Title: Malformed Box
Author: Aryssia
Rating: NC-17 in later chapters
Chapter: 1/???
Genre: Suspense, fantasy, mysterious, horror
Pairing: (in later chapters) Reita x Ruki; alt!Uruha x Uruha; alt!Kai x alt!Uruha; alt!Kai x Aoi; alt!Ruki x Reita; ......
Warning: slight OOC probably, not BETAed (not native speaker)
Please choose whatever you like from these....
Don’t give the secret away to anyone.
No matter what...
Welcome to The Malformed Box.
NOTES: This fanfiction idea came to me while watching 'Inside Beast' PV and just now I wasn't so lazy to write it down. xD Considering pairings, ALT! means alternative personality. :) Since this fanfiction is just starting, you will see what I mean in later chapters. :) Thank you!
Also, I have to thank very much to Koichi, my co-admin that helped me a lot when I was stucked... xD Arigato! :3
And finally, lyrics in this chapter are from Suicide Circus and summary is put together from translated parts of Inside Beast (translation by HERESIARCHY) :)
Disclaimer: Do not own them, boys own themselves~
Cold, dark night without stars was eating things around me, pitch black ruling this world.
I took few steps forward, trying to find some bright spot, anything that would shine my way in this darkness but there was.... nothing.
I ran up the hill...? I didnt know. I just ran, trying to escape from all this black, when suddenly....
A light. Little but colorful light in distance. I took few steps forward, walking toward the hope in this world and soon reaching smaller white house. Colorful light around it were dancing on walls, creating various circles and taking all kinds of strange shapes. I looked around. I wasn't alone as I could see now... People were standing in front of house but... I shuddered. It looked inhuman. They were like dolls, colorful but.... one of them looked at me and I stepped back. No face...
My shriek resonated in my ears....
I sharply sat up and took deep breath in as I finally woked from nightmare. Just about the time, when one of dolls pushed me through the edge of hill.
I sighed and shook my head. It's been comming to me for.... months now?
It started just like one of those dreams, where you are wondering in never-ending darkness. But it gradually changed. Firstly, I saw little light. It wasn't bright or anything. Just as dying star. After few times, the light grew and soon I could figure out a shape of house and even run to it. And now....
I growled. Stupid nightmares.
I stood up and picked some clothes from floor. My head hurted even now, when I tried to move.
I stretched and yawned.
This day will be difficult...
"Oooh, tough night, Ruki?"
Aoi grinned as I came to rehearsal room, probably looking like a ghost. I snorted and sat on chair, hanging over it, trying to relax a bit. Aoi giggled.
"So i was riiight~"
"Shut up...." I growled, rubbing my eyes. Reita, Uruha and Kai laughed. Drummer came closer to me, patting my back.
"You got out of bed with wrong leg?"
"...I would say with morning wood and alone..."
"Shut up, Aoi."
"Okay okay..." Guitarist raised his hands in defeated manner and kept on chuckling. "I'm quite now." He leaned against chair, watching Kai and me.
"I'm grateful." I mumbled.
"What happened? You really look horrible," Kai said and pulled me to sit properly, massaging my shoulders. I sighed.
"I have nightmares.... still the same."
"About that house in darkness?" Reita asked curiously. I nodded.
"Maybe it's because of stress?" Uruha mumbled silently. "I dreamed about being a duck when we started this tour!"
"It wasn't dream, it was just you looking to mirror in alcoholic daze...."
I couldn't help but laugh over Aoi's cheeky note and Uruha's thick blush. Kai next to me grinned and Reita.... he just acted like Reita - you never actually knew if he was asleep or just too confused. They started a really passionate debate about drinking habits, making fun of Uruha (and now even Reita, bringing up his famous 'fall-asleep-right-on-the-place-where-you-are' history) and I just joined them, pushing bad thoughts away.
Those were just dreams, oh god. Bad dreams couldn't kill anyone… I was sure…
Speak about devil...
We all ended up in bar later in evening, drinking our asses off. Kai still looked same and okay; Uruha was giggling like some school girl; Reita was sleeping on a table and Aoi probably trying to get someone to bed. Kai sighed, stood up and smiling like a little sun, he grabbed him by collar of shirt and took him to our table.
"C'mon, you Cassanova. Calm your libido down."
"Nah, enough for you." He scolded him as a little child and took a shot of vodka away. I just smirked. Kai was always leader here, since he has joined us. He might be always smiling and look oh so innocent as a little rabbit on the road but... there was something about him that made you to listen to him. To respect him. Natural authority...?
"I will take him home." Kai growled and interrupted my thoughts as he tried to keep Aoi in place. "Sorry."
I just nodded. " 's okay." I smiled. "You can take Uru and Reita with you too... Aren't you living close? Or at least in same direction? It would be risk to send them away, alone."
Well, it wouldn't be possible anyway. Reita looked like he couldn't even move, softly huffing from sleep and Uruha... It would be pretty dangerous considering his beauty and other drunkards or fangirls.
