
May 07, 2008 18:24

Flist, please skip. There's no need to lock it down, but there ain't no content here for yall.

150 pts.

Try for 50 multiple choice questions. If not, 40 at the very least for first 120 points.

Pidgins and creoles (Pidgin languages most often come about due to...)
Language change: overall
Sound change
Semantic change
Language families
Proto-languages (The ancestor language of a language family is called its...)
Comparative reconstruction
Dialect/accent (heh, draw an isogloss?)(could actually do that)
Jargon - (Terms such as phoneme, morpheme, velar fricative, and proto-language are all examples of...)

Wonder if I could write quiz backwards--do short answer first, multiple choice afterwards to determine number of Qs to write.

Extra credit - same style as last time: ten questions, five points.

Discussion of areas to cover
-Diversity of New Mexican languages
-Established language families
-concentrate on Keres, KT, Zuni, as Apachean languages are fairly easy to trace.
-Greater language families
-Paleolithic history
-Agricultural expansion theory and how it fits with the greater language stock idea (at least for Aztec-Tanoan)
-Show larger range of A-T Pueblos, how could push Keres and Zuni to outer fringes of hospitable area (need a NM map of hospitable area, fuck)
-Oh hay, discuss Zuni and Japanese theory!

Things to do:
Reread Davis, read new Davis article
Find Mithun book. Argh. Wonder if in GWN's office?
Color picture of Pueblos by language family in GIMP if can't find one of my own. Should be excruciatingly hard. Argh.
Figure out how to reference Campbell.
See if I can throw in a sop about genetic markers.
Look over Diamond and Bellwood for U-A farming expansion.
Have someone look this over to make sure I'm making SENSE.

Reduce PP slides and switch to fairly colorless layout (Color code bits? Oooh, hold that thought...oh ICK, I'd have to compose slides across three different PPTs?) --NO, do pale gradient washes for backgrounds. Start with plain white and color code by chunks:
White for Beginning, Conclusion
Blue for Research Question
Green for Method and Research
Yellow for Results and Discussion

Might be able to use presets if avoid Red - White, Fog, Moss, Parchment. Check for additional presets on MS Website?

Cut cut cut things down - try to keep to eight, ten slides at max.

Redo vowels with percentages! !! !!!

to-doom, procrastinatory exercises, grab lab: finals week

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