Log: Rai and Fuji

Mar 27, 2009 18:10

Who: Shishido Rai and Fuji Syuusuke
What: A "Getting to know you" session
When: Sometime before the tournament....
Rating: PG
Comment: I (finally) posted it!

Shishido Rai was sitting in his office (as he had been for nearly three hours) and continued to type notes on his computer waiting for Fuji-kun to come. They'd arranged the meeting for 11:30, so it was nearly time. Glancing up at the clock, he smiled as he continued typing quickly, taking short breaks every once in a while to have a sip of tea. It was 11:15, so he had about 15 minutes left until the appointed time. Finishing up his work on the computer, he stood up, heading over to a filing cabinet to retrieve some papers.

Why am I even doing this, Fuji thought as he looked himself over in the mirror. If anything, he really didn't like talking with shrinks, since something about their 'understanding' and 'comforting' looks gave him the creeps... But here he was now. He had freely offered himself to the slaughter table, so to speak. Maybe because he wanted to get it over with, and maybe because Shishido-sensei actually was young, and therefore not completely damaged yet.

Deciding that he looked okay; uniform in place, but the blazer open and the upper buttons on his shirt undone, and hair just slightly messy, he started towards Shishido-sensei's office. Realizing that he was actually a bit late, Fuji started running, and arrived at the door at exactly 11:29. "Sensei? Fuji Syuusuke reporting~"

"Hello Fuji-kun," Rai greeted, having gotten back to his desk and sat down. Shuffling some papers around, he smiled slightly, putting the papers down in a neat stack, "Come on in and make yourself comfortable," he invited, leaning back slightly in his chair. Fuji was on time, even early, he noted to himself, not bothering to use a notebook or a page for notes because he'd always found them a bit creepy. His office had two comfortable chairs and a few wooden chairs, as well as a shelf full of books against one wall. His computer was in the corner, and was currently in "sleep mode". He was a bit nervous, since this was only his third actual face to face meeting with a student (Kame didn't count since he wasn't a student).

"Shishido-sensei." Fuji smiled at him, realizing that he had never quite spoken properly with the young man before. Of course they had seen each other from time to time at parties and different get together's in school, but never like this. He took a seat in one of the more comfortable chairs and leaned back, trying to relax. While studying the older man underneath half closed eyelids, he almost got the feeling that Shishido-sensei was almost as nervous as he was himself. That thought made the small smile on his face widen. "I hope I'm on time?"

"You're a minute early," Rai informed the younger boy, smiling slightly, "Would you like some tea?" he offered in a quiet voice. Fuji seemed a bit nervous; perhaps some tea would calm him down, and maybe it would help Rai get over his own nervousness. He'd never really talked to Fuji, although they had met at parties, and sometimes when he sat in on a class that the boy was in. "I'm not going to ask very many questions," he informed Fuji, "I just want to get to know everyone better, as it will help when I do try to ask questions and such if the people I'm asking actually know me."

"Yes please," Fuji replied to the question, forcing his shoulders to relax as he rested his hands in his lap, fingers interlaced with each other. "So... We're supposed to get to know each other, are we?" He quirked an eyebrow slowly, eying Shishido-sensei from underneath his golden blond fringe. "How? Do I stand up and tell you about my dreams, my shoe-size, and things like that?" He looked up, smiling. "I have a feeling this could seem a little bit forced though, don't you, sensei?"

Rai raised an eyebrow slightly, "I suppose if you put it that way it does seem rather forced," he said, pulling out a teapot and filling it with some of the hot water he had left from that morning, putting in the tea bag and letting it steep while he looked for a second cup, "Why don't you direct the conversation then, and we'll see where it goes," he suggested, pulling a cup out of a file cabinet (he'd managed to file it under F) and pouring some tea for Fuji, offering him the cup. Refilling his own cup, he blew on it gently to cool it down. "What would you like to know?"

"Oh, I don't know, really," the boy replied, cupping the steaming cup in his hands and blowing softly on the golden liquid. "I do would like to know how come the world decided that the sky is blue. I mean, what makes it so that the light particles work that particular way, hm? The sky could just as well have been green. Or pink."

"I suppose it was by chance that the sky ended up being blue," Rai said, intrigued by Fuji's rather strange subject choice, "But then, who are we to say that it actually is blue? I'm sure some animals see it as a different colour than we do." Sipping at his tea slowly, Rai leaned back in his chair to look out the window.

"Not only animals," the younger boy pointed out, still smiling. "If a person's colorblind, surely he sees the world through a different color palette than the rest of us, nee?" He took a sip of the tea and decided that it was very good. Just enough spice to keep it from being just bitter or bland. "Say... Shishido-san? What's your main idea with this talk? Want to know if anyone of us need some special care, or just checking the mood of the group at large?"

"I'm mostly checking the moods of the group, since I haven't actually been assigned as a psychologist here," Rai answered, shrugging slightly, "Who would you say, since you've been here longer than me, might need "special care"?"

"Atobe, perhaps... Or Akutsu." He shrugged. "Or Tezuka. Or Echizen. Or just about anyone. I have a feeling everyone might have something or the other bothering them. Maybe Niou the most, though... But I'm not sure." Fuji smiled sweetly. "I wouldn't want to make assumptions about people I hardly even know, after all. That would be rude." He didn't add 'but I'm okay' at least, even though he wanted to point that out, to make sure he didn't receive any 'special care' from some shrink.

"I suppose everyone has something bothering them," Rai answered, "It impossible for everyone to receive 'special care', besides, there's not much anyone can do if someone doesn't want to be helped," Rai shrugged slightly, sipping at his tea, "Do you think you should be seeing a psychologist?" he asked, curiously.

Fuji only nodded, keeping his eyes downcast and it seemed like he was admiring the swirls in the tea more than anything else. At Shishido-sensei's last question he couldn't help but look up, however, and he offered him a vague, quite bland smile while he shrugged. "I don't know. Do you?"

"Yes, I do," Rai answered, slightly startled by the question, but deciding he may as well answer. Its not like the thing bothering him was some deep dark secret that shouldn't be shared after all.

Taken aback by the reply, as it wasn't exactly something he had expected, Fuji found himself blinking at the older man for a moment before he found himself. "Oh? And why is that?"

Rai sipped at his tea a few times before putting it down, "There are some things I'd like to talk about with someone and get some advice on," he said, tucking an errant strand of hair behind his ear.

Silent for a moment, Fuji put the cup down and looked quizzically at Shishido-sensei. "That's somewhat vague, isn't it?"

"I suppose it might be," Rai answered, smiling slightly and not elaborating.
Leaning back in his seat, Fuji chuckled, studying the older man carefully. "So... If you're going to be vague, and I probably am too... Do you think we'll get anything out of this conversation?"

"I doubt it, If we continue on like this," Rai answered, slightly amused by the way this session was going, "What do you think?"

"Personally, I'm somewhat afraid we're wasting each other's time," Fuji smiled, finishing

"I'm glad you like it here," Rai answered, smiling, "I suppose if you think you'd like to do something else you may," he said, thinking for a moment. If Fuji wanted to leave, then who was he to stop him. He certainly wouldn't, since he'd gotten quite a bit of information.

"Maybe I should. I'm certain you have other appointments today as well, nee?" He got to his feet, smiling brightly, even though he couldn't help but wonder, somewhere back in his mind, what the older man really thought of him. He wasn't about to ask, however.
"Yes I do," Rai answered, checking the clock in surprise. He hadn't realized that almost half an hour had already passed, "I'll see you around camp then, Fuji-kun."

shishido rai, fuji syuusuke

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