and shaking his head. "No it was smaller then this. I was busy going to school and it was just me I didn't want to waste the money I had if it was just me. But now I won't be alone and I don’t mind if it's one bed and one room. It's good enough for me." Kirihara told him before finishing of his tea.
"I am not pretty or cute or anything that could be associated with a female. I'm a male Niou...that's all there is to it." He stood up taking his things to the trash and pushed against Niou's chest. "I can't believe you’re stronger then me. It’s not fair..." He said sulking. Kirihara had always prided himself in being strong and maybe surviving...if you could what he did surviving...but still.
“Well, then you’re used to small spaces.” Niou shrugged. “I was sure you lived in some huge, up-scale apartment and were not used to this place,” he teased. “But if you had an apartment that was even smaller, you wouldn’t mind it too much.”
“But you’re cute little Akaya-chan. I know you’re not a girl, if you were I’d have had you bed by now. As it is, I’m just waiting,” Niou teased. Niou reached out to grab Kirihara’s hand when the boy pushed against his chest, trapping his hand against his chest, laughing at his expression. “Why isn’t it fair that I’m stronger than you?” Niou asked. “I am older, aren’t I? Been around for longer, it makes sense. You’re still growing, kid; you’ll probably catch up soon. And hey, are you really dangerous when you turn into a crow and likely to bite people? ‘Cause really, I don’t want to be a were-anything, I like being human. Mage is more than enough to deal with. If you’re dangerous, I’ll just make sure to avoid you or something during the full moon.”
"Just...just waiting for what?" Kirihara demanded. "You mean you don't just sleep with women?" He asked curiously. Kirihara jerked his hand free and pulled away from Niou. "I'm not a danger to anyone that I know thank you very much." He snapped and went back to sulking at the idea of hurting the one person who took him in and even let him stay with him, without really knowing who he was at all.
“Until you get settled in here,” Niou deadpanned, his expression serious for a moment, before laughing. “I’m kidding. Unless you have no objections and in that case, I won’t wait for much longer.” Niou turned away, walking back into the main room that made up the apartment, dropping down to the futon situated in front of the doors leading to the balcony. “And of course I don’t just sleep with women. How boring would that be?” Niou looked at Kirihara from across the room. “Why? Do you only sleep with women?” he asked.
"But...how do you sleep with both?" Kirihara asked curiously walking over to the futon and sitting down on it. He looked over at him sitting close to the edge so he didn't disturb him not ready to lay down just yet. "Well...no...I've been to busy to actually sleep with anyone but I know I don't like women...my taste runs towards guys..." He said frowning and turning away so he didn't have to see what Niou thought of that. It didn't really matter thought did it? Niou slept with both why should he care if he only slept with guys...or would if he had the time.
Niou shrugged, shifting on the futon to rest his head on Kirihara’s lap. “It’s pretty easy, especially if you’re not sleeping with them at the same time.” Niou grinned up at him. “Although, that is fun.” Niou reached up to pat Kirihara’s cheek, chuckling at him. “It’s just a matter of preference and I can’t pick which I like more. There’s nothing wrong with liking either, as far as I see it. Sex is sex, and it’s mighty fun.” Moving his hand from Kirihara’s cheek, Niou wrapped a strand of Kirihara’s curly hair around his finger. “You really should never be too busy to enjoy yourself. It gets boring other wise.”
Kirihara was silent letting his fingers move through Niou's hair. "I think guys would be better..." Kirihara admitted. "Girls just seem so annoying some time..." Kirihara told him. He stared away for a long moment before looking back to him. "I've been trying to survive..."
Niou closed his eyes as Kirihara played with his hair, nearly purring from the feeling it caused. “Women can be annoying, but then so can some men. It depends on how you look at it and who you’re talking to. I haven’t dated in a while, though. I think I might have forgotten what it’s like.” Niou grinned and laughed, his laughter changing into a yawn fairly quickly. “Survival doesn’t mean anything if you’re not enjoying yourself, at least a little. You’ve got to have some reason to get up in the morning and want to survive.”
Kirihara sighed softly watching the boy in his lap. "You're right...I know you're right..." He said softly and bit his bottom lip. "But you know...I haven't found it yet. The reason I want to survive...do you think I’ll find it..." He asked curiously a small frown on his lips.
“’Course you’ll find it. Everyone does eventually. You might already have it, just gotta open your eyes and look,” Niou said, yawning again and abruptly sitting up, pulling his shirt over his head. “I’m ready to sleep, Akaya-chan, but don’t feel that you have to sleep now just for my sake.” With his words, Niou pushed himself off the futon, hands going to the fly of his pants so he could shed those as well, kicking them across the floor. He returned to the mattress, looking at Kirihara again. “Do you need help shopping and getting your things tomorrow?”
"It would be a lot easier if I had help...but you don't have to. You have your classes to go to." Kirihara told him softly. "I...you know would you mind helping me Niou? I would really like for you to help." He smiled up at him and stood up undressing as well staying in his boxers. He prepared the bed for them and waited before climbing into the bed and in the end he ended up snuggling against the other boy closing his eyes as he let an arm slip around him.
“Kid, I don’t actually go to my classes,” Niou mumbled. “Did you think I actually did?” Niou opened his eyes, looking at Kirihara with a sheepish smile. “Well, I go enough to get credit for my classes and to make sure my professors remember me, but that’s about it. But still, you should go to class.” Niou yawned for the third time, closing his eyes once again and curling closer to Kirihara. “Sure I’ll help you tomorrow. It’ll be easier than doing it by yourself.”
"How can you tell me I need to go if you don't go?" Kirihara demanded softly but closed his eyes snuggling into Niou and starting to drift off. "Thank you...."
“I’m older. Out of high school, so it doesn’t matter as much. You gotta graduate, kid, then you can slack off like me.” Niou could already feel himself starting to drift off, sleep overtaking him before he knew it.