Name: Lindi
Nickname: Momo-chan
Age: 16 (17 soon x_x)
Likes: Sleeping, (listening to)music, basketball, tennis, badminton, baking cakes♥, computer, cellphones, blogging, SLEEPING♥, eating♥, ice skating, sports in general...OMG AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, SHIROTA YUU♥
Dislikes: PHYSICS AND MATHS. URGGHHHHHH. *extreme hate* (Sorry to those who like physics and maths >_<)
Hobbies: I like to SIIINGGG. Playing basketball and tennis, surfing the net, watching anime, reading...LAUGHING!
Talents: Does procrastination count as a talent? Cause I'm really good at that :D
Goals: There's this certain university I wanna get into so I'm working towards that :D
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: I think it would be...the fact that I'm always laughing, well smiling anyway. It's a good quality because it makes you as well as others happy. It's also rewarding to see someone smile back at you when you smile at them. Also, once I laugh, the whole group of us (my friends) start laughing. It also exercises your abs XD
Your worst? Why?: I'm a BIGGG BIGGG procrastinator. Eg: There's a project I have to do and I need to hand it in in say...a week? I know I should start on it as soon as possible, but i don't. I procrastinate until the very last minute! Riushing the work makes me stressed and when I'm stressed, it's not good.
What's your favorite quote? Why?: I don't have one O:
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: My height? I'd like to be a bit taller >_<"
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: Make better use of the limited land we have to grow food instead of using it to build McDONALD'S CARPARKS! If we did that, we wouldn't be scared of famines because famines wouldn't exist!
Why do you like the anime/manga Prince of Tennis?: I like sports anime and PoT is, a sports anime! Also because of the hot guys..*SQUEE* :D
Who is your favorite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Well, you see, it's a tie between Atobe and Tezuka. But I think I'll go with Atobe. Why? because of his dazzling good looks! *SQUEE* (Sorry, fangirling >_<) and he's confident in himself (yes, yes, a bit over confident and egoistic but...I can't resist him >_<)
Who is your least favorite character? Why?: I don't like Akutsu. He pisses me off because he just does >:(
What's your favorite pairing? Why?: Er, CanonxOC. I don't like yaoi, sorry :(
What's your least favorite pairing? Why?: Yaoi pairings. Because, it's cuter when hot guys date girls...
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: ATOBE! because I absolutely adore him and love him to bits. Enough said. HEE.
How did you find this community?: Through
cute_ballerina 's profile O:
Anything else?: Nopes. :D