Oct 05, 2006 01:51
I don't trust him farther than you can bat an eye.
Don't talk to me with your clothes on.
Don't look for your balls in someone else's court.
Nobody's going to put his neck out on a limb.
Let them fry in their socks.
One doesn't swallow the whole cake at the first sitting.
He's taking the bark off the wrong tree.
He's taking his half out of our middle.
You're barking up a tree with no branches.
Give him enough rope and he will run away with it.
A rocky road is easier to travel than a stone wall.
Let's not reinvent a dead horse.
No sooner said, the better.
There's going to be hell and high water to pay.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do: stay away from the place.
Just remember that, and then forget it.
The grass is always greener when you can't see the forest for the trees.