Who: Niou, Inui, NPC female
When: Monday (oct 29)
What: the two of them digging their heads out of their asses about liking each other..
Where: Dorms
Rating: R (Niou drops the f-bomb quite a bit, and for the sexual nature of some of the comversations.)
Comments: The two of them should have done this ages ago...Also, I don't think I've mentioned it, but...Niou works in an adult novelty store ^.^''
Inui sat in the dorm room he shared with Niou, hovering over two textbooks, a notebook, and a scientific calculator. He frowned down at his calculations, erasing and recorrecting at a pretty amazing speed. He was quite focused on what he was doing
Niou had been out, his school work finished pretty much for the week. (He’d never admit he was a good student - at least not to most people). He had been out, hanging around some bars, swindling people at darts for most of the night. Towards the end of his night, a very nicely shaped young lady came up to him, and things had turned a bit...hot.
Niou had decided to bring her back to the dorm with him. He opened the door to the room he shared with Inui, and found his roommate buried into his books. “Yo...” he greeted, the petite girl behind him, peeking around him. Niou scratched the back of his head, and approached his roommate and bent down to his ear. “Don’t suppose you could...y’know...study elsewhere for a bit?” He winked to get his point across.
Inui glanced up only when he heard Niou's voice so close to him. His eyebrows shot up, eyes flicking immediately to the girl his roommate had apparently brought home. "...You would like me to leave," he said flatly. It wasn't a question. Somehow, the very idea that he was being kicked out of his own room so that Niou could ave sex with someone else was...irritating
Niou chuckled nervously. “Well....there’s a complicated reason why this was about the only option we had.” That complicated reason? Niou had pretty much run out of money getting to this point - so going to a love hotel was pretty much out of the question. “I’d appreciate it. You know I’d do the same for you.” He pointed out.
"Ah. So you brought her back to engage in coitus in the room that you and I share." Inui really didn't understand his own annoyance. He just didn't want to think about Niou sleeping with some girl in their dorm room
“When you put it like that...it sounds boring and science-y.” Niou commented, an annoyed look on his face. He turned back to the girl. “Sorry, he’s...nerdy.” He explained to her.
“Maybe we should just go elsewhere...?” She trailed off, hinting that this was probably a really bad idea.
"Sex is quite boring unless measures are taken to make it exciting." He made no move to stand, eyes taking in the girl. Inui adjusted his glasses, staring at her for a few moments before gathering his books. "Niou," he said, deliberately using his family name, "please do not get semen on my things. I would hate for a chemical reaction to occur." Finally, he moved to his feet, lips thin, and eyes narrow
Niou blinked for a moment. What the fuck was that about? “Wasn’t planning to....” he mumbled. Not to mention the comments about sex being boring. This coming from the guy that would fuck anything on two legs? Maybe he just didn’t like the way the young lady looked.
As Inui stepped out, he frowned, and felt a hand on his arm. “I think I should go.” Niou’s female companion said. “You obviously have some issues here.” She gave him a quick peck before leaving him sitting there alone on his bed. Now he was totally confused and now he was alone.
Inui hadn't moved far. In fact, he had stopped right outside the door, back leaning against the wall between their dorm and the one next door. He took a moment to compose himself, both wanting and not wanting to decipher the reasons behind his upset. The door opened beside him, and he half thought it was Niou coming after him. He only watched as the girl his roommate had brought back left their room. ...He didn't want to go back in there after the scene he'd just made.
Niou had to take a moment to process what had happened. One minute, he had the promise of a nice warm, soft body next to him, and then the next thing he knew, his roommate had managed to ruin it in just a few minutes with a few words. He sighed, burying his head in his knees on his bed for a few moments, sighing. Niou pulled his jacket on, checking his pockets. Cigarettes and lighter? Check. He took a deep breath and headed outside. Maybe he could figure out just what the heck had happened after he had some room to breathe.
Green eyes blinked behind his lenses as the door opened a second time. He reajusted the books he had taken with him, not really sure he should say something. Still, his mouth moved before he could stop it. "...May I join you?" he asked, hand going down to feel for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket.
Niou shrugged. “If you want to.” He said, trying to keep a bit of the bitterness he was feeling seep into his words. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to scream at Inui or kill him (or scream at him as he killed him). He figured the best thing to do would be to ignore everything and act aloof.
"I do." He said nothing else, merely taking a cigarette out of its cozy pack, and slipping it between his lips. He found himself smoking more and more lately, but he just couldn't find the reason for the increased dependence on the habit. Absently, he noted that this was nearly how they first met--bonding over a smoke outside.
