THIS and
Lisa had arrived for her second day of work after a fitful night's sleep. It was hard not to think about all the things that had happened on her first day, and the fact that Rick and Chris were both going into surgery. In fact, they probably would have been moved by now and Lisa would have to try and focus on her other patients. She couldn't help swinging past Chris' room and blinked when she saw a blond man passed out on a couple of the chairs. It took her a moment to realise who it was and by then she was watching him sleep, the corners of her mouth kicked up in a smile. Drew Warren. The musical doctor she'd met online, and Serena's brother. They had managed to get briefly introduced the night before, and now here she was left alone with him.
As peaceful as he looked, she knew the position he was in couldn't have been comfortable and she moved closer as she gently touched his shoulder. "Dr Warren?" There was no response, and she gave him another gentle shake. "Dr Warren? Drew... I know you'll hate me, but it's time to wake up... There's better places to pass out." She squeezed his shoulder and then before Lisa even registered what she was doing she had kissed him lightly on the cheek.
Drew was having a really nice dream about a faceless chick with a really hot body. He couldn't make out her face or her head, but that was okay, he didn't need her to have a head with what he was doing with her. But something was distracting him from the job... someone calling his name and tickling his face. He reached up to brush the tickly thing away and with a small frown, tried desperately to remain in the dream, but he was one of those people that once they were awake, they were just awake, and he cracked his eyes open a little with a put out huff of annoyance. "Was jus' restin' m'eyes..." he protested and pulled himself up into a slumped sitting position. He didn't even realise who it was that had woken him until he glanced up and then did a double-take. He probably would have smiled, or said something flirty, but considering the circumstance, he just panicked. "Oh my fucking god, what's happened?!"
Lisa held her hands up as she watched Drew from behind her glasses and tried to offer him a comforting smile. "Hey, hey. It's okay. Nothing's happened. I'm sorry I woke you I just thought that maybe you'd want to save your neck and I can at least get you a couple pillows to be more comfortable. I'd tell you to sleep in Chris and Rick's room, but they kind of take the beds with them. I really am sorry."
Drew rubbed his eyes slowly and nodded. "Yeah, I get that. I know it's a long wait..." He looked at his watched, realising barely two hours had passed since Serena followed Chris when he was taken to the surgical department. As it was, there was a high chance they would both end up in the ICU for awhile anyway, but Serena made Drew promise he would stay put here so she would know where he was if something did go wrong. There wouldn't be any news yet and although Drew was usually a pretty patient person, this was proving tough on the nerves. He pointed to the seats under him. "Do you need these or something. Ignoring the fact they're actually bolted to the floor, but you never know."
Lisa shook her head as she tucked her dark hair behind her ears. "No, no. These are all yours. I've only just got here. I'm trying to organise myself into a routine, but yesterday I did nothing but look after Rick. It's hard not to want to come to here first. Then I saw you and the position your neck was in and just thought that maybe you would want to just get a little more comfortable. Or I could get you a drink if you wanted one. How's Serena? And the patients, of course."
Drew shook his head. "I don't need anything, but thanks. Serena's terrified, but trying to pretend not to be. Chris was hardly saying a word, and Rick was mostly semi-sedated. All he wanted to know was where Chris and Bella were. He seemed okay as long as he could see them. It's strange... I guess by now Chris has probably well and truly parted with his kidney. I haven't heard otherwise, but they said he was first up in the main act. They take it out of him, seal him up and then move onto Rick. I told Serena to text me once she was able, but again, haven't heard anything. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to be stood in there watching your lover be cut open and have a bit of him taken out, but then, medical shit makes me squeamish."
"But you're still here. You're quite the brother," Lisa told him with a smile. "Truthfully, I still don't know how people can handle half of that stuff. I know I'm a nurse but to literally be holding someone's organ in your hands is just scary. I'd be scared to drop it. Not that the surgeons have butter hands." Lisa covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night. I spent most of it worried about Rick, and Chris and trying not to relive walking in on your sister and her boyfriend in Bella's office. I'm sure no news is good news. Serena's probably just caught up watching the surgeries."
Drew had been all ready to respond to her comments and make further conversation until she got to the part about Bella's office. "I'm sorry- what?" he asked, dumfounded and gaping at her now. "My sister and who what?"
Lisa bit her lip. "Your sister and Chris... her boyfriend. In... Never mind."
