primal rage of the migraine-induced variety (aka further ugh)

Jan 31, 2010 14:07

WARNING: this post contains unsafe levels of bitchiness. For the sake of your sanity, rapid evasive scrolling is advised.

UGH. So this last week was about as fun as an unmedicated root canal.

I just...can't even get together all the elements of suck, actually. It just sucked, starting with waking up Sunday morning and realizing that holy shit, none of the people in my study/presentation group for the CB movie had done any research yet, and consequently having to renege on a totally awesome-sounding chili date in favor of spending eight thousand hours in the library trying to find scholarly articles on six or seven different topics, and ending with the migraine I managed to give myself last night after several hours spent internalizing all the rage and stress my coworker was causing me on shift. I love lying awake at two thirty in the morning massaging my skull and wishing bodies came with off switches. Seriously, this is the third one in as many weeks and they've gotten bad enough to have hit the skull pain + numb shoulders and arm phase again, plus a little nausea just for kicks. So on top of everything else I now want to be hungry, but totally am not.

And I'm out of milk. POURQUOI, UNIVERSE.

On the positive side of things, our fifty minute group-led discussion on aforementioned CB film ended up going incredibly well (despite the two discussion leaders out of three that we lost at the last second--another bit of joy I ended up having to correct for). My professor also knows exactly how much more work I put into it than 70% of the rest of our group (some of them really pulled it out at the end, good on them). I just really hate getting so close to the wire on work that, for example, I end up having only a single day to read, annotate, and cite a sixty page graduate thesis for a 5-7 source bibliography.

Wish I could say the approaching week looks better, This one'll be spent collecting resources for another annotated bibliography, this time for Oscar Wilde, which wouldn't be so bad if a) we didn't need at least 8 articles and b) I had even a single clue what I'm interested in writing a 12-15 page paper on.

So UGH. Therapeutic ranting ends here. I think my stomach just growled a little? Apparently bitching has the power to make me hungry. :D

Oh, also: sorry the fourth chapter of insomnia didn't go up yesterday, but was being a total douchewaffle and refusing all the documents I tried to submit to the manager. It should be up within the next few hours instead (gotta finish Lady Windermere's Fan and a reader response paper first). I offer music by way of apology? (Really truly: I totally have a soundtrack post all ready to go once the chapter goes live. :D)

Thanks to the revolutionary rabbit for taking it upon himself in my icon to express my current levels of frustration and anxiety.

bitch bitch bitch, school, fic insomnia

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