Who: Chitose Miyuki and Oshitari Kenya
When: March 7th
Where: Field Away from School
What: Kenya takes Miyuki out to a special spot as her birthday present.
Rating: G
Comments: Best late birthday present ever! (And sorry it's late but a little lightheartedness seems needed now~)
Kenya: *leaning against his car, waiting for Miyuki and staring at his hands* *they're not shaking as much as they have been but the shaking is still visible*
Miyuki: *dashes out heading full speed toward him by the car* KEEEEN-NIIII!!!!
Kenya: *glances up at the sound of his name and grins* Miyu-chan~
Miyuki: *slows down so she can cling to him when she finally gets there* Ken-nii~! *totally not overly excited for her present~*
Kenya: *laughs and wraps his arms around her tightly* Hello, Miyu-chan~
Miyuki: It's tomorrow right? *grins up at him*
Kenya: *grins* Yup. It's tomorrow.
Miyuki: Yay! *cheers*
Kenya: Didn't I tell you sleeping would make it come faster?
Miyuki: Yeah.... but it was so hard I couldn't stop thinking about it first! And then I sat on the bed and don't remember anything else...
Kenya: *laughs* Alright, alright. Come on. In the car, in the car.
Miyuki: Okay, okay! *lets go and goes to the door*
Kenya: *goes to the drivers door, pausing outside it for a moment to look at his hands* ...Just gotta keep it slow... *murmurs to himself before opening the door and climbing in*
Miyuki: *already in her seat with her belt securely fastened and ready to go*
Kenya: *puts his belt on and starts the car* We're probably gonna be back late. It's a bit of a drive out there.
Miyuki: I told An-nee and nii-chan. *grins, excited and trying not to bounce in her seat*
Kenya: Heh. Is that right? *pulls out of the carpark, heading away from town towards the countryside* What'd they say?
Miyuki: An-nee's been doing stuff with Hika-nii and nii-chan's been a zombie lately so they said to have fun. *rolls eyes slightly mentioning them both*
Kenya: Mmm, I know about Hikaru and An-chan. Kinda cute.
Miyuki: It sounds like they have a lot of fun together. *doesn't want to think about the stuff An was teasing her about that they might have done on their date; yuck*
Kenya: *nods* Long as An-chan's good to Hikaru, I don't mind.
Miyuki: Eh, why wouldn't she be?
Kenya: Ah, nothing. Don't worry about it~
Miyuki: Hm... okay~
Kenya: *glances at him with a slight grin before focusing on the road again* It's so nice out here...
Miyuki: *grins too, happy anywhere with one of her nii-chan-tachi anyway* It is~
Kenya: How have you been lately, anyway, Miyu-chan~?
Miyuki: I've been okay I guess, until I found out I forgot my birthday... *still a little upset about that as no one seemed to mention anything either*
Kenya: Aww, Miyu-chan. We still love you, you know?
Miyuki: I know~ Everyone's been busy with stuff too. *smiles* And I was busy with Kura-nii yesterday I didn't notice until later... *mumbles*
Kenya: .... I thought buchou was training yesterday.
Miyuki: Eh? O-Oh, yeah he was...
Kenya: ....Alone.
Miyuki: ... I went to stop him.
Kenya: ...Why?
Miyuki: 'Cause he was too tired to be training like that... he was all sweaty and out of breath and even started to miss on the practice wall.
Kenya: ....*frowns, chewing on the inside of his lip*
Miyuki: Ken-nii's still scared, right?
Kenya: ...what are you talking about?
Miyuki: Your hands have been shaking since I hugged you... *noticed but didn't want to bring it up*
Kenya: ..... *pulls over onto the side of the road and folds his arms on top of the steering wheel, resting his head on top of them* ...Nothing ever gets past you, huh...?
Miyuki: I watched nii-chan play too much shogi. *smiles, but then frowns a little* It's okay to still be scared though...
Kenya: *smiles slightly* That'd explain it.... *sighs and sits back in his chair, staring out the windshield* ... I haven't been able to stop shaking for days... And he wants me to admit that it's his fault... I can't do that to him...
