(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 05:23

I have not had at-home Internet access since May. Not in school this summer. When people ask me what I've been doing lately, I get kind of puzzled, mumble something like "I dunno, work, seeing friends, relaxing". (Translation: work, yeah - she keeps hiring more women, we're up to thirty on-staff, my Friday night shift is getting filled up with young cute girls, but Saturday nights remain unfillable, added a shift but wasn't making any money on it so going to try another day now. Seeing friends - sporadic and sometimes less-than-thrilling events, a possible play partner who decided we "weren't a good match [he was right], and too many turned-down invitations on my part - the usual tendency to isolate. Resting - I don't know, do ya think spending most of a day in bed and the rest of it watching t.v. means I am isolating?).
Stuff I don't talk about as much: I frequently react to my partner's increasing criticisms by screaming at him and/or having anxiety attacks - sometimes becoming unable to cope for hours afterward. I am in therapy for trauma resolution issues resulting from past abuse issues. Despite work and therapy, I feel aimless and unfocused - kind of like a leaf floating downstream....and to what destination...?
Time for a smoke break...
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