Larry and handholding otters.

Dec 02, 2008 13:12

So last month on the big family vacation with mom & dad's church group, I made friends with this old guy named Larry. He's 81 but looks younger than my dad at 60. He was always saying awesome things like "What's the matter with you?" to my brother. Larry said that he felt bad about only dating younger women, but women his age were just so old... For the first time maybe ever, I could see what he meant.
Anyway, I gave Larry my email address because I was surprised he had one himself. He sent me one hilarious email like 2 weeks ago, but since then I've been getting about 3 or 4 old people forwards every 4 or 5 days or so.
I think that's when Larry checks his email.
My parents can't really work email, so I don't have to worry about otters who hold hands or "National Best Friends Day" from them... but Larry? Larry's all over it.
I don't know what to do.
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