Miyuki: 'Cause Kura-nii wants to blame himself for it, which is why he was training until his arm went numb... *fidgets a little in her seat* But I stopped him before it got any worse and told him not to.
Kenya: ....that idiot... It's not his fault.. at all... It's that stupid fear I have.. If I wasn't so damn afraid of being paralyzed, then yips would be nothing...
Miyuki: *blinks* That's what Ken-nii's scared of?
Kenya: ....*nods slowly* It's stupid, I know...
Miyuki: *shakes her head* Nu uh, it isn't! I was scared of playing and losing in competitions; that was stupid. *nods to herself*
Kenya: ...that's not stupid. Losing in a competition, everyone's there watching you and that's what they remember you for. Get paralyzed..... No one wants anything to do with you... you can't do anything for yourself....
Miyuki: That doesn't mean it's not scary... that's worse than losing in a silly match. *frowns*
Kenya: ......*just shrugs, leaning his forehead against the top of the steering wheel*
Miyuki: But... Ken-nii's just paralyzing himself by being scared of being paralyzed.
Kenya: .....I know... I've been stuck in bed since a couple days ago... I haven't been able to help it.
Miyuki: It's okay to be for a little while... *didn't get over hers for a while either*
Kenya: I've been scared of it all my life...
Miyuki: Ken-nii... *a bit surprised, and concerned*
Kenya: It's part of why I can't stay still... for any length of time...
Miyuki: *unbuckles her seatbelt so she can move over a little and reaches out to grab his hand, not really knowing what to say*
Kenya: ...*looks at her hand and squeezes it slightly* ... Sorry, Miyu-chan... this was meant to be for you.. not about me.
Miyuki: *smiles* It's okay, Ken-nii's more important than my silly birthday.
Kenya: ...*shakes his head slowly* I need to get over it...
Miyuki: I dunno about overcoming any kind of fear... *squeezes his hand back* ...but when I needed to get past my yips I was told the only way was to practice as much as I needed to get past my anxiety, it just depended on how much confidence I had in myself.
Kenya: ....I don't think I can do that.
Miyuki: Have you ever tried..?
Kenya: ....How can I? If I have to be perfectly still... I start to hyperventilate... and I get the shakes.... and it starts nightmares....
Miyuki: But don't you sleep okay normally?
Kenya: Normally, yeah.... When I'm sharing with 'Kashi or Gogo... But sometimes if it happens... I have nightmares where I feel like I can't even breath.
Miyuki: But... aren't you being still when you're sleeping normally then?
Kenya: *shakes his head* I move a lot in my sleep.... 'Kashi took a while to get used to it... It would keep him awake for ages.
Miyuki: Even in your sleep..? *blinks-- then again she likes to cling to things and move around too* Mou... *not sure how to help*
Kenya: *nods slowly and runs a hand through his hair-- still hasn't quite gotten used to running it through the shorter black yet, even if it has been a few months*
Miyuki: *lets go of his hand and shifts so she can hug him awkwardly since she has to reach over strangely*
Kenya: *shifts so he can return the hug at least a little more comfortably*
Miyuki: I don't want Ken-nii to be scared...
Kenya: It's not something that can be helped.
Miyuki: But I wanna help somehow... *frowns*
Kenya: *shakes his head slowly, letting go* The only way to get over it is to face it... and the only way to face paralysis without getting permanently paralyzed... is getting yipped again.
Miyuki: Ken-nii...
Kenya: ....I don't want to do that again...
Miyuki: But you'll just be scared like this if you don't, won't you..?
Kenya: *lifts one hand to look at it* My hands are shaking more just thinking of it, Miyu-chan...
Miyuki: But if you don't then Ken-nii will just stay scared like this all the time... and get worse too if it's so bad... *takes his shaking hand in her small steady one*
Kenya: *wraps his hand around hers, squeezing it a little* I can barely pick up my racket, Miyu-chan... If I walk onto the court and face buchou... I'll be shaking and unable to play before we even start.
Miyuki: But you don't know unless you try. *squeezes back* Or are you never going to play Kura-nii again..?