"You what?!" Drew shrieked, his tone higher than usual. He tried not to let his mind jump to the visuals, but it just did, causing him to wave his hands furiously and then rub them roughly over his face as he tried to eradicate the images. "That's just... they... you... YOU! Oh my bloody god!" He buried his face in his hands again, wondering how the hell he was supposed to give his sister a firm talking to about this.
Lisa reached out to cover Drew's mouth briefly before she scrunched up her nose. "I'm sorry! Oh god, I just can't get anything right, can I? Maybe I need to close my mouth and go away and you can get back to sleep and we can just start this again when I don't stick my foot in it. Just... I didn't see anything! There was nothing to see. Definitely nothing to see."
Drew pried her hand away from his mouth and gripped it in his. "Now I just know you're lying! What the hell were they... I can't believe... that's just... oh my bloody good," he cursed, shaking his head and then dropped his voice to a hushed whisper. "She told me they didn't do it at the hospital! Is she mental?!"
Lisa managed to give his hand a squeeze as she looked at him, her eyes still wide from the accidental spillage. Now she understood why secrets sucked so hard. "I think she's thinking about the fact that her boyfriend left home and she didn't see him again until she found out he was here, and then all of a sudden he was deciding to donate his kidney and there was no time to go home. No time for much of a pre-op get together. Chris strikes me as the type of guy that needs one of those."
"They could have at least done it in the car or something! Sheesh!" Drew hissed, still trying to get all the horrible thoughts about his sister getting it on with Chris in the doctor's office. "That is so wrong. That is so wrong it's even off the scale! She told me she was going to be professional and smart about this! She insisted. Oh hell, you saw your brother's best mate having sex with my sister!"
Lisa nodded slowly. "Yep, I did. That's after seeing my brother's best mate lose it in front of my new boss. My first day was just... off the scales. See now why I wanted something to just help me forget?"
Drew was frowning now, looking at her uncertainly. "Why did he lose it? I'm so behind the eight ball, you wouldn't believe. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to either of them. There's been all medical people around assessing them, and then Chris like some sort of rock star with the string of people who have been visiting him. All these nurses. I swear, if one more look like they want to give him a personal sponge bath, I'll spike their coffee machine with a freakin laxative. He's bloody taken. You think they would get the hint."
"Well, he is the genius cowboy. That's the way I hear it. He's always been the cool kid. Everyone wants to know him, or be him... Get in his pants. They'll probably never believe that he's taken. Even I had to be convinced he had a girlfriend. Bella said something about it being only just out in the open though, I think. But hey, the nurses make trouble and I'll deal with them for you. It won't take too long before I start 'accidentally' tripping a few of them up if they keep trying to move in on him." Lisa sighed quietly as she moved to sit next to Drew. "I don't know if I can tell you why he lost it. I shouldn't have even heard. I still don't know if it's public..."
Drew scrunched his face up. "And now you've had a well personal view of just how loved up he is?" he asked and then rubbed his face roughly again, trying to stop thinking about his baby sister having sexy times with anything with a penis, let alone a penis that was apparently a genius rockstar. He pulled his lips to the side and gave a small shrug. "I'm sure S will tell me when I get a minute with her. Not sure when that will be, because she's going in with him. Probably after. I'll wait. The last thing you want is to be getting in the shit for screwing with confidentiality on your first day. I get how it rolls. You want to be friends with your boss, not in the shit with her."
Lisa gave a nod. "Hence why I tried to make a hasty exit, only to literally bump into Chris later. It was my first day. I still can't believe this is just my second and I got my brother's best friend and his brother going into surgery and this secret that I wish I had unheard and only a little while with my brother. I don't know why I expected it to be a smooth transition. I wish Dave gave me some warning, but I get why he didn't. It's not like he knew I was coming. It's the trouble with surprises. I'm sure Serena won't forget you're here."
"It's not technically a secret anymore if you know, anyway. It's just one of those things. It's not an easy situation, it was never going to be. Beyond all else and beyond anything that happened since, that pair don't have a good relationship, so things weren't ever just going to go smoothly. Even in just the short time I spoke to him, I could see Chris' emotions were sparking on all cylinders. I only met the brother online and he seemed to have a lot going on too. I think you just got caught in the crossfire, and probably moreso because you're Dave's sister. I hear Dave and Chris are like this." Drew held his fingers up wrapped close together. "There'll be backlash, same as there is backlash on me because I'm Serena's bro."
