Nope, not really big news. I have been released on probationary terms by the psych again. much yayness there. I really do feel better though sleep is still a bit annoying. I wake up like I haven't slept a wink. I do have a more positive attitude and I did try that assertiveness thing on coach. See he (without consulting the people that are actually volunteering) changed practice times so that middle school would be 3:30-5 and high school 5:30-basically after 7 p.m. This was announced on a bus ride back from a meet I wasn't at (because I was out having a life...go Shakespeare!)
As always, starburst ideas of coach get thrown at me first thing in the morning monday by the kids. Now, really this isn't too shocking as far as his ideas but what shocked me is that all the kids came to verify this with me. That alone let me know that I am more than a crab and a voice the kids consider worth listening too. I don't know when I moved out of the hole labelled "schmuck" into the box labelled "she's okay sometimes" but there I am. I let them know that I am still training from 3-5 as outlined in my email and I was not sitting around for late practice. I also told my long distance we meet at the regular time (which was too the relief of one child that has church on wed at 6 and has a homework schedule).
So we carried on for the week until Thursday. HS all came at the late time and the other coach worked with, count 'em, THREE middle schoolers for the week. I brought up the time issue and inconsistency with the coach's wife and she told him. He sent out a decree on Wed that practice will remain as HE decided. Oh reaaaaallly *insert bad Jim Carey accent* So I said nothing and went to pract Th where the volunteer was not able to run the late practice (another coach who shows up once in a blue moon...yep, coach moved all the kids to depend on this one guy who as constant as nothing). The volunteer coach that had been forced to work with the three middle schoolers said he couldn't stay. I said I wouldn't stay and I began to shoo all the little ones off the field and home to mommies.
Another email went out and a phone call later coach shows up for practice on Friday...this is the head coach guy that made the unanimous decision without asking his volunteers if that would be feasible. We "talk" about the current situation and what to do. I told him he had my piece and I went to practice with my long distancers. Been working with this guy for a year, he is testing the email waters I set clear guidelines on and I am not moving. I have fun with LD and at the end of practice he gives his 30 minute go get 'im speech and we as coaches have come to a decision to move practice back to 3:30. Wow...amazing idea!
And he let MS on that had been cut...I don't care, I go and work with LD unless I really have to mix and mingle.
On a separate note, we are doing a ladies bibles study with Beth Moore. I know I am too far away from God and I am trying to repair that. To Live with Christ is the series and it is on my FAVORITE person in the bible eva...*insert sarcasm, coughing, and sneering* Paul. Yeah, for Paul, I think I would actually resort to a screaming match in front of Jesus, he just makes me that mad sometimes. And then, after I get all pissy at the guy he says something that cuts my heart and makes so much sense that I WANT TO POUND HIM! You know those people that irritate you and then say you should do XYZ and you argue and do ABC and then it backfires and all they do is look at you with ONE raised eyebrow and you want to smack it off. Yeah, so that is my relationship with Paul. I wanna smack him most of the time for saying the right thing and saying the wrong thing. Boy, did I ever pick a time to get closer to God, eh? Oh and God is making it very clear that under no circumstance will I be able to make repairs...only he said through Paul (*MALLETOFEXASPERATION*) So yeah, me, humble pie, willing servant, kicking Paul when he ain't looking.
Oh and God is not dealing with one bit of disobedience on this part. I had an issue (I created with a lady at the study because she is a black and white kinda person) so I tried to get others to come to dilute the water. Not only did they not come, but guess who stayed in the church after for about thirty minutes alone with this chick...yep me. Humble pie is so good when served cold. I really have to realize other people have just as many bad things going for them as I do sometimes and to cut them a break. So a prayer is for her because she just got a bit of bad news (not loss of family) but dealing with the base situation.
Then there is Shakespeare
Oh my God! I love theater and I hate it. I wish there was a good book on becoming a believable actor/character. Yep, I'd take notes, color code and practice what it said. Geek and nerd for a reason...move along.
My first practice was as a fairy. I had a lot of ideas of what the character should do from the reading but when I practiced...I froze. Deer...headlights... I got yelled at (eep!) because I kept going off the stage and for good reason. I was trying to hide on how absurd is that??? Okay the second day of practice I was determined to stay downstage just to avoid getting yelled at and I got yelled at for something else. I wasn't "open". See, they said walk beside the chick and I did and apparently that is hiding. But the director (who is a really cool guy that has an extensive vocabulary but a few favorite swear words) is really cool and patient so he finally explained upstage, downstage, open, walking with purpose and I think I got it. yay me. :)
Ursula in Much Ado
Fairy in Merry Wives
Servant in Henry IV
Lucetta in Two Gentlemen
I am loving what I do and even was brave enough to practice it at church yesterday while we waited. I am going to get my stuff together and work on it at the drama room at school because my problem is not learning lines, it is learning how to use a stage.
So that ids Dateline me...I hope everyone's weeks are going better and
bubblesbrnaid much love and hang in there gal!!!