Niou found a wall to stand near that wasn’t near any entrances, and lit up. He took a long drag and blew out the smoke into the cold air. He glared over at Inui. He finally just gave in. “What the fuck was that about?” He asked.
Inui glanced at the light-haired boy, taking a matching long drag on his own. He hummed softly as he blew smoke up towards the clouds. "...I do not know," he stated honestly.
Niou crooked an eyebrow at that. “You don’t know.” He repeated. “I had a chance with a good looking chick, and you blew it for me. What, were you jealous?” He asked. “You shouldn’t be. You’ll sleep with anything that moves.” He pointed out.
"Is that not what I said? I apologize for 'blowing your chances.'" He watched the sky, unwillingly as of yet to look over at his companion. Jealous? Had he been? "...That is not true," he said quietly. "I had no intention of sleeping with Echizen."
Niou stared out of the corner of his eye at Inui. He sighed. “Yeah, whatever.” He said, not caring if he was apologized to or not. “I think you know what I meant.” Then again, sometimes he wondered about his roommate. “Pissed off ‘cause I didn’t want to fuck you?” He offered, which was basically a restatement of ‘you were jealous’.
He glanced over, redirecting his gaze when their eyes met. "I did. I am quite...promiscuous." He sighed softly, focusing on his cigarette until Niou's last words. Spine going straight, he froze. "...If I said yes?"
Niou glared while their eyes were locked. His expression changed when he had that answer to his question. “I don’t know. What if you did say yes? It wouldn’t change much, would it? It’s not like you have a claim on me, y’know.” Niou said as he flicked some ash to the ground.
Inui frowned at Niou's response. "You are correct. If I said yes, there is a 90% likelihood that it would change nothing. In fact, there is a 78% chance that you would not even want me to have a claim on you. ...You are as promiscuous as I." He dropped his cig to the ground, stomping it a bit harder than he intended, and not at all noticing.
Niou frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. “Think about this for a minute - if you’d done the same thing, what do you think I would have done?” He asked. “Do you really think I would have told you sex is boring and act like a two year old?” Suddenly, he was feeling angrier than he had. “You know what, you can say whatever you want - you can tell me if you were pissed off about it, you can tell me to just piss off. Just know why you’re saying it.” He said. “You are such a fucking idiot sometimes. You just....argh!” He yelled, somehow the volume making him feel better. Anyone that passed by them would probably think they were an arguing couple (which, they basically were). Did he really have to spell it out?
"I do not understand your confusion." He pulled out another cig, lighting up quickly as a way to distract himself. "You...would have likely asked to joined if I had brought someone home. It would have come across as joking, but, had I agreed, you would have gladly climbed into my bed." He puffed slowly, glancing at the angry male beside him and not understanding the emotion in the slightest. "...Sex IS boring, Masaharu. It only becomes interesting when--" He cut himself off, blinking. "I was angry, I think," Inui admitted.
“Yeah, in case you forgot, we’ve done that before. And, yeah, maybe I would ask, but even if I was told no, I would have left if asked. I know when I’m not wanted. Trust me, I know.” Niou paused for a moment. He wasn’t even finished with his first cigarette.. Niou pulled the small stick away from Inui’s mouth. “That’s bad for you, y’know.” He said, annoyed. “Yeah, I know, it’s a bunch of in and out. Though, I must admit, I want to hear what you think makes it more interesting. And what right did you have to be angry?” He asked quietly, calming down some as he finished off his first cig, ground it out, and took a drag off the one Inui had just lit.
"I did not forget," he stated blandly. How on earth could he forget that night? It was...amazing. He blinked at the sudden loss from his mouth. "I'm aware. I am not telling you my thoughts on what improves intercourse." Inui hummed lowly in thought. He watched the other male closely before lifting a shoulder in a small shrug. "Is that not an indirect kiss?" he asked instead of answering.
“Somehow, I feel disappointed you won’t share your thoughts on improving intercourse.” Niou said, rolling his eyes. “What are you, a twelve year old girl?” he asked. That indirect kissing thing was just nonsense to him “It’s me ruining my health for your benefit.” He grinned a little at it, kind of realizing what he had just implied - if Inui wasn’t too stupid to realize it.
Inui chuckled softly. "Please do not. It is nothing novel." He shrugged slightly, brushing off Niou's comment. He could not think of an appropriate response, thus, it wasn't worth thinking about. "...For my benefit? I am unsure that stealing my cigarettes could be considered being concerned for my health." Yes, Inui WAS too dense to realize it.
Niou shook his head as he took another drag off it, and handed it back. “Yours aren’t that great.” He said. “They’re kind of gross, really.” He commented. “And how isn’t it being concerned - it’s one less step to cancer.” Niou ground on his previously discarded butt. “’sides....you’re kind of hitting them hard lately, aren’t you?” It wasn’t as if he hadn’t noticed.