Lisa smiled wryly as she leaned back in the seat for a moment to get herself comfortable. "I'd say it sucked to be a sibling, but it really doesn't. It's also just hitting home because of what Dave went through and what we went through with him. It drags it all back to the present, you know? Even more so than my job would on a normal day. I knew about their taut relationship, but I think Chris is still pretty amazing for stepping up to the plate when it really wasn't such an easy decision."
"I can only imagine. Luckily, our family hasn't really been touched with anything like that. We've still got all our grandparents, mom and dad in fit healthy form, and it's just Serena and me after that. We're both pretty healthy, just usual childhood or common illnesses. Touch wood... touch a lot of wood. I think I would have wanted to die if I was ever told S was seriously sick. I'm trying to be understanding and all, but when I try and put myself in your's or Chris' position, I just feel like I want to throw up. I guess it's why I volunteered to get tested as a donor for Rick if Chris couldn't do it. I wanted to help, and if it took some of the pressure off. I'd pretty much do anything for Serena. We've always been like that, though. She's so hooked on him, too. I think he could be the one, and that really fucks with my head a little," Drew admitted with a laugh, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
Lisa smiled softly at him as she covered his hand with hers briefly and nodded. "Hey, it's okay. Believe me, I wouldn't have ever wished what happened to Dave on anyone. No one should know what it feels like to realise that you might outlive your big brother, or to see him just so sick and so... broken. Dave is one of the best guys, and to know it happened to him... He didn't ask for it, didn't deserve it. But he fought it and is still fighting it. Wow, the One, huh? That's huge... No wonder your head's feeling fucked. I think Dave maybe found his One too, I just haven't met her properly yet."
Drew nodded. "Yeah, the cancer recovery route is something I am familiar with. I work with cancer patients a lot. Some that just need something else to try and get them through chemo, or even get them through receiving that ticking clock timeframe. I saw your brother a little earlier. He actually looks really great. I wouldn't pick him as a survivor. But then, to look at Rick, you wouldn't pick him as someone who had cancer, either. Built like a brick shithouse that dude is." He shot her a wry smile. "Yeah, the One. I think. S hasn't ever been like this with any other dude that I've known of. She's different with Chris. There's something in her eyes... something in his eyes, too. Plus, you don't go through something like this with someone and get out the other side if it ain't serious. And I really want to hate the guy, because that would make it so much easier, but I don't. I don't at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's her only boyfriend I actually liked. All the others I just sort of tolerated."
Lisa had to laugh as she smirked lightly. "Wow, that really is serious. A boyfriend a brother approves of is... well, it's definitely up there with the big things in life. There's puke tests, and then there's getting the brother's seal of approval. If Serena gets wind of this you might never be rid of Chris. Would you mind if they wound up walking down the aisle, or something? But I know what you mean. There's definitely something in each of their eyes. It's hard to miss. Makes me wonder exactly how they managed to keep things secret for so long." She smoothed her hands down her thighs as she nodded. "Dave's really done well. I'm so proud of him. Even if I came here to maybe just a little keep an eye on him. I can't help it. I'll always worry about him, and he's been so quiet lately."
Drew let out a rough sigh and sat back again, looking around at all the medical things aligning the walls. "I think if I asked Serena right this minute if she would marry Chris, she would say yes. Whether he ends up asking her or not is an entirely different story. I think he's just as hooked on her as she is on him, but he still has a promiscuous past, and not much of a history of relationships. When push comes to crunch, he might not be cut out for it. Who really knows? I guess a lot of it would depend on what the outcome with his brother is, too. I mean, and forgive me for using this as an example, but if your brother didn't make it, marriage and relationships would hardly be high up on your agenda as priorities for awhile, right? I can understand your worry. I still worry about S, even when she keeps telling me she is perfectly fine and I can see with my own eyes that she is. Have you asked him if anything is up? Maybe he's quiet for a reason."
Lisa echoed his sigh as she murmured her agreement. "No, they really wouldn't. And for a while they weren't. While I was looking out for Dave, and worrying about him, sex and guys and dating were definitely right down the bottom. Even if I think it would have been nice to have had someone special to make with the comfort sex. You know, when you just need to feel something other than the stress and the worry and everything. I miss that level of intimacy. I don't think we'll ever really believe our siblings are perfectly fine. We're always primed for something. Dave's been thrown into Alpha since Chris took leave to take care of Rick. I think it's just taking its toll. He's not getting much sleep and I think he's worried he's not built for the Alpha team. Which is silly. Dave's a damn good trauma surgeon. He deserves to be on the best team."