Kenya: ....I don't know..
Miyuki: ... I won't bug Ken-nii about it if you really don't want to... but Kura-nii and all of us really wanna help. *puts her other hand on top of his and squeezes softly* We'll hug Ken-nii tight if things get scary.
Kenya: ...I know, Miyu-chan...
Miyuki: Okay... *lets go of his hand*
Kenya: *sits back in his seat and closes his eyes for a moment, breathing slowly*
Miyuki: *sits back patiently, afraid she might have upset him*
Kenya: *opens his eyes again after a few minutes and smiles at her slightly* Im okay.
Miyuki: *smiles a little back* Okay. *buckles herself back in*
Kenya: ...Thanks, Miyu-chan.
Miyuki: *grins* Ken-nii better put his seatbelt on or we can't go anywhere~
Kenya: *laughs and buckles himself in again* Good point.
Miyuki: Hehe~ *doublechecks her own real quick-- safety first!*
Kenya: Ready~?
Miyuki: Yep!
Kenya: Great~ *pulls out again* We're not far from where I wanna show you anyway.
Miyuki: Ooh, really~? *excited all over again; yay simple*
Kenya: *nods* I took 'Kashi here on Valentine's.
Miyuki: You did? *blinks* ... I don't think I ever met him. *hadn't realized*
Kenya: ... You haven't?
Miyuki: Nope. *shakes head*
Kenya: Huh. That's weird. You should
Miyuki: I wanna~
Kenya: Tomorrow?
Miyuki: Sure!
Kenya: Alright~
Miyuki: Yay~
Kenya: *grins and drives for a few more minutes before pulling up beside a gate to a field.*
Miyuki: *tries not to get bouncy when they pull up* Is this it?
Kenya: *nods and opens his door* This is it.
Miyuki: Yay..! *unbuckles her belt and nearly jumps out of the car without opening the door*
Kenya: *grabs a picnic blanket, thermos and bento from the back seat before opening the gate* I took Kashi here just just before dawn. You can get a real good view of the sunrise from here.
Miyuki: *running into the field not paying attention-- oops*
Kenya: *laughs, watching her go* Miyu-chan~
Miyuki: Huh..? *stops; the excitement had been too pent up apparently*
Kenya: *laughs again, stopping to lay out the picnic blanket*
Miyuki: *runs back over to him to help*
Kenya: *sits down once he's down and stares up at the sky* It's so nice out here.
Miyuki: *plops down beside him after running around a little more* It is~!
Kenya: *spins off the lid of the thermos before offering it to her* Tea?
Miyuki: Thanks! *smiles and accepts, taking a few sips and offers it back to him*
Kenya: *smiles and takes a mouthful* I'm thinking of coming up here for runs. There's not a lot of traffic on the roads around here, so I can drive up and just run.
Miyuki: *nods happily* It's a really fun place to run, you should Ken-nii!
Kenya: Maybe later, Miyu-chan. When it warms up some.
Miyuki: Oh yeah. *forgot it was cold while running around, noticing it a little now*
Kenya: You're so silly, Miyu-chan~
Miyuki: Am not! *sticks her tongue out at him*
Kenya: Are too~
Miyuki: Nu uh!
Kenya: Yup~
Miyuki: Mou... *crosses her arms and pouts*
Kenya: *kisses her cheek and opens the bento*
Miyuki: *blushes and makes an odd face but forgets it when she sees the bento* Eh, did Ken-nii make it~?
Kenya: Yup~
Miyuki: Oooh! Ken-nii's cooking! *bouncy*
Kenya: And it's all for you~
Miyuki: Really?! *brightens up*
Kenya: *nods and hands her a pair of chopsticks*
Miyuki: Itadakimasu! *cheers, taking the chopsticks and starts to eat happily* Mmm, so goood~!
Kenya: *laughs, watching her* I'm glad~
Miyuki: Kem-mii mot funna weat? *mouth full; Ken-nii's not goona eat?*
Kenya: *shakes his head* I already ate. *has mastered the skill of understanding speech with a full mouth-- he does it enough himself after all*
Miyuki: Mmkay! *continues to eat cheerfully*
Kenya: *hasn't actually, but he doesn't want to deprive Miyuki*
Miyuki: *still leaves half anyway as she's not exactly starving* Aaah, so good~! Ken-nii should cook more. *grins*
Kenya: I cook for 'Kashi sometimes.
