Title: Birthday Week
fencer_xPairing: Tsujimoto Yuuki x Takasaki Shouta
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Tsujimoto and Shouta discuss birthdays, darts, and how long one week is depending on what's waiting at the end of it.
'Tsuji-kun's getting good~ A little more practice and you'll have enough points to level-up.' )
Comments 5
Thinking of writing a sequel? I could see some funny instances involving Baba-chan if he's going to be used as an on-purpose cock-block, as it were. XD;;;
now I need an icon of cockblock!Baba XD
Sorry. I looked for a cockblock-y picture of the Golden Trio for you in their blogs and couldn't find anything but adorableness. Adorableness and kittens.
Just so very awesome, loved this <3
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