For a paper, I went up yesterday to Project territory with GWN and Dee. We actually got in too late to do work--a problem of communication on my end--but we sat around and drank wine and had a merry ole time. They fed us this amazing cold pasta with tomatos and Fantina? cheese--it reminded me a little of Para's magic, a little of my sister's.
Then we left and I got to stay in a hotel! with Dee. We both did work for awhile, though I also talked to
raynos and
ladykorana in chat about such things as THERE'S A BOY IN MY ROOM and iTUNES IS NOT HELPING. But all went normal, and I didn't even have to kill the program. I did get called a "giggling freak" in the morning, though, which just reinforces that I have lived by myself forever, and therefore have some odd chat habits. And it's very hard to explain that IT'S ALL PEA'S FAULT, ya know? ;)
Today we went to a Health Fair--repping the project--and then got the recording done. It all turned out pretty faboo, though I now feel like death warmed over, even after sleeping all the way back to Albuquerque. Which I have never successfully pulled off before, so I think...yeah, the body needs rest. So I'm gonna hit the hay now, get up, go eat waffles and orange juice and do some work. SOOO much work to be done and every time someone brings it up I start hyperventilating, which, really, I'm sure doesn't help.