Ichinen Trio!

Sep 24, 2007 11:06

Name: Veronica (eerrrrm...I always go by my nickname. XP)
Nickname: Vee
Age: 26 (*gasp* I'm old!)
Height: 5'6''
Likes: Making people laugh, writing, dancing, music, inspiring others, being a total dork, red bean cakes, and pretending I'm a pop idol. >__>
Dislikes: Uncomfortable silences, not being able to cheer people up, peas, my occasional emo moods.
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, writing (well, editing at this point), and distracting myself and others with ridiculousness in whatever ways I can.
Strong Points: Apparently I'm fun and random, I am an extremely devoted friend (try shaking me!), and I have this other-worldly and unrealistic sense of optimism (I bounce back easily) and determination. My wit can either be a strong point or a weak point depending of how I wield it and what end you're on. :X
Weak Points: I'm a sentimental FOOL and can't let go of the past. I also tend not to start things I finish. >__> I spread myself too thin, friendship-wise, making it hard to keep up when I need to be supportive. I am too often swayed by the emotions of others. :(

Leader or Follower?: I've been a leader since I could speak. I guess I just don't feel...comfortable...in the background? Also, if everyone's milling around and being indecisive I'm putting my foot down so we can just decide on which stupid restaurant we're eating at. This decision ALWAYS falls to me, augh.
Mature or Immature?: An incomprehensible mixture of the two. Given my age and circumstances I have to be mature and face reality, but I'm totally not done growing up yet, hence why I dance around my house singing Otsuka Ai songs at the top of my lungs and wear spangled heart earrings to my corporate job. (Did I just confuse dorkery with immaturity? All told, I think I'm pretty mature...)
Impulse or Thinking?: Usually, just for the sake of adventure and inspiration, I'll be all like "YES! LET'S DO ____!" ...then I'll be the one to sit back and go through the logistics and go "....oh no, what have I done!? ;____;" My impulsiveness gets me into trouble by the time I sit back and think about it. Luckily I have friends to pull me through the "practical" portion of things.
Outgoing or Shy?: *LAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGHS* I don't think anyone who knows me, or has ever known me, would say I was shy. If there's a spotlight, metaphorically or literally, I'm going to try and hog it.
Energy level; high, medium, low: PHYSICAL energy level stays pretty consistently medium, but MENTAL energy level is always running on 11 (it goes all the way up to 11, see).
Clothing tastes: Does the fact that I "squee"d when I read this question say much? I'm...um...eclectic. I adore clothes and will often buy things I'll never end up wearing. Almost always at thrift stores. OK. OK. OK. This whole thing is tl;dr already. Let's just say, you know those outfits most people look at and go "...who would wear that?" *points frantically at self* I'M THAT GIRL. 0__o

Favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: I first fell in love with Shirotan, so I suppose it has to be him. For the fact that he's a complete dork (I have a weak spot for fellow dorks). It doesn't hurt that he plays Tezuka. Second choice would be Kazuki, because....does anyone need a REASON to love Kazuki? Seriously. Pimp.
Least favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Awww, geez! This isn't fair. >__> I suppose, maybe, any of the cast we never got to know well enough. Ohhhh, cheap answer!
Favorite Myu; and why?: Dream Live 3rd. Because not only do the graduations always tug at my heartstrings, but also, it completely solidified my love for the Hyotei Regulars. Also! I love the solidarity and bond amongst the cast which comes shining through even onstage. ;__;
Favorite team; and why?: HYOTEI. No offense to Seigaku or Rikkai Dai or Fudomine or Rokkaku or ANY other school (<3), but Hyotei really tears everyone up when it comes to the myus.

What is your opinion on tennis?: I have a great respect for the sport and the people who play it, my god. I actually played for some time in high school and into my early twenties. I never really was that good because other things always got in the way. I always want to start playing again but I unfortunately live in a town where my only potential team-mates are rich housewives with nannies. D:
What made you start watching the Myus?: 1) Got into Tenipuri. 2) Became a Tezuka fangirl. 3) Saw picture of Shirota Yuu. 4) Saw clip of Atobe and Tezuka up in each others' faces, being played by two extremely pretty and talented men. 5) *...brain broke somewhere in this area...* 6) PROFIT!

Anything else?: Sorry for all the TL;DR. I used to run a stamping community and my fellow mods and I used to punch everyone with the "EXPLAIN MOAR!!!" hammer alla time. I hope you guys enjoyed the novel.

Pictures [or description!]?:

OMG bathroom mirror MySpace pose! Last winter.

A more recent pic. Still just as much of a nerd.

wada masato, stamped

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