(no subject)

Apr 29, 2007 08:25

Pick 8 people, friends and family:   What are 6 things about them..that makes you love them sooo much??

Kristin ( meh old roommate ):

* I love the way she tells me gross details about things because she says, " You aren't my friend, you no longer have the privledges of being a person..you are my roommate, which is like family, and so you aren't spared anything."

* She likes to wake me up early for the most random ridculous crap.

* I like that she always puts in music and booty dances no matter what we are doing, and sometimes in 3 inch heels..heh

* She always makes me watch movies with her, that I have never seen before, and makes me keep my eyes open the whole time..even during the gross scary parts, but makes fun of me like hell when I cry at sad parts..haha

* that she can sit around with me and laugh with the window open at our crazy neighbors.

* she gives me a lot of modivation when I need it the most with an 'I don't give a shit' attitude..i love it.

Alex ( meh brother ):

* The bigger he grows, the more he can beat me up.

* He always hugs and kisses me when we part ways no matter who is around.

* He has a 'wall of girls' on his bedroom wall.

* he always likes to listen to any new music or bands that I find, especially local.

* I love the way we pick on each other without fighting.

* I like watching him play baseball, and try so hard to be the best guy on the team..haha


* He always knows what to say and when to say it to make me smile..without even knowing that I need to be lifted up.

* We always have these inside jokes of crazy things we have done, or we've seen.. ie: "wait..red means STOP..in more ways than one." or " ya din't bring yer truck widja dija?" .. and just so he smiles " yeah..uh..it's bout that time."

* I love the way he plays the piano.. each time he does I smile, even if the song is as simple as twinkle twinkle.

* Although he goes to school in Terre Haute we always seem to be able to catch up within an hour or so, as if no time has passed.

*.. 2 things.. Adult Swim, and Star Wars.

* I love that about 80% of songs I hear on a daily basis remind me of him.


* she always has a smile on her face when I see her, and I always get a hug..or two

* she is a huge dork, really, just walking into her bedroom shows that, along with all her movies..haha

* she is always adorable no matter what she is wearing..which is most usually a skirt.

* I love that she always goes out of her way, and above and beyond to help someone, especially her friends and family.

* She inspires me to work hard, and to go for my goals.

* I always get the first kiss <3


* He's a dork, and always shows it..always

* when I talk to him, he makes me feel like the prettiest girl in the world, and I usually don't feel that way.

* he is always completely honest.. and doesn't agree with me just to keep the peace ( I think he likes to argue and make points..it's cute)  I like to be able to discuss stuff with him though, and even if we end up just respecting that we disagree.

* although he isn't around very often, he always calls me to keep in touch when he can.

* he makes me smile allll the time.

* he inspires and modivates me.

Shawn ( meh daddy )

* He has never once missed an event or something that was important to me.

* Although we don't see eye to eye a lot, I know he only wants me to succeed and have a good life..which I'm sure is why he is so hard on me sometimes.

* When I have one of those really upset " I want my daddy" moments..he makes time to console me.

* He keeps trying...even when I don't listen to any of his advice, and even when it bites me in the ass.

* I know he loves me, and WANTS to be my father.

* we have an open relationship, and I can talk to him and tell him any, and everything.

Terri  ( meh step - mother )

* she loves me, and doesn't have to

* she pays attention to details, which is hard, because I usually don't give too much information.

* we have more in common than what we both tend to think.

* she goes out of her way to help me if I need it...like bringing me my books for work.

* she gives my dad all kinds of hell, in a good way..heh

* she is extremely organized, and I've learned a lot from her.

Stephanie (meh new roommate)

* she giggles and squinches her face up all crazy when she is excited.

* I love that she is crazy OCD and I have to just.. deal with it..haha

* she gets all the cute boys

* she is going to help me lose weight..since she eats a 'little' healthier than I do.

* her amazing talent of staying awake

* she has a VERY cynical/sarcastic/orny sense of humor

family, love, friends

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