Inui took the offered cancerstick, taking a few puffs immediately. His eyes closed, enjoying the smoke filling his lungs. "Hmm," he hummed thoughtfully. "Why are you so willing to contract a terminal disease for my sake, Masaharu?" he wondered aloud. "...I am not. I only smoke on the rare ocassion." He wondered, though. Had he really been smoking that much?
Niou shrugged. “Just because?” He offered, deciding the brick wall...or his brain, didn’t deserve the damage. “Huh..’rare occasions’ must be happening really close together then. So, tell me, what’s going on, Sadaharu?” He asked. Surely that direct of a question would at least get a somewhat sane answer.
Inui's eyes narrowed just slightly, curiosity successfully piqued. "'Just because?'" he questioned. He let slip a small sigh, then, letting his back rest completely against the wall. "Nnn. I wish that I could answer you that, Masaharu."
Niou let out his own sigh, and leaned up against the wall next to Inui. “Something has to be going on? Stressing over finals early?” He asked, trying to get some kind of idea. “Finally fucked the wrong person?”
The brunet stared off into space, slowly puffing on the stick between his lips. "Ah. It may be...."
Niou raised an eyebrow. “That’s specific. Which question were you actually answering?” He said, stealing the cigarette again for another drag. There were other things he wanted to say, but wasn’t exactly sure what they were. It had been a while since they’d actually had a conversation face-to-face, and this wasn’t really how he envisioned it. He smirked a bit. “Maybe you fucked the right person?” he teased.
There's was an unseeing gaze in Inui's green eyes. He barely even noticed the missing cig. It was only after Niou's last words that he reacted, tensing, bricks digging into his shoulders. "...I believe it to be more along the line of not fucking the wrong person nearly enough," he said finally.
Niou rose an eyebrow. “Care to eloborate on that?” That was the probably one of the most confusing statements he’d ever heard. He thought it over for a few moments, but it still didn’t make sense to him. It made sense in one respect, but he wasn’t entirely certain.
Inui flashed a quick grin. "Ahh, not particularly." He was not about to express what was on his mind right now. Not with the sting of past failed relationships burning at the edges of his mind. He was content to let the statement lie, for now, and keep things as they were. Even if that led to steadily-blackening lungs.
Niou sighed. “I’m trying to help here, y’know.” He said, but shrugged. “If you don’t want to tell me what’s on your mind, well, I guess there’s reason to keep pushing.” He said, finishing off the cigarette that wasn’t his in the first place, letting it drop to the ground and stomping it out.
"...You're going to attempt to pull it out of me? I must inform you that there is a 13% chance of that working." He smirked, then, feeling a bit more like himself. He adjusted his glasses, glancing off at his smoking partner from the corner of his eye.
“I don’t know - I’ve cracked tougher nuts.” Niou said, an almost feral grin on his face. “You should just get it out. It’ll make you feel better. You might cut back a bit on the cigs.” He suggested.
"...Have you?" Inui asked, half-interested, half-sarcastic. He grinned, giving a slight shake of his head. "I...have missed seeing you beneath me." The words came out suddenly, as if his brain didn't know what to do with them.
Niou was about to make a horrible joke about cracking real, edible nuts when Inui just blurted that out. He really didn’t know what to say to that. It was just that...weird. “Na....” He started, then paused, swallowing. “Did you forget you just needed to ask?”
Truthfully, Inui himself didn't know what to make of the words. Sure, sex with the other man was always enjoyable, but for all that to just come out? His eyes roamed over Niou's face, curious about his expression. "Masaharu.... You would tire of me if I came to you whenever I felt like it."
Niou shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. You never know. Besides, it’s not like I’ve been getting any on a regular basis, so...” He trailed off. It definitely wasn’t by choice. He was still stung by the events earlier in the evening, but...he thought he was catching on. He started laughing out of the blue, a bit maniacally, but genuinely amused.
"I am fairly certain of it." He let his eyes roam Niou's form. "You've not been?" He could resist the temptation. "Why is that? I have had plenty of...partners." The laughter surprised Inui. He wondered, then, if his roommate were truly sane.
Niou took a few moments before calming down. “You’re....seriously....” He honestly wasn’t surprised, though the pause made him wonder. He wasn’t quite sure how to say what he was thinking. Taking a few more deep breaths, he finally gathered up what he wanted to say. “You seek it - I don’t. When I went out tonight, I honestly wasn’t expecting to bring her back. It just kind of happened that she wanted to.” He smiled a little. “I wasn’t going to pass up the chance, obviously.” His face turned more serious for a moment. “And was the sex boring?” He asked, not entirely sarcastic.