I stood up and help Kai to lift Reita and grab Uruha.
"You look like pretty busy babysitter." I teased him a bit, making him growl in irritation.
"You are lucky that you live on the other side of Tokyo!"
"I know."
"Koron!" Dog was immediately next to me, happily waving with tail. I put down bowl with meat and petted him.
"Enjoy~" Smile crept over my face and I stood up, going to pc.
"Uhh...so..." I looked at unfinished lyrics and sighed, rubbing my eyes. Just no... My brain refused to work as I was pretty tired. I didn't get so much of sleep lately.
But I needed to do this...
I started to write down some ideas but... all of them ended up deleted, leaving me more and more frustrated. I closed my eyes, trying to find some ideas behind them but...
I woke up in the middle of darkness. That dream again... I spotted small light and like always, I went to it, finding house with dolls everywhere around. I squirmed and tried to pass them silently when I noticed... they had faces now...
They resembled humans but with their moves and behaviour they seemed to me like some machines or robots programmed to fit this strange surreal world. Just arranged to fool, to catch, to lure into trap.... I shuddered but they didn't seem like they minded me.
Loud music, pulsing electro-techno sounds and heavy beat in combination with blinking lights started to make my head feel dizzy. I covered my ears, trying to stumble away but it was following me everywhere my feet lead me to. I shook my head. It was pointless.
Suddenly, a fanfare crept over the night. All of people turned their heads toward the road, where big white limo appeared out of nowhere and slowly made its way to house. Atmosphere changed. Night became kind of heavier. Two little girls that looked like one, probably twins with toy drums got out of car, drumming a rhytm, which was promising something bigger, surprising, shocking, clashing....
I turned on my heel, trying to squish through crowd when something caught my eye. Red clothes, slim figure of man, blond hair and .... I stunned. My face. It WAS me.
I was looking at Ruki and Ruki looked at me. His eyes were deep like the darkness around us, dangerously shining with black. I stepped back, his eyes still fixed on me. I yelped as I hit someone behind me and...
My other self smiled and mouthed something....
Crowd around me started to wriggle and I gasped for breath as someone grabbed me by wrists, twitching them painfully, forcing me down. A cry escaped my mouth and I tried to escape but they were leaning closer, down, faces twisted into horrific and grotesque grimaces.
"NO!" I woke up, covered in cold sweat. I was breathing as if I was running marathon and my heart was beating so crazy like the one of hummingbird. Koron next to me was curiously looking at me with his small eyes and licked my face, I sighed. "Did I scare you?" I asked silently and took dog to my arms, nuzzling to his fur. It was...calming. I looked at PC. Lyrics were there, still as I left them. I sighed and minimalized a window, opening Internet application.
"Bad dreams..... no no... nightmares...." I typed down and made a face over some pictures. Amazing.
"Im not searching for open insides!" I whined as another awesome picture appeared in front of me, making me to cover my forehead.
Something specific. I need to write down something.....
I sighed and typed down 'real places in' before nightmare word, setting location in Japan and clicking on ENTER.
List of results wasn't so long but... one picture got my attention. It was....that house.
"Google knows everything, huh?" I shuddered and clicked on result.
"Hunted house. Family killed here. No one found, no evidence." It looked like classical cliché horror story but my insides twitched over one certain picture. It was poor quality picture but I could guess. A shadows of two little girls with drums painted on walls. I looked closer, trying to figure out more.... and I stunned as I felt something to move behind me.
I quickly turned around and life froze inside of me. I screamed and backed off, Koron waking immediately up and barking at intruder in corner who just....disappeared.
I gasped and clenched my fists, looking at dog beside me. I gently petted him with trembling hand and took deep breath in.
"Calm down... good boy... good Koron."
I saw him again. I saw the one, who was same....
"And our band on a stage today is The Gazette!" Announcer said. I didn't really mind him, oh um... I couldn't. I was too sleepy, I couldn't think of anything... My mind just refused.
Guys kept asking me if I'm alright and I just turned them down with simple yes.
Truth was different. It kept happening, everyday comming at me when I wasnt at guard.... slowly making me crazy. No sleep, still stressed out, scared..., Feeling of being lost in my own bad dream that turned out to be real...
We got onto stage and I took mike. Others started to play a song.
[Vision no fuhai
here is a hell on earth]
I looked up, singing with all the strenght that was left in me. Crowd was cheering and... As I expected.... He was there. Smiling.
[i felt a chill
the disappointment that increases]
Cold sweat broke out and I started to tremble. Dizziness, nausea... My insides twitched. I tried to focus....
A heavy pulsing and beating sounded in my head. My knees became too jelly-like and I was falling right before HIS eyes that invited me to darkness....
[nobody can rewind time]
Indeed. And mine ran out.
dont look away]
I couldn't. Darkness was smiling at me, embracing me. Stealing me. I tried to fight but... I found out one thing. Humans are made for one thing.
To give up.
To be continued...