Miyuki: *covers the leftovers* He must be really happy when Ken-nii does then. *smiles*
Kenya: I like to think he is... He hasn't said anything bad about it so..
Miyuki: *blinks* Ask him?
Kenya: .. Nah. It's fine~
Miyuki: Hm... doesn't sound like it. *sticks tongue out at him*
Kenya: *pokes his tongue out in return*
Miyuki: Ken-nii's silly~
Kenya: Yes~ Yes, I am~ But not as silly as Miyu-chan.
Miyuki: Mou..! *pokes him* Nu uh, Ken-nii's sillier!
Kenya: *jerks away with a yelp* Oi!
Miyuki: *grin* Ne, ne Ken-nii... you're not ticklish are you?
Kenya: .... Don't even think about it..
Miyuki: Hehe.... *pounces and starts tickle attacking him*
Kenya: *starts laughing, trying to push her hands away*
Miyuki: *shifts to another side so he can't push her away; though he could easily pick her up and move her... if she gave him a chance to breathe* Take that~
Kenya: *still laughing and struggle* Mi... Miyu-chan...!
Miyuki: Yeah Ken-nii~? *giggles and continues tickling*
Kenya: C-Ca.... Can... you st... st... stop?
Miyuki: Hm... maybe. *tickles a little less but not willing to stop yet; too funny*
Kenya: *whines and keeps struggling* Y-You... are worse.... th... than... Kashi
Miyuki: But it's fun~ *whines back and stops, sort of still poking at him a little*
Kenya: *pants loudly, trying to get his breath back*
Miyuki: *can't stop giggling, falls back on her side in amusement* Ken-nii's silly and funny~
Kenya: *pouts at her and holds his sides*
Miyuki: *finally stops laughing and sits back up to smile at him* I'll stop, promise~ *will save it for next time*
Kenya: *keeps pouting her, breathing still slightly laboured*
Miyuki: Mou, no pouting! *moves over so she can hug him properly* That's my job. *pouts*
Kenya: *pouts more just to spite her*
Miyuki: ... *pokes him*
Kenya: ...*yelps*
Miyuki: *giggles*
Kenya: *pouts*
Miyuki: Mou...
Kenya: You suck.
Miyuki: *pouts*
Kenya: ...*kisses her cheek*
Miyuki: *blushes* ...
Kenya: You're so cute, Miyu-chan.
Miyuki: Nu uh... *covers her cheeks to try and hide the blush*
Kenya: You are~~ Don't deny it.
Miyuki: *turns her back to him stubbornly*
Kenya: ... Oi, Miyu-chan.
Miyuki: What..?
Kenya: What's wrong?
Miyuki: Nothing...
Kenya: Miyu-chan.
Miyuki: ..?
Kenya: Are you sure nothing's wrong?
Miyuki: *nods slowly but stops* I dunno...
Kenya: *wraps his arms around her slowly* You know you can talk to me.
Miyuki: I know...
Kenya: About anything.
Miyuki: ... but it's weird...
Kenya: I'm not going to laugh at you or anything, Miyu-chan. I've probably been through something similar.
Miyuki: Okay... *hugs his arms wrapped around her*
Kenya: *kisses the top of her head* And I won't tell anyone else anything.
Miyuki: *quiet for a while still unsure but sighs and finally just mumbles it out* I have a crush...
Kenya: .... *smiles slightly and runs a hand through her hair* So do I, but don't tell anyone~
Miyuki: Mou... *pouts, feeling stupid for saying it and blushes*
Kenya: *shakes his head slowly* Who on?
Miyuki: Not telling...
Kenya: Alright. *wants to know but isn't going to push her*
Miyuki: 'Cause it's stupid.... *decides to at least explain why instead of who* I forgot my birthday 'cause I was thinking about it and... other stuff...
