Apr 21, 2007 22:03
Just got back from a pretty darn good Project meeting. We got through our agenda, accomplished a lot, and managed to get home before 10:00!
Okay, not much before 10:00, but close enough.
Also, I got a plant. Whee, plant!
And on the way back, we had the most ridiculous, raunchy conversation. It went wrong at some many points and in so many places that when E called it blackmail material, he was closer to right than wrong. I felt bad for Dee, though; I don't think it interested him much, though I know he's capable of being dirty and wrong when he wants to be. Also, I'm sure I made a complete fool of myself, and I'm sure I'll chew glass for it in the future, but I'm just gonna...let it slide for now. Post period + end of the semester is not exactly a time of emotional stabilty for me, after all. And I knew I was in that sort of mood from this morning, when I danced around my apartment to this song.
But oh man, am I pooped. These meetings wring you out to dry. And we have another one on Saturday, too. Whimper.
Now to go write my 500 words for the evening and fall over.
i burn with tired