"He sounds like the sort of guy who would do anything for his mate, anyway. Chris needed someone to step up, so Dave probably would have done it no matter what. He got Rick here. Not sure if you know that, but he did. Talked him around or something when he realised there was an infection. S mentioned that she wasn't sure Rick would even be here otherwise. He needed a boot up the ass and Dave was in the best position to give it. Plus, trust me, I have heard shitloads about this Proctor and I don't think he would take on anyone who wasn't cut out for it. In fact, he seems pretty hell-bent on people working to their top capacity, whatever the situation." Drew thought on it all for a few moments and then cleared his throat. "He might not be outright saying if something is up, too, because there is so much other shit going on around here. It's easy to take a backburner when you think someone else needs more help than you do."
"He really is. Just like he'd do anything for his family. Dave's just so selfless. He'd do anything for someone he thought was special enough too, like Aimee. I heard a little something about my brother being the reason for Rick coming. It sounds like something he would do, but only because he knows what it's like. And I don't think he'd wish anyone to go through it alone. No one deserves that. Even Rick." Lisa adjusted her glasses when she could feel that they had moved further down her nose. "I haven't met the big bad Proctor yet, but I've certainly heard a lot about him. I don't think Dave was willing to talk him up too much as a single hot doctor when I asked him who was available. This was before I spoke to you," Lisa added with a smile. "He doesn't need to take a backburner with family."
Drew laughed, shooting her an amused look. "Well, some protest I'm even a doctor, so, the jury remains out on that one. I'm not sure Dave would have the guts to set his boss up with his sister anyway. It would be like Serena setting me up with that Zambrano chick. It all goes wrong and life becomes effing awkward as all hell." He folded his arms around his middle and leant forward as he listened to her. "You went through a lot when your brother was sick, didn't you? Did you take care of him personally, or it was just a whole big family deal? I heard Chris say he had Lymphoma, which is one of the hardest to cope with. It would have been one of the worst things you ever had to go through. But you're still in Oncology. That's some tough balls right there, Nurse Tyler."
Lisa's eyes shone briefly as she leaned forward to meet Drew's gaze again. "Well, whether or not I really have balls is something you'll just have to find out, Dr Warren. If you're game enough. Hey, you're still a doctor. The doctors around here just get high and might because they're doctors of medicine. You've worked just as hard as they have. You just know the body of an instrument a little better than the body on a table. It was a joint family thing. I think I just took it personally because this is my field, you know? It's hard not to take it to heart. It was the only time I ever questioned my work choice, but you're right, I'm still here."
"Hey, despite my sister bonking your brother's BFF, I think I might need to just hold off on the naughty nurse routine for a little bit. I actually have a patient in this oncology ward and I need to keep my professionalism on some level. In saying that, if you ever get a night off, maybe we can get a drink or something. I'm starting to find my feet with the Miami nightlife. It's only taken about three or four weeks. I've lost track. I was too busy trying to hate my bro-in-law to be and... yeah, among other things." Drew pressed his lips together briefly, wishing he had some M&Ms or something that he could busy his hands with.
Lisa flashed him a smile before she slid off the seat and stood up again. "The naughty nurse routine can wait for the raunchy rockstar to be ready. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'll definitely take you up on that drink. Or maybe a coffee if you're ever up to breakfast meetings and seeing me after an overnight shift. If it makes you feel any better, my feet are still finding their place too. There's no rush. I'm just glad I got the chance to meet you."
Drew smirked up at her. "So, that's it? You're just going to love me and leave me?" he joked and them put his hand on his chest. "You're breaking my heart, sister. But alas, I understand the demanding job of healthcare and how important a paypacket is. Try and chill a little. I know that's easier said than done, but there's gotta be something to be said for optimism."
Lisa leaned down to brush a kiss to his cheek like she had when she'd woken Drew up and grinned as she pulled back. "Gotta leave you wanting more otherwise what's the incentive? I'll check in with you later, I promise. I'll still be floating around the ward if you get bored. Just promise me you'll find a more comfortable position to fall asleep in."
"How about I just promise to find a more comfortable position for my hand?" Drew returned and held his hand up waving his fingers at her, leaving the comment with her to take as she liked it. He smirked as he watched her go, not really making any attempt to hide the fact he was copping a perve. At any other time, he probably would have cracked onto her by now, but in these circumstances, it really was just going to have to wait.