more plans plans plans

Sep 19, 2010 22:40

always changing always milling just what the fuck i want to do..

so new plan

thinking maybe:
georgian college for their post-graduate diploma prgram for addiction treatment - this like one of the ONLY programs around that specializes in this and its a post degree program WITH placements .. thats what  I want.. field epereince and its only a YEAR with the exception of durham and im just NOT fucking moving back to oshawa.. that would be a defeat in my books..always gotta be moving foward... anyways

seeemmms like a good program

and then with a lil bit of change of scenery and experience under my belt.. come back  seemily with my tail between my legs for the BSW program at UW.. its like a year and a half? with placements.. vs the 4 years id have to do if i went to BC.. essentially id have to start all the fuck over again ..

no thanks

*brain explodes*

basically in the end what I need to be able to do is to be recognized as a social worker - to do this you have to have a BSW or an MSW from an accredited uni.  and enough addiction schooling/experience to be an accredited addition counselor as well

and I have to have enough feild expereince under my belt to have practical application knowledge of all these theories im learning..
i could rammble to you about like social learning theory or intergenerational abuse theory but im still fucking afraid to pick up the phone at the shelter...seeemms kinda backasswards to me
but its all on a learning curve

what im missing is my excuse to go out west. like i thought i was gonna be my masters but now im hmming and hawing about it.. like itll help me doooowwn the road but like mb id like to get more work experience before that.. so i can get an idea of just HOW fucking required it is..
what im starting to think is that mb once im finished with georgian and then my BSW here ill go take a social service worker college program with a placement throught a university college in bc not necc as a education requirement but more as a career networking move.. i unoo

i wish that BC had the addiction workers program that was as kick ass as the one at Georgian.. Fraser was supposed to have it but its "under review"

all this just to tell people to put down the fucking bottle or the fucking crack pipe.. dont do it y'all.. smoke cock instead of crack! hows that for a motivational poster lol



rammble rammble

hey sam.. if youre reading this.. GO BACK TO WORK .. lol naw.. if youre reading this.. how does this all sound to you my partner in social uncrime?

other options are the non-BSW, MSW program at U vic.. but again .. i dont really wanna do my MSW.. all that fucking research and thesis.. i honestly do not give two shits about research.. not even a shit.. not even three shits.. no shits are given lol!

im still scouring the internets for options..
whats funny is that i booked an appointment at the career centres office on campus and thhey basically told me they couldnt help me.. oh they can help me with the application process and thats great! woot.. but
kinda need to know where the fuck im going to apply before i do so
ugh life. so many options.. sometimes i wish i had fairy godmother to help me out.. she'd prolly be all cracked out and sketch tho


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