Who: Saeki Koujiro, Kisarazu Ryou
When: Today? 8)
Where: Somewhere in the main building.
What: Ryou faces life's greatest tragedy. Saeki plays the knight in a shining armor xD
Comments: Ahih, I love Diva-chan~
Ryou wasn't crying. He swore he wasn't crying. It was a painful, horrible experience but someone of his worth did NOT cry.
Even if their prized hair was caught in between a pair of locked doors.
It was a funny story, really; windy days blow long hair around and Ryou was just on his way inside when the doors had slammed closed with an ominous 'clang' right after him, and a large chunk was trapped between the doors.
It was terrible, having to stand there, tugging weakly and not crying, waiting for someone to help.
He chanced calling down the seemingly deserted hallway. "Uh, hello? Anyone there?"
Saeki was on his way back from god knows where when he heard a familiar voice calling for help near by. He hadn’t expected anyone to be there but… He followed the sound and found a damsel in distress. Was- Was Ryou crying?
“Ryou! What’s wrong?” he called before he even reached his friend. It was horrible to see his friend with such a look on his pretty face.
Ryou threw a scandalised look at his teammate as soon as he appeared. Should it not be obvious?! Why else would he be in this condition!?
"Sae! The door... my hair... is stuck." He tugged at it again. Ow. A couple of strands came free, frizzed up and stretched. How disgusting.
"...it's locked." Ryou added, just so Saeki didn't point out the obvious method. He had tried the handle.
“Oh my God.” Saeki had the decency not to laugh, though the whole situation seemed hysterically hilarious to him. He had the sense for tragedy though and he threw himself to help the Rokkaku diva. “No, don’t pull it! You get split ends!” Which was a horrible story in itself. He had to try the door as well. Maybe the angle had been wrong for Ryou to get it open, but no, it was locked.
“This is bad…” He though out loud. “Do you have anything thin and hard with you?”
Ryou frowned. Saeki had tried the handle anyway. He stopped tugging and instead rested his back against the door, hands fumbling in his pockets for the thing he knew he had that matched Saeki's request.
"Uhm," he held out a bobby pin. Oh, the many uses of hair accessories. And Atsushi called him obsessive.
He wasn't, he was just prepared.
“Thanks.” Saeki smiled calmingly. “I’ll get you out of this in no time, Diva-chan. Don’t worry.”
He started working on the lock. He wasn’t trying to say he was an excellent lock pick, but his mother had once taken him to a locksmith and the old man had told him the little tricks that had come in handy when he’d forgotten his keys. “Just trust me.”
Ryou let out a halfhearted "Don't call me that" but inside he was sobbing with gratitude. This was not something he wanted to deal with.
The edge of the door was probably oily, and he'd need to use cleansing shampoo as soon as he got back to his room. Also, those few frizzed up strands had to go, they weren't fixable...
His head hit with a thunk against the door. Ryou sighed deeply. "Thanks, Sae. Of course I trust you."
“It would be easier to just cut it off, you know,” Saeki joked narrowing his eyes as he tried to see inside the tiny hole he was picking with the twisted bobby pin. “I bet you’d look gorgeous with shorter hair, remember the one you had when we were in our second year in junior high? And short look isn’t bad either. Atsushi-kun looks great!”
...he was kidding. He had to be. The horrified look on Ryou's face portrayed his feelings toward those statements.
"That haircut was awful. I couldn't get it out of my eyes, no matter how hard I tried!! And it's beautiful like this, Sae..." he frowned deeply at the mention of Atsushi's ahit. "And don't even MENTION Atsushi's. It looks good, but... considering the circumstances..." He expression changed to positively venomous.
Saeki took time to sweat drop and make an apologising little gesture into Ryou’s direction. “I’m sorry. It was a joke. You look beautiful the way you are now. I wouldn’t want you to change anything!” He went back to the lock and could help but chuckle. “Just telling you no matter what happens I’ll still like you the same.” There! He found it! He pulled carefully, not daring to even breathe and the lock clicked. “And thus Sae-sama is once again the hero of the day~” He got up on his feet and opened the door, letting Ryou’s poor hair free.
Ryou's expression softened and brightened the second his hair was released. "Oh my god! Thank you, Sae!"
He whipped his head around, grabbing the assaulted section of dark hair and checking it's condition. His face fell, and he began to almost-not cry again.
There was a large, obvious crease in the hair, like it had been pressed flat. When Ryou pulled it through his fingers, his fingertips came away dark - the door HAD been oiled.
This was going to take forever to fix! He'd have to wear it braided or in a hat until he managed to get the oil out, and then he'd have to straighten it once it was clean.
Ryou bit his lip. This was terrible. A true tragedy.
Saeki’s face fell when he saw his friend’s expression. He moved behind Ryou and gently pulled his hair from his hands, to take it into his own. It was nothing Ryou couldn’t fix. He was just being overly emotional. Saeki wrapped his arms around the long-haired boy, talking softly into his ear. “It’ll be just fine. You won’t even have to cut it.”
Ryou sniffed, letting his hair be taken from him. Saeki was always comforting.
"I-it'll take ages to fix up, though..." he mumbled, playing with one of the cleaner sections near his face. The quicker he got his hair to water and shampoo the easier it would be, he reasoned.
"Sae... I need to take a shower, like now. It's gonna stick if I don't," Ryou said, wiping his face and freeing himself from Saeki's arms. "Can we go?"
“As you wish.” Saeki shrugged taking after his friend as the other boy strode ahead with long steps. Well, Ryou had said “we”. He’d need to get Ryou over his emotional trauma caused by the incident. Other vice there was no knowing how their match would go.