Third Gamble

Jun 23, 2011 08:14

[His first regain.

His heartbeat soars as he stares, dumbfounded, at the contents of the package he has received in the mail.  A simple Pokeball.  Red and white with no particular distinction, nothing to note its contents.  But he knows what has been returned to him, of course, in the same way that a father could tell his identical twins apart.  A small smile comes to his lips as he holds the ball close against his chest for a moment or two.  ...Welcome back, old friend.]

1. Grimsley can now be found with his Super Sentai partner everywhere he goes. In the grocery store, Bisharp can be seen retrieving items by stabbing them with its blades and shaking them loose into the basket it holds by... also stabbing with its blades.  Watermelons and chickens may be liable to violently exploding as it isn't particularly careful.  You may be showered in juice and guts.

2. In the park, Grimsley reads quietly by a park bench while Bisharp stands idly nearby, slowly chewing on what seems to be a feathery carcass.  Every now and then, a small bird flies too close to the Pokemon - With a flash of steel, it will crash down to the ground, quite dead, right into the small pile of corpses Bisharp has at its feet.

3. And of course, Grimsley can be found training with Bisharp in the park.  Cries of 'X-Scissor' and 'Night Slash' are followed by tree limbs crashing to the ground.  'Guillotine' is commanded at one point... And an entire tree topples with a resounding boom that can be heard throughout the park.

Now... For those of you eagerly lining up for the chance to challenge a member of the Elite Four in battle, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be taking matches for the remainder of the week.  One on one.  And for those of you who doubted my... 'occupation'... I suggest coming down to the park sometime.
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