OOC: Dropping Note

Jun 02, 2011 16:27

This, I know, has been a long time coming. Probably even asking yourself why it took me this long to do. For that, I do apologize. I'm sorry for taking so long and holding onto a character when I shouldn't have. As it is, I'm afraid I've lost the muse and no amount of effort has enabled me to get him back.

I apologize for all the problems this has caused and for all the troubles I and my muse may have caused in the past.

I want to thank every one of you for playing with me, and especially for Elle. I still love your Atobe and all your other characters. Our plotting was fun and our massive AU was great. I hope only the best for you and your characters and perhaps we'll meet again in some other game.

Once again, please remove Hitokirikite from your LJ lists. And thank you for your time.
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