Title: Hanakotoba
Rating: G
Characters: Rikkai ensemble, several minor guest visitors
Summary: Post-graduation Rikkai, Marui-centric
Word Count: ~11,000 +/- 500
Notes: Sometimes, when I’m in an art slump, I like to pretend I know how to write and pick up something I started a while back. This particular work is almost exactly two years old. I just wanted to get out all the ideas that I’ve kept in my head for so long, so I would appreciate if you’d pardon the inaccuracies, contradictions, and messy style, pretend everyone’s perfectly in character, and try to find something worth praising and give me a needed ego-boost :’D Haha.
Have you ever had a project you were so excited to start, worked on it a bit, lost interest, and then just finished for the sake of finishing? Yeah.
[ Redirected to my journal~ ]