Inui didn't miss Niou's reaction, but was still trying to process its meaning. Was he jealous? "...If you do not seek it, then you should not complain about not getting it." It was simply a statement, no heat in his words, nor ill intentions. "...The sex was boring."
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Niou said. “I have no right to complain. I guess I can’t entirely say I haven’t been getting any. There were the product tests, but...that doesn’t count.” Niou chuckled at hearing that. “Then, really, was it worth it? Boring sex isn’t really all that fun. Since that’s what boring is the opposite of fun.”
"...Are you still doing the product tests?" Inui wondered aloud. "Ah. Boring sex is not fun, but it is better than one's own hand."
“There’s not much anything new coming in right now - at least, nothing for the male persuasion.” Niou told him. “I suppose you’re right.” He mused. He held out his hand to Inui. “It’s not an offer - yet. It’s getting damned cold out here, and I’m not planning on lighting up again.”
"I should think not. There are only so many ways companies can replicate the vagina or anus. Unless one enjoys anal play on themselves." Hesitantly, he hovered his hand above Niou's. "Explain this."
Niou snorted. “Yeah. I don’t get the people that buy the ones modeled from porn stars.” He said. “It’s an offer to get the fuck out of the cold, not to fuck.” He cleared up.
Inui chuckled slightly. "I share your confusion." At the explanation, he placed his hand in Niou's, nodding slightly. "Ah. There is a chill in the air...."
“Thought you’d see it my way.” Niou said, pulling his roommate along with him. “Look.....” He started, his free hand finding it’s way to his hair, and twisting the long hair that flowed down his back around his fingers. “I’m not saying....” He paused. “That’s it’s a good idea. But...” His fingers paused to scratch a spot on his neck. “Well...” He trailed off, hoping that maybe Inui would fill in the blanks.
Inui followed Niou blindly, trusting him to lead them safely. He blinked at the other man, mind finally seeming to have caught up. "...Masaharu. Do you wish to pursue a romantic relationship with me?"
“...When you say it like that, it sounds horrible, but...yeah. Why not?” He asked. “And before you actually give me a million reasons - that was entirely rhetorical.” He didn’t need to hear all the reasons that it really wasn’t a good idea. “Love isn’t exacty logical.” He said, opening the door to their room, where he let go of Inui’s hand and removed his jacket and promptly sat down on his bed, pulling his blanket around himself. “Damn weather.” He muttered to himself. “Eh, still better than summer, I guess.”
"I am saying exactly what it is or would be." Inui frowned. He really was not in love with Niou, but he was only lying to himself if he said this relationship was purely a fuckbuddy system. "Love may not be logical," he agreed while stripping himself of his sweatjacket, "but, in case you failed to notice, Masaharu, I do not have the best...." He stopped himself, trying to find the right words. "I will hurt you," he finally settled on
“You don’t know that.” Niou pointed out. “Unless you’ve built a time machine that goes into the future or are a true psychic. I don’t think you’re either. And I swear, if you say something about data showing otherwise, I will find a way to hurt you. Physically, not mentally” He glared. “Understood?”
"If you would only look at my past relationships," he said, sighing softly. This was a bad idea. This was a very bad idea. He swallowed loudly, lips twitching slightly at the threat. "Understood. ...However, what if I told you that romantic relationships did not currently interest me?"
“You’re supposed to learn from the past, not keep doing the same thing over and over again. You know that the true sign of insanity, right? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Niou pointed out, then shrugged. “If you’re not interested, then you’re not interested. It’s not something where you go ‘BOOM’! let’s be in a relationship. I’m not going to hold it against you. I am going to point out that you are your own worst enemy though.”
"I am aware of Einstein's teachings, Masaharu." He sat on his own bed, folding his legs pretzel-style under him. "I'm my own worst enemy? Are you stating that I sabotage myself?" He was purposefully ignoring any talk of their possible relationship.
“Pretty much.” Niou said. “You’re just going to set yourself up for failure if you think you’re going to do something - because you’ll do exactly what you think you will, and you’ll have doomed it from the beginning.” He cocked an eyebrow at him, and grinned. “Besides, calling it romantic....doesn’t quite seem right. No offense, but you’re the least romantic guy I know. It’s...well, more than just fuck buddies.” Niou pulled the blanket over his head, mostly to keep Inui from seeing his face. “I think I’ve fucked up....”
