
Apr 22, 2005 00:34

So based on Perci's suggestion, I'm going to stop updating the LiveJournal. I made a feed of my Blogger site to LJ (TengrrlFeed), and that's all I need. Besides having a FEED is so making me think of MT Anderson.

I'm staying with Blogger because I ftp my blogger entries to my server. LJ folks who want to read my entries can add TengrrlFeed to their friends and they'll still see everything on their Friends list. So today's will be my last public entry to LiveJournal, and more importantly, the last time that I have to double enter everything. Another RSS timesaver! Thank you Perci!

With LiveJournal, everything is on someone else's server. With Blogger, I have more control over backups. Okay, I'm probably not writing anything amazing here, but I have that old print-copyright mentality. I want to own my words. Or at least believe that I can own them.

I'm still working on the prediction lesson plan that will use the "Young Goodman Brown" Flash piece. The lesson is currently titled, "Focus on First Lines: Increasing Comprehension through Prediction Strategies." I'll probably have it live by tomorrow afternoon, and then I have to get the June calendar live.
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