To moehoshi from Your Tenifriend

Jul 26, 2008 22:17

Title: New Start
Characters: Tachibana An (PoV), Kirihara Akaya, Chitose Miyuki
Rating: PG
Summary: Miyuki gets an unexpected Knight in Shining Armour
Warnings: Only warning is for Kirihara being a potty mouth
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis and all the characters belongs to Konomi Takeshi. I’m just borrowing them.
A/N: I hope you’ll enjoy this, moehoshi, and I wish it would have been longer, but… It just wasn’t meant to be.

Of all the people in the world, it had to be him.

I groaned silently to myself, adjusting my sunglasses over my nose, leaned back on my towel and sighed, closing my eyes. This was supposed to be a calm, relaxing trip back to Kyushu together with onii-san. He was going to visit Chitose-san, and I was stuck baby sitting Miyuki. It wasn’t so bad, really, since I had always gotten along pretty well with the younger girl, and I knew for a fact that she looked up to me. Natural enough, since I had dragged her out on all kinds of adventures together when we were younger. Just her and me, the girls, kicking back and playing pirates, princesses or Transformers, whatever suited us back then. And all the while onii-san and Chitose-san were off playing tennis. I remember once getting fed up with the two of them hogging the court all by themselves, so I coerced Miyuki into playing a game with me, as I wanted to show them that girls could play too. And as far as I know, Miyuki hasn’t let go of the racket since.

This lazy day on the beach had started out great. Onii-san and Chitose-san had talked and talked about this and that before first diving into the ocean and later go off to play a game of beach volley. Me and Miyuki sat and talked about the tennis boys we knew. She talked on and on about her Mr. Thief, and it took me quite a while to realize that she was indeed talking about Tezuka Kunimitsu. When I realized, I couldn’t help but giggle, because the picture of him as a thief was just glorious. I earned myself a few weird glances from Miyuki at that, but I didn’t mind. It was all in good fun after all.

And then Miyuki went away to get herself some ice cream. I asked her to buy some for me as well, and while I waited I picked up a manga Kamio-kun had bought for me. I didn’t even ask him to, and he was blushing furiously when he handed it to me. Quite endearing really, but at least the manga was good. For something Kamio-kun had chosen to by as a gift at least. It wasn’t too violent or boy-ish.

I’m not quite certain how much time had passed before Miyuki came back. She didn’t come alone however. A boy followed her. She came up to me and babbled something about dropping our ice cream since two rude boys bumped into her, and that this boy had been kind enough to make them apologize and then he made them buy her new ice cream. And, on top of that he had offered to follow her back to see that nothing went wrong on the way back. Well, that was nice of him, really, but I couldn’t help but frown, suspiciousness and confusion twisting in the pit of my stomach.

“Kirihara-kun,” I greeted the boy slowly. “Uhm… I didn’t expect that from you.”

Why would you do something like that, remained unsaid between us.

The Rikkai player stood dressed in a pair of bathing trunks, muscles playing underneath his tanned skin and his hands were securely planted on his hips. Still, I thought he almost looked… Nervous.

“Tachibana-chan,” he muttered, and I could see how his cheeks were stained just a tad red. “The kid… I mean, she… I…”

If he had a point somewhere in that stuttering, I completely missed it. Instead I got to my feet, dusted myself off and fired off one of my most welcoming smiles at him. I had promised myself to give him one more chance after all, even if the sight of his fidgeting made me feel slightly annoyed. I had to start somewhere, so maybe here was as good a place as any.

“I know,” I said, lifting up my sunglasses and placed them on my head. “You saved both her and our ice cream. That’s quite chivalrous of you, you know.”

“He didn’t save me,” Miyuki piped in, looking annoyed that I could even suggest that she needed saving. “He helped me, that’s all.”

“That’s gratitude for you,” Kirihara snarled down at her, then he shrugged awkwardly. “Just… Seemed like the right shit to do, you know?”

“So, you like doing the right thing, Kirihara,” I asked, smiling sweetly. “How does it feel?”

He stared blankly at me.

“The hell do you mean?”

“What do you think?”

He continued to ogle at me for a couple of seconds, then turned around, starting to walk away. I watched him go with a strange, sinking feeling somewhere in my gut. Guilt…? Had I maybe been a bit too hard on him? I considered this for a moment, and then I glanced down at Miyuki, whispering to her that I’d be back soon. She grinned up at me and had me know that if I took too long, she’d eat up my ice cream as well. I allowed the small taunt to slip for now; there were more important matters at hand than ice cream after all. From the corner of my eye I saw her pout a bit at her jab failing to hit home, and I sighed inwardly. She would be mad at me for quite some time now, I just knew it. I had her pegged down pretty well after all.

I had to deal with her later.

Now I dashed after Kirihara, catching up with him in no time, and I reached out for his arm, grasping onto it.


He turned around, glaring furiously at me.

“Let me go!”

“What’s up with you,” I wanted to know. “You’re over reacting, you know.”

“I am?!” He pulled himself free, closing his fist and waving it in front of my face. I took a step back, deciding to play it as safe as I could, as I listened to him continue:

“How do you think I should react then, little Miss All High and Mighty? You want me to change, right? You know something, huh? I have changed, but damn it! I can’t really show that, can I? Not if you refuse to give me one fucking chance, you know?”

“No need for such language,” I said, more to have something to say as I thought than anything else. Was he right? Was I really refusing to give him a chance? I didn’t think so. I really didn’t think so, but… It all came down to what he felt, didn’t it? I had to say something.

“Hey, you… I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” I paused, digging around in the sand with my toes as I thought. Take the first step… I had to take the first step. But how? Then it hit me. I looked up, smiling at him.

“I know! How about we try and pretend, just for today, that we’ve never been at each other’s throats? I’ll work at it if you want to.”

“What do you mean?” He blinked at me, looking positively incredulous.

“Well, like this for example…” I clapped my hands together and nodded towards the water. “I’ll race you~”

And without giving him any further warning, I dashed towards the sea. As I ran, I could hear him mutter something, and the next thing I heard was the sound of his feet hitting the sand as he chased after me.

It wasn’t much, but it was enough for now at least.

fic, 2008 fic

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