
Feb 14, 2004 08:54

Okay, figured it's about dang time I updated this entry!

This journal has been made friends-only, due to trolling and some minor stalking I've received. Thanks for the attention, guys, but I'm not that important. *razz*

Want to be added? Leave me a comment saying so. I almost always will do so. Check my userinfo for more about me. Within you'll find my latest art posts, news from my life, and occasional half-assed political rants.

I also have a public journal I keep, though I don't update it nearly enough.

Once you're on, it's very difficult to get removed - key reasons for me removing you would be, A:) Saying something extremely offensive in a comment or on your journal.
B:) You give me reason to think you are a troll or spy for some of the more unpleasant people on the net. Repeating things you've read here without my express permission is a quick way to be removed.
Or, C:) You never update, or the only thing you update with are quizzes and apathetic "my life sux" posts. Come on, you can do better than that! If you're gonna angst, do it with style!

Sorry if this seems paranoid. If you've been stabbed in the back, threatened, and slandered as many times as myself and some of my friends have, you would be too.