Inui sat quietly as Niou spoke, watching him with ever-observant eyes. "You're making sense." He cocked a brow, thinking it over. "But I must disagree with you. I can be quite romantic." He chuckled. "I have simply seen no need for it lately." He rose from his bed, taking a seat on the edge of Niou's. "We have been having sex for almost a year. I...agree that 'fuck buddy' is probably not the most appropriate term."
Niou grinned. “I think we’re both too stupid for our own good.” He said, holding his arm out, opening up some space under his blanket. “Here’s an idea - don’t try. Though...if we’re going to be...an actual couple...I think I’m going to insist you either use a chastity device.” He grinned devishly. “I don’t really like sharing all that well...though I don’t mind it occasionally.” He winked.
Inui shook his head, sliding under the cover. I think we are both too smart for our health." He chuckled softly, shaking his head again. He tried hard to quelch the guilt at how his first serious relationship ended--due to his cheating--that bubbled up at Niou's words. "...I...think that we should begin with a date," he suggested.
“Maybe we are.” Niou agreed. “And do you have something in mind for this date?” He could only imagine what he might be getting himself in for.
The brunet slid an arm across Niou's shoulders. "I do. I will keep a secret until...Saturday?"
Niou pouted a little. “I suppose.” He sighed. “And somehow...I think I’m the girl in the relationship now...”
Inui grinned deviously, plan already formulating. "Don't be absurd, Masaharu. We are both men."
“Fine.” Niou snorted. “A girl with a penis.” He amended.
"I have seen such a person. You are not it," Inui stated flatly.
Niou stared at him for a minute. “Yeah, I know. You know how many times I’ve sold ‘chick-with-dicks’ dolls? Those things are disturbing. The sad thing is, I’ve seen both men and women buy them.” He shuddered. “The things you don’t want to know about people you learn working in an adult novelty store.”
"...Ah." Inui blinked. "Then perhaps I should not tell you that I have slept with such a person. Although it was quite a surprise when she pulled down her skirt."
“Still disturbing, but...whatever, right?” He said. “And if you think you shouldn’t, really, you shouldn’t.” He paused. “So...how big was it and did you take it or give it?”
"Is it disturbing?" Inui's thumb made little circles on his shoulder. "Hmm. She was 15.5 centimeters. I gave."
“Just slightly. Knowing you topped makes it slightly less disturbing though.” Niou said, relaxing finally after such a stressful night filled with epic levels of stupidity. He shook his head. “You should come by the store some time.” He grinned.
Inui lifted the shoulder not against Niou in a small shrug. "Interesting that you shuold say that. I will remember it." His mind ran in circles, working to plot their date this coming weekend in this silence that ensued. "Ah. I plan to."
Niou laughed. “If you’re lucky, I’ll give you my employee discount. Maybe I’ll introduce you to the big boss lady. She might like you.” It wasn’t as if things were exactly back to normal, but it definitely wasn’t normal anymore. He paused in his joking. “You know..this might or might not make you feel better, but..I honestly don’t think I’ll care if you go and fuck other people.”
Inui chuckled lightly. "If I'm lucky?" He smirked. "When do you work next? I may stop in to observe you." He shifted on the bed at Niou's next words. "...There is a 71% chance that is bullshit."
“Thursday night.” Niou answered, chuckling lightly. “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.” He replied. “Yeah, I know what I said earlier. Things were kind of...yeah...” He said, running his hand through his messy hair. “We’ll see.” He said.
He nodded, making note to keep Thursday free, then furrowed his brows in a frown. Sometimes Niou did this--threw off his data. It made things terribly annoying to predict. This was one of those times. Inui just could not put an accurate percentage on this situation. "...Is that so?" His eyes searched the other male's face as best as he could. "Hmm."
Niou laughed. “That’s so.” He confirmed, then turned and gave Inui a kiss. “Maybe ask first.” He said, with a wink. “Or maybe I should put a chastity lock on you. Which would you prefer?”
Inui thought for a moment, allowing his lips to brus over Niou's. "Ah. A chastity lock would be terribly kinky...." He let the statement lie there, expression taking on a faraway look as he thought.
Niou chuckled at that. “I know.” He smirked, sliding a finger along Inui’s jawline. “We can save that for later.” He wasn’t going to rule it out completely.
Inui flashed a quick grin. He'd likely never admit it aloud, but Niou was, quite possibly, the only person with whom sex could never be boring. He found himself leaning into that touch, humming his sensual pleasure. "Agreed. I will make a note of it." Sadly, he was serious.
“Think we’re alright now? Well, as alright as we’re going to be for now?” Niou asked.
In response, Inui pressed his lips firmly to Niou's, flicking his tongue out to lick a hot line across his lower lip. "Aa. I would say we are."
Niou grinned. “Then, you want to fuck?”