In which it is a Monday, and I should be getting some work done

Apr 03, 2006 11:32

I set my alarm for 8:15 this morning, with the idea that I would pop out of bed (like a daisy) and go to school and be a productive little graduate student bee. Bzz bzz bzz, chapter six read! Bzz bzz bzz, response paper on Haiman done! Bzz bzz bzz, notes for class presentation on said Haiman done! Bzz bzz bzzzt.

Of course, I came in and spent two hours a) getting various stuffs from Starbucks (HISS), b) reading LJ and copperbadge 'fic, originals and Remixes, and vaguely thinking of eventually participating in said thing (if I ever wrote short enough 'fic to be Remixed). This'd make the first time in weeks that I feel almost caught up on LJ. I do not, on the other hand, feel caught up on sleep. But when do I ever?

Ah, the AIM people have begun to message me. Procrastination assured for the next two and a half hours. Most excellent.

And aside from getting school stuff done, I need to pop over to RP to answer comments, and start the b_onion analysis for tonight. I may actually attempt to get that up before midnight, since I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and that requires me up and daisy-ish for them. As well as mailing stuff to Singapore. Gotta do that.

Oh, and putting away laundry.

You know, sometimes I think it's not that there's enough hours in the day--there's just not enough in the weekend. And then we went and lost one this week! And next year, we lose it even earlier. Yay.

procrastinatory exercises, grad school

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