I did end up taking off school, for reasons best not gone into on a public journal. Except now I have to explain to my Prof. why, without making it the flu, and knowing that I'll be in tomorrow for CS's class.
For this evening, a short to-do list:
- BPAL in boxes - done
- Check out emissions testing site for hours - done
- Dinner- done
- Write 500 words of non-smut
- Poss - what was I writing? oh yeah, maybe some words of smut, too
- More SPN
- Look at homework for tomorrow (if I have any) - done
- Answer e-mail
- Listen to E's mix
- Criminal Minds at 9:00 - missed it! ARGH.
Okay, I'll explain the last one. 'Cause I don't watch a lot of TV, but after the Super Bowl, GT and BT and I stayed to watch Criminal Minds. This show is HILARIOUSLY bad; we had as much fun calling out the plot "twists" as we did calling interceptions on Grossman when he threw two passes in a row. (What? IT HAPPENED!) But tonight they're gonna torture the "geek," so I am eager to watch. don't ask what this says about me
All right, onto it.