Kenya: It's not stupid, Miyu-chan. I've missed half the notes in class cause I was thinking about 'Kashi.
Miyuki: That's not the same though... *doesn't really know that just not sure what else to say*
Kenya: Maybe not. But it's not far off.
Miyuki: I just dunno...*fidgets a little* I feel all funny and think about how I look... and wore a dress... *mumbles embarrassed*
Kenya: What's wrong with wearing a dress?
Miyuki: It's girly... *frowns*
Kenya: ... Miyu-chan. Hate to tell you but... you're a girl.
Miyuki: Mou... *buries her face in his arms* Ken-nii knows I don't like that stuff though..!
Kenya: *chuckles and tightens his arms* I know, Miyu-chan. But there's nothing wrong with it.
Miyuki: I just dunno what to do... or what I'm doing 'cause I don't get it... *knows she makes no sense*
Kenya: You don't have to do anything, Miyu-chan. You could tell them, maybe. But I doubt you would.
Miyuki: *shakes head and blushes-- nope definitely not happening*
Kenya: Didn't think so.
Miyuki: It's embarrassing... *mumbles* ...and stupid.
Kenya: It's not stupid, Miyu-chan. *runs a hand through his hair slowly* I was the same when I liked Hikaru.
Miyuki: Hika-nii?
Kenya: *nods* Back in middle school.
Miyuki: But Ken-nii and Hika-nii at least were in school together and close and stuff... *fidgets*
Kenya: Not at first, we weren't. Not close, at least.
Miyuki: *murmurs quietly* At least Ken-nii was older...
Kenya: ...*completely confused now* What's that mean..?
Miyuki: Nothing...
Kenya: ...Alright.
Miyuki: *sighs and glances down at the ground concentrating on not blushing* It's dorobo-nii-chan...
Kenya: ...Dorobo... *blinks* Wait. As in.... Tezuka?
Miyuki: *nods slowly, refusing to look away from the ground*
Kenya: ...*smiles slowly* I don't blame you.
Miyuki: .... see it's silly...
Kenya: Why is it silly?
Miyuki: 'Cause....
Kenya: Why?
Miyuki: It's like liking nii-chan-tachi and stuff so it's weird...
Kenya: I don't think it's weird. What's weird is liking your own cousin.
Miyuki: Huh..?
Kenya: *smiles wryly* I dunno. I love Yuu-chan heaps and heaps. But I know at one point I was confused about how I loved him.
Miyuki: Oh yeah, Mr. Weird Glasses Ken-nii-chan's cousin... but I don't think that's weird. *blinks up at him innocently*
Kenya: *blinks, slightly confused* ...It is weird.
Miyuki: *doesn't quite understand his meaning as she doesn't get love anyway yet* Nu uh.
Kenya: ....You're silly, Miyu-chan~
Miyuki: Maybe... *frowns*
Kenya: Silly's good though~
Miyuki: I dunno...
Kenya: I do. It is.
Miyuki: *sighs*
Kenya: .. Cheer up, Miyu-chan. And don't worry about it too much, okay?
Miyuki: An-nee put me in a dress and everyone thought something was wrong with me though... and I forgot my birthday even.... I dunno how to not be unless I'm playing tennis. *pouts*
Kenya: Just be yourself, Miyu-chan. Be whatever makes you happy.
Miyuki: I guess...
Kenya: You guess?
Miyuki: Suimasen... *frowns*
Kenya: Miyu-chan... *hugs her tightly*
Miyuki: *hugs him back* ...
Kenya: It'll be okay. *murmurs*
Miyuki: Really..?
Kenya: *nods* I promise.
Miyuki: Okay... *clings*
Kenya: *rubs her back*
Miyuki: Sorry for being silly... *frowns*
Kenya: It's okay, Miyu-chan. You're allowed to be silly.
Miyuki: How come..?
Kenya: Because everyone's silly.
Miyuki: *smiles a little and rests her head on his shoulder* Maybe...
Kenya: Definitely~
Miyuki: Ken-nii most though.
