Apr 28, 2005 23:03
Again @_@;;
Please please please please Be sure to Lock all media posts!
Media = downloads, icons, wallpapers, winamp skins, scans, etc...
Some of them may be old, but please give credit to icon makers!
And as there are many more new people here, Look over the rules before posting, please!
I let it slide for a while, but things like "I don't know how" or "too lazy" are getting too frequent and rather bothersome.
Nagayan Fansite information!!
The link that was just recently posted to his fansite, there is a very important factor with it.
It was posted in the comments, but not everyone reads those.
Pictures and media on that site are strictly forbidden for other uses. As in NOT FOR USE in any kind of publicly distributed works like icons, wallpaper, winamp skins or etc.. that you may make from them for sharing over the 'net.
and please do not direct link any media from the site, just link the main site.
Last but not least, Please try not to abuse the cast member's BBS. while some of them are from people not on this community, still some of the English posts there are very rude.
If at anytime you don't understand the rules, please don't hessitate to email hildechan@livejournal.com or lelola@livejournal.com