I mean, not that most of you need an introduction to me. But it's never a bad thing to offer an information refresher, y'know.
Plus I get to do it by way of a meme Q&A thing.
Name: If you know it, you can call me by it. Otherwise, naaaah.
Nickname: Ten, or for some, Tens. Which, of the long line of nicknames given to me by others, is the one that's stuck, and so I am stickin' to it like glue. Recently the Destiny MP group has been trying to find epithets to go with it (since I gave them all some) and has...not been doing very well. "Logistic and Linguistic" was, for example, one of the last sets proposed. Will also respond to "Tenacious."
Birthday: September. My name is Fall, after all.
Gender: Very much a chick, so "she/her/hers," but if male pronouns got used, or "they" and "them," it wouldn't bug me.
Sexuality: "Heteroflexible" feels like a safer term than "bi" here; the last time a girl and I were in a place to kiss, we ended up...giving up. But should the opportunity for a non-platonic relationship with a lady come knocking in a comfortable, low-key, "We're both single" way, I would certainly let it inside the door.
Height: 5'6, occasionally 5'7, or somewhere around 170 cm.
Time zone: Now officially MST again.
What time and date is it there: Novemeber 2nd, 2014
Average hours of sleep I get each night: Heh, not a lot, though it depends on if I take a nap before I go to work/game.
One place that makes me happy and why: My ABQ bed, which - aside from being the most comfortable place to sleep in in all the houses I tend to visit - is tension easing, too; it's easy to wrap myself up on it and forget a lot of my anxieties, no matter the mess on and around it.
How many blankets I sleep under: Generally one - a sheet in the summer, a blanket in the winter, and sometimes both if I wake up freezing.
Favorite beverage: Diet Dr. Pepper - regular and cherry variations - holds the top spot, but it's been challenged lately by tallboy
Xing Tea (warning for sounds!), which is the first tea I've found that I consistently like drinking. And so I do~
The last movie I watched in the cinema was: Guardians of the Galaxy at the Cinema Grille in Fort Wayne. Kora and I, we were the only ones there, and it was magical.
Three things I can’t live without: the Laydeez (human friends), the Ladies (the cats), and the laptop
A piece of advice: Don't spit into the wind~ But more seriously, patience and time - being patient and giving something time can save one's ass.
You have to listen to this song:
Dessa - Call Off Your Ghost