Kenya: Oh, gee, thanks~
Miyuki: *kisses his cheek*
Kenya: *grins and kisses hers as well*
Miyuki: Don't tell anyone though, 'kay..? *blushes*
Kenya: I already said I wouldn't~
Miyuki: Just wanted to make sure... *really embarrassed still*
Kenya: Promise I won't, Miyu-chan. Ever.
Miyuki: Pinky swear?
Kenya: *holds up his pinky*
Miyuki: *locks it with hers and chants yubikiri genman until she's satisfied*
Kenya: *chuckles slightly* Cute
Miyuki: Mou... it's serious! *total child*
Kenya: I know. But it's still cute.
Miyuki: *pokes him*
Kenya: *yelps* Meanie.
Miyuki: Hehe~
Kenya: *holds his side protectively*
Miyuki: *clings to his side instead of tickle attacking it and grins up to him* Ne, ne Ken-nii~
Kenya: ...*looks down at her suspiciously* What?
Miyuki: *smiles* Thanks.
Kenya: *smiles and wraps and arm around her* You're welcome.
Miyuki: Can you bring me here sometimes when you start running so I can run with you~?
Kenya: Of course~ And I'll run slow so you can keep up
Miyuki: *pouts* No fair, I wanna race too!
Kenya: We can race. I'll just go easy.
Miyuki: Mou... then I'll beat you until you're serious! *sticks tongue out at him*
Kenya: Alright. *grins* Ready to head back?
Miyuki: Hm... okay. *nods*
Kenya: *nods and hugs her once more before standing up*
Miyuki: *gets up too and helps to pick up everything still bouncy even though they were leaving*
Kenya: *folds up the picnic blanket and carries it back to the car*
Miyuki: *follows him carrying the picnic goods and tries to catch up and get a little ahead of him too*
Kenya: *opens the gate and lets her go through first before following and closing the gate*
Miyuki: *almost skips over to the car to put everything back*
Kenya: *opens the gate and lets her go through first before following and closing the gate*
Miyuki: *almost skips over to the car to put everything back*
Kenya: *opens the back door and puts the blanket inside* I'll take you down the straights so we can go fast~
Miyuki: Yay~! *has been a little addicted to going fast since her first ride*
Kenya: *closes the door before climbing into the driver's seat*
Miyuki: *slips into her seat and buckles her seatbelt securely after closing the door*
Kenya: *puts his seatbelt on and starts the car with a grin before closing the door* Ready~?
Miyuki: YES! *tries not to bounce in her seat as usual*
Kenya: *laughs before pulling out onto the road* Hold on, Miyu-chan~
Miyuki: *does as instructed but total excitement on her face*
Kenya: *puts the car into gear racing down the roads*
Miyuki: *cheers and holds her arms up at the beginning like she's on a rollercoaster but tucks them back to her sides to hold on as they speed up-- yeah, awesome birthday present for sure*
Kenya: *grins, skidding around a corner*
Miyuki: *screams happily and holds on tight*
Kenya: *glances at her briefly as the road straightens out before hitting the accelarator*
Miyuki: *yaaaay fast, can't even cry out in excitement as they hit some ridiulous speed*
Kenya: *watches the speedometer, keeping an eye on it and the road before suddenly slamming on the brakes and skidding around a shallow corner*
Miyuki: *just has a big grin, enjoying every second of the high speed ride*
Kenya: *eventually slows the car to a sane speed as the roads get shorter and the corners sharper*
Miyuki: *knows she won't be walking very straight when they get back but was totally worth it* Ken-nii's not the fastest anymore... Ken-nii's car is~! *cheers*
Kenya: *laughs, patting the dashboard* Hell yeah. Nothing's faster than this beauty.
Miyuki: *grins and pats her seat* Yay fast~
Kenya: *laughs slightly* Ice cream~?
Miyuki: *brightens up all over again, not that she wasn't still excited* Really?!
Kenya: *laughs and nods* Really~
Miyuki: *wishes she could jump out of her seat and hug him but that's dangerous* I love you Ken-nii~ *smiles sweetly-- totally not imagining what ice cream she's going to have*
Kenya: Love you, too, Miyu-chan~