Mar 01, 2007 14:06
1. What has kept you out of prison?
My super power - to disappear completely
2. Have you ever googled an ex?
Yes, he looked bloated.
3. When is the last time you ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was not leftover from a child's meal? I'm not all that enamored of PB, but my husband likes to make them after S E X and brings me half and a glass of milk... so last week I had a half.
4. Is there a desk in your life anymore? Filing cabinet?
Our office is here, in the apartment downstairs, so 3 desks, filing cabinets, media cabinets server racks, looks like an office.
5. Where were you when you last woke up naked? Who was with you?
This morning, my cat Djangowas staring at me, husband was already up and about.
6. Have you ever been a victim of a hit-and-run traffic accident?
7. Why do people name their children after parents or grandparents?
In a culture that embraces the new and fashionable with such fervor... I find family names to be reassuring, (Though Margaret wishes I had named her Xena)
8. Do you ever dream of your first true love?
Yes. Fucker.
9. How badly has the man co-opted hip hop? Is it necessarily a bad thing?
My exposure to hip hop is limited to just a few artists, I love K-OS for instance... But man I'm just a white chick who digs poetry, what do I know?
10. Have you ever thought you broke a rib and found out later you're just a serious pain wimp?
Nah, I'm a tough girl when it comes to pain, I've walked around with broken bones refusing to believe they were broken because I thought it was really supposed to hurt.
11. Would you rather be fabulous or credible?
Fabulously credible, look something sparkly! Believe everything I say!
12. Who spoils you?
Well, my husband takes excellent care of me. I don't want for much. My kids love to give and do for me, and of course I have this Faery in the Bronx and she pretty much rocks. I'm not complaining. I know how far the scales have tipped in my favor in the last decade.
13. How would you spend a million bucks if you couldn't spend a single cent on yourself?
Could I make a movie? I'd give the profits to charity, but I have like 4 movies to make, I just need 3-8 million dollars.
14. What is the most irreverent place you've had sex?
Irreverent makes me think of church or holy ground... not places I feel very sexed up.
15. What kept you out of the Marines?
My brain.
16. Do you enjoy awards shows?
yes, and game shows and reality TV and really bad soap operas.
17. Do you trust your government?
18. Pick one word that describes your current relationship.
19. Rate the level of annoyance you feel when someone mixes up the words then and than.
I don't notice things like that.
20. Can you admit that you are beautiful just the way you are?
I'm a total hottie.
21. Does your significant other have a porn collection? Do you care? Do you know for sure?
I have a porn collection, sometimes I share it with him.
22. How drunk did you get at your senior prom?
I don't want to talk about that whole scene.
23. What is your earliest memory of racism?
I was 3 or 4 and in the Bahamas and my Mom said something about these kids I met on the docks not having any manners... or something. They were not allowed to come on our boat to play and I was to make sure I had all my toys with me when I came home. I just remember feeling so strange and kind of sick in my stomach.
24. Happy birthday!
25. Is your pet old enough to vote?
I am not doing dog to human year calculations
26. Do you think the Taliban bombers were trying to kill Cheney?
yeah, ya think?
27. What kinds of meat do you refuse to eat?
I'm not so keen on organs and both veal and duck sort of turn me off for textural reasons.
28. Do you think "global warming!" every time the weather is unseasonable?
Yes, I do.
29. Do you like polar bears?
yes, but I wouldn't want one as a pet.
30. How edgy are you?
So. fucking. edgy.
31. List and rank birth control methods you've used.
nuvaring is good for me though.
32. Got any dope?
why, you need some?
33. In what ways are you superstitious?
I'm more paranoid than superstitious.
34. Is it written in the Geneva Convention of Memes that you're supposed to omit a #34 just to see who notices?
No but there is something in there about butt sex.
35. Do you still remember some of your childhood dreams?
a few.
36. How many different sizes of clothes for yourself do you have in your closet?
14-22. Sometimes, I get puffy.
37. Would you go panning for gold in California for a family vacation?
lol I have made my kids mine sapphires (they loved it!)
38. Can you walk to the store to buy groceries?
sure, I can always walk.
39. Have you ever driven a car into the ground?
Yes, my Dodge Omni,went right to the junk yard when I was done with it.
40. Do you floss your kid's teeth?
No, but they have cute little disposable flossers and I see them flossing quite a bit and christ, do I have to do everything for them?