histoirede Title: Something Different
Characters: (young) Yanagi Renji & Inui Sadaharu
Rating: G
Summary: It’s Sadaharu’s birthday, and Renji decides to surprise his friend this year with a rather strange present that he found.
Disclaimer: PoT doesn’t belong to me but this picture does.
A/N: Data Pair friendship FTW. :D
“Happy Birthday, Sadaharu. Here’s your present!”
“…A snowman?”
“Data has shown that I have never given you something else besides tennis related items for your birthday, so I decided that this year would be a little different.”
“Out of all things, why choose a snowman though?”
“It seems to suit you, somehow. I don’t think you would have liked a teddy bear or a pony.”
“Haha, I see. A change is always welcome after all… Thank you, Renji.”