Name: Chanel Huang
Nickname: Fenrisen, Fenny, FenFen, Kura (The weirdest nicknames =D)
Age: 13 8D and it's awesome! :3
Height: 157cm I think xD
Likes: Tenipurimyu :D :D :D, candy!, drawing, dogs, MIIIILK<3, sleep, NewS xD
Dislikes: Pink D< and fizzy drinks(coke, sprite, 7-up etc xD)
Hobbies: tennis, sit infront of the computer 8D, singing 8D, uh billiards!(My cousin taught me xD)
Strong Points: Good memory! =D, able to convince people into stuff somehow xD
Weak Points: Noisy and Loud(noisy and loud if i have people to talk to OOOR i am bored xD ) and annoying(sometimes) xD
Leader or Follower?: Follower probably. I don't like being a leader xDD *can't make decisions* But my friends say I should be a leader xD
Mature or Immature?: Immature :D :D
Impulse or Thinking?: I think a bit of both? Depends on the situation xDD mainly impluse though xD
Outgoing or Shy?: When you first meet me, i'm shy but then after that I'm seriously different xD
Energy level; high, medium, low: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH~ 8D -If you mean it in the way I see it xDDD-
Clothing tastes: Something comfortable andandand no pink but any other color is okay D< uh and usually stuff that don't reveal much 8D *longsleeve'dandlongpants'd unless it's a skirt xD*
Favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: KAMAKARI KENTAAAAA~ Because he is awesome and has a good voice and is good looking and is super awesome and is <3 and is AWESOME! -Did I say that he was awesome?-
Least favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Ugh. So hard >< I like them all! D<
Favorite Myu; and why?: RIKKAIMYU! Because I get to see Niou :D :D :D
Favorite team; and why?: RIKKAI FTW! >:U because its awesome and made outta hot guys because there is Niou andandand Masa and Baba and its awesome strongness and yeah xD
What is your opinion on tennis?: Its fun and it WINS! C: I like doubles better than singles though xDD
What made you start watching the Myus?: My aunt who lives in an awesome place called Japan who took would've taken me to one of them but then I was LEAVING on that day DDD< and the anime Prince of Tennis which she also intro'd me xD
Anything else?: Masa! >3<
Pictures [or description!]? [under lj-cut please]: Uh.
I think I was sleepy at that time xDD and I has a hair cut xDD but its uh... -fails-