Nov 29, 2005 20:57
Holy freakin God the next motherfucker I hear about supporting my country or the terrorists win bullshit is gettin kicked right in the fuckin nuts!!!! In this plastic, lame ass, fascist, pseudo-would-be patriotic bullshit excuse for a fuckin country we stand by and let our lives be ruled by the very pieces of shit we claim to hate!! All these cheeseburger/yogurt sprout eatin motherfuckers tell me that I'm a bad person cuz "I DON'T SUPPORT THE WAR and THEM BOYS IS DYIN FOR YOUR FREEDOM".... Fuck them! FUCK THE MILITARY!!! FUCK OUR GOVERNMENT!! This government was founded on a double standard that everyone under God was created equal. heh heh unless you're a woman, another race, or an Indian. That kids is what we call hypocrisy. And honestly enough is that is what our "boys in the war" are fighting for, the ability to say we are free is bullshit. They fight for the whim of our fickle government and believe me there is NO honor in that when you look at the atrosities performed to acheive this FINE LAND. Bryan, you are a good guy and I mean you no offense for signing up, I am just sick of people looking at me like I'm a bad guy for not standing behind the load of bullshit that we are fed. The facts are all right there in front of us. Usama bin-Laden attacked us, we went after Saddam Hussein, we "KNEW" he had WMD's, we have found none. Kim Jong-Il admitted North Korea has WMD's and will not disarm, we haven't declared war on him. So to all who have read this........heh heh i just kid.andtoallofyouhaventfigureditoutyetimjustfuckingwithyou!!XD C.