Name: Natalie
Nickname: Tilly. I'm so used to being called Tilly that sometimes I don't actually respond to Natalie.
Age: 24
Height: 5 ft 4, or thereabouts. I think I'm actually a shade shorter but as my mother doesn't even break 5 foot, I'd say I've done pretty well!
Likes: Ooooh. Cheesy 80's music, my friends, dancing with my friends to cheesy 80's music. Baking - cupcakes are my specialty. And booze :D
Dislikes: THE TOWN I LIVE IN. There's nothing to do here (except apply to ratings communities)! People who are arrogant without the skills to back it up. WHEN PEOPLE CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTHS OPEN, oh my god it makes me physically uncomfortable.
Hobbies: basically the same as my likes. I also love videogames and play guitar (poorly), but not as often as I should because I like bass better but can't afford a new one. Singing, loudly and off-key. :B
Strong Points: I'm ferociously loyal and very protective of my friends and family. I like to think I have a good sense of humor! I'm very good at mixing drinks, does that count?
Weak Points: I lose my temper really easily over certain hot buttons I have and tend to take negative things quite personally. I procrastinate a lot too. If there's something I HAVE to do and three things I WANT to do... yeah, that first thing's not getting done. I get carried away quite easily.
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I'm perfectly capable of doing my own thing, but when there are other people involved I'd rather go with what everyone wants.
Mature or Immature?: Uh, probably immature. I obsess easily and like I said, I take stuff personally. I'm 24 and therefore a GROWNUP and I still don't know what I want to do with my life! I'm not a brat, though. Usually.
Impulse or Thinking?: Impulsive. I tend to get grand ideas, commit myself, and then go uh-oh, how am I going to pull this off?
Outgoing or Shy?: I'm a bit on the fence with this one. I'm outwardly friendly and cheerful, but I'm really quite guarded about my personal life.
Energy level; high, medium, low: This is entirely dependant on whether I WANT to be doing whatever it is. If I consider it a chore I will be very lazy, but I'm high-energy with anything I consider fun.
Clothing tastes: Uh, I tend to take fairly classic pieces and then ruin the look with goofy accessorizing. My taste for unusual shoes is well known at work. If I'm wearing a pretty dress, I'll put my leather bomber jacket on over it or something. It's a mess, quite frankly ^_^;
Favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Araki. His Inui cracks me up, and OH MY GOD he's beautiful. Also Shirota because he's SUCH A DORK and that just owns my heart.
Least favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Oh, it's really hard to choose! This is such a mean question! Yanagi, based on the technical aspects only, because his singing and dancing is kind of a mess, but he's still adorable.
Favorite Myu; and why?: DL3. It's the first I saw because it was recommended, and they'll always have a special place in my heart for that ♥
Favorite team; and why?: Oh oh oh. I kind of want to say Hyotei because their sheer arrogance is amusing, and I also have a soft spot for Fudomine, but Seigaku have to be my favourites. Their bonds make me all starry-eyed.
What is your opinion on tennis?: I have a lot of respect for people who play it well, but I'm more a team sports person myself.
What made you start watching the Myus?: *sighs* I got sick of the fact that I never knew what the hell Vee was talking about. No, honestly? CUTE BOYS. Who's that tall guy? That boy's hips are out of control! OMG, that boy is the prettiest girl I've ever seen! etc etc.
Anything else?: I'm still pretty new at this, heh. BE GENTLE. I hope we're allowed to vote before we're stamped because... I'm gonna.
Pictures [or description!]: Me and... my bathroom window. XD That's a wig, by the way, it's just the most recent photo I have. My real hair is a dark brown bob that's about 6 inches longer on the left side than the right, and has bleached streaks running through the long side.