Mar 16, 2008 18:15

The Three People You Voted On:
1# http://community.livejournal.com/tenipuri_rating/223648.html#cutid1
2# http://community.livejournal.com/tenipuri_rating/228455.html?view=3180903#t3180903
and your character stamping link: SANADA
Name: Selene
Nickname(s): Sele, Fluf, fluffy
Likes: Chocolate, my friends, reading, books, music, manga, my dog, summer, playing the violin, shopping, video games, dancing, musical, love, violet, flowers
Dislikes: School, horror movies, rude people, school, discrimination, spiders, liars, bugs, seafood, fighting
Strong points: I am creative, determinated, friendly
Weak points: impulsive, moody
(Please explain your answers)
1) What is your opinion on tennis? it's fun to watch! I'm not good at tennis, but would like to learn

2) What mood are you usually in? happy

3) What is your strongest personality trait? I am very optmistic

4) What are your talents? dancing, playing the violin

5) What are some of the things that make you uncomfortable? I get nervous when I have to speak publicly infront of lots of people

6) Would you rather work in a group or alone? I love working in groups, mostly if  if I know the people well, I would feel a bit uncomfortable if they are all strangers

7) How long does it take for someone to gain your trust? Pretty quickly

8) If someone was to wake you up early in the morning for no real good reason, how would you react? probably kill him and go back to sleep

9) If you were tennis player...
a) Would you rather be a doubles player? or a singles player? I think I would enjoy doubles the most
b) What play style do you think would work for you? I really don't know, because i've never played tennis before... maybe All-Rounder

10) What team from PoT...
a) do you think you'd be on? Rokkaku or Fudomine maybe
b) would you want to be on? Hyotei maybe? it's my favorite team but I'm not sure I would get along well with them
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