WHEW. Back from Hawai'i, one week of school down--it's about time for an update.
Which'll have to happen tomorrow, I think, as my thoughts are kinda scattered at the moment. Also, I have things to do tomorrow--give blood, pick up Ducky--and if I think about other things for too long, they tend to sliiide right out of my head. So...tomorrow. Really. Also laundry tomorrow. Really.
In the meantime, have some memes:
In no particular order...
1. A plain, crappy title.
2. The beginning will be rougher and worse than the rest of the 'fic.
3. There will be a LOT of dialogue. It will be most often set off with "said" or "replied." Speech adverbs are generally avoided. Occasionally, there will entire passages just of dialogue without tags.
4. A ridiculous amount of attention will be paid to facial and body nuances. I mean, RIDICULOUS.
5. Not a lot of description, except when there is.
6. You can count on romance, because UST is for canon, yo. A complete sexual history will be posited/created for each character, not excluding any past slashy experiences. Also, if there's any physical action, it'll be described in a hesitant but detailed way. Fire metaphors will most certainly be employed. Explosions occasionally occur.
7. Despite betas and spellcheck, annoying typos will creep in. The worst of these are when characters change sex. I HATE THOSE.
7.5. The author does not consider "damnit" a typo.
8. Qualifiers will occur in where qualifiers should not be.
9. One or more of these things will happen: characters will drink tea, possibly during a revealing conversation; a character will have a coherent dream sequence; characters may engage in long internal monologues, and if they're actually with other people at the time, will be conscious of the time they spent off in their own thoughts; the author will realize she created a plothole and crudely patch it.
10. Canonical characterization will be strived for, and the author will get it mostly right, except for the small store of her own personal canon she enjoys trotting out. Also has an "except when she doesn't" clause attached to it.
And because I didn't beat myself up nearly enough in that meme...Things My Betas Continually Have to Fix
1. "The man" and all its variations.
2. My extreme comma fixation.
3. Obtuse and odd sentence structures.
4. Tense issues. (Perfect tenses, I'm looking RIGHT at you.)
5. Overuse of qualifiers.
6. OOC-ness to serve the plot.
7. More yelling.
8. More violence.
9. Less 'look'ing.
10. "You do know how to use a conjunction, right?"
Also, because my damn connection is down again, Five Writing Habits
1. I like to sketch things out in a notebook first, then type it in. I understand this amuses some people to no end, but there's something about the ability to cross out stuff that makes me more productive. Also, I write small, which makes me concentrate more.
2. I've used small notebooks on and off through the years, but for awhile I only wrote in school sized ones, so that I could write during class. I've pretty much switched over to small notebooks now, and recently I've acquired a taste for different colored pens and paper.
3. I have a writing playlist, but often times I'll just set one song on repeat until I can hear it again. Then I find another song to abuse for awhile.
4. I like to write while chatting, especially if it's a beta. Though I don't get serious feedback until the full version is sent out, that immediate "OOOH" or "oh shit!" is extremely gratifying.
5. I don't have a writing ritual unless I want to force myself to write. Then I change into a casual shirt, my broomstick skirt, and light a candle. That usually works pretty well.
Tagged by
zelel 1. I enjoy french fries dipped in ice cream. I also enjoy fried mozzerella dipped in ice cream. Both make particularly good drunk food.
2. Despite my propensity for making people drink tea in 'fic, I don't drink it myself. I know nothing of the tea love, in fact; every time I try to make it, I end up with hot water. Nor do I drink coffee. I'm in the soda ho group.
3. 'Round about the time I got into the depths of my MA, I acquired the quirky, annoying habit of repeating back to people utterances that catch my ear. This is not to correct them; I just like to taste other people's interesting language.
4. I listen to audiobooks to go to sleep every night.
5. I'm very much a single song sort of girl; full albums don't interest me that much.
I tag no one, HA HA HA!