The (Other) Experience Music Project

Feb 26, 2010 12:25

In association with my plan for a simpler life, I'm buying less new music and am instead listening to albums that I already have. Honestly, how many CDs do you listen to each month? Each year? If you're like me, you have a familiar circle of tunes and a constant flux of new music, whether it be new to me or new to everyone.

On the peripherals, I have artist phases where I get really into one of my favorites for a couple of months. Beatles phases. Bob Dylan phases. Ben Folds, Beastie Boys, and Rage Against the Machine phases. Whenever I get on one of these kicks, I feel ashamed that I ever stopped listening to the artist in question. But that's simply what happens. It's difficult to constantly listen to all of your music all the time. It's probably not healthy, either.

The main question is: How many albums that you'd like to revisit get swept under the proverbial carpet, forever at the corner of your mind, reminding you that you've forgotten something but you can't remember what? Perhaps it's merely a personal issue, but I often think about what I have that's gone unused for longer than I'd like to admit. There are albums I bought years ago that haven't been spun outside of the month of purchase. Others I amassed from new age key parties, also known as CD Swapping Socials, and have literally gone untouched. Basically, there's too much as is, and with new music coming out weekly (and sometimes daily), how much is too much?

Well, I don't know. But I do know that I want to become more familiar with my music collection. So, I'm going to be keeping a sort of music diary where I revisit each album and share my thoughts. I'll be using the following template, or a close approximation thereof:

Personal history with album: (i.e. past memories, relative date acquired, favorite tracks, etc.)
New thoughts:

It'll be a fun way to reconnect with my investments and further explore my musical tastes...especially once I get a CD changer for our new stereo. Until then, it'll be rip-and-play on the iPod on my 50-minute round trip commute each work day.
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