Ichinen Trio are Love.

Apr 13, 2006 17:28

Name: Leah
Nickname: I don't have a particular one.

Age: 24 years, 7ish months.

Height: 5'4, or 162-ish cm, I believe.

Likes: Cats, chocolate, tea, coffee, straight liquor, helping people, listening to music, windy days, nighttime, intelligent people, keeping busy, starting lots of personal 'projects'. I am obsessed with collecting pens. I like TV shows like CSI and I like reading crime novels. I like listening to / watching stand up comedy. I like playing video games, especially RPGs. I get a kick out of pushing my friends' buttons, but not in a mean-spirited way.

Dislikes: Stupidity, arrogance. People with no sense of humor. People who are spoiled and/or lazy. People who go out of their way to hurt other people's feelings. Bullies, hard-asses. Being bossed around. Not being appreciated when I do something nice or exert a lot of effort to help someone.

Hobbies: Writing, reading, watching comedy films, making people laugh, web design, collecting CDs, pens, and doujinshi.

Strong Points: Funny, caring, well-intentioned, generous, organized, determined, intelligent, laid-back, amiable.

Weak Points: Critical, jaded, blunt, jealous, easily manipulated, stubborn.

Leader or Follower?: Most of the time, follower. It takes too much energy to be a leader, and I'm too worried about people disliking me to be a leader, mostly. Not everyone will love you if you're a leader. Sometimes you have to step on a few toes. I'd rather be the leader's right hand diplomat. I'd rather work on keeping the peace and presenting a likeable image and be a support person than stick myself right out in the line of fire. However, in the absence of a leader, I will take charge and become one, to assure that necessary things get done as they need to be. In times of need, I can be a very efficient leader -- I just prefer NOT to be.

Mature or Immature?: Mature in the public eye, but when when I'm away from people I have to worry about impressing and am allowed to just be myself... I'm a complete goof. I will say or do anything to make people laugh, no matter how embarrassing. In fact, I make a habit of embarrassing myself and invite jokes. I'm fun to pick on, and generally good natured about it.

Impulse or Thinking?: Thinking, unless backed into a corner. When I'm desperate, I'll make choices simply out of raw need, and not take the time to think before I act.

Outgoing or Shy?: Most people would say I'm outgoing, but I truly am very shy. I'm deathly afraid of the impression I leave on people, and will do anything to make a good impression. Most people think because I'm warm, silly, and caring that I'm outgoing. But I really feel very shy. I keep my true self very close to myself, and don't really let most people see it. I'm happy enough letting them be content with my outward persona.

Energy level; high, medium, low: Very low 99% of the time, unless I'm working on a personal project. Then I devote 150% to it.

Clothing tastes: Polo shirts and slacks. Slip on shoes or tennis shoes. Casual. I wear a lot of red clothing.

Favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Yanagi Kotaroh. For all he's been through, and the attitude he's maintained through it all. Closely followed by Shirota, just because he's absolutely amazing onstage, and has such a fun, warm personality and Sota and KENN, for the lovable goofs they are. I really have a hard time picking a second favorite because there are so many wonderful actors. I really adore them all though.

Least favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: I don't think I particularly dislike anyone! I would have said Endo, but then DL2 came out. And then I would have chosen Suzuki, but the WinterMyu shattered that. It might be Moriyama Eiji, just because of his offstage persona... I don't find it really attractive. But I don't really dislike any of the actors at all. It's either that or Washimi, Kabaji's actor, simply because he's Kabaji I've never been a big Kabaji fan. Like I said, I don't really dislike any of them, though.

Favorite Myu; and why?: This is difficult. It's a toss-up between Side Fudomine and The Imperial Match Hyoutei. SideFudo had the first 'Dream Cast' and was an emotional show. The HyouteiMyu was probably the best overall production.

Favorite team; and why?: Always SEIGAKU. They're the protagonists, they're lovable, and they're SEIGAKU. If there is a Rikkai myu, they will follow closely.

What is your opinion on tennis?: If I weren't chronically physically ill, I'd take it up in a heartbeat.

What made you start watching the Myus?: I was a theater major, so it immediately drew me in when my favorite anime had musicals based on its plotline

Anything else?: What, do you want my life story or my underwear size or something? :X

Pictures [or description!]?:
Sorry about the size, I couldn't re-crop it.

date kouji, stamped

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