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Jan 31, 2009 18:46

The Human Downfall

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

This world is being led around by the nose by human emotion. Like a feather in the wind we spin from thought to thought. Weightless and unreliable. We flicker and swirl in any direction that feels good. We have one sided relationships that are bled dry by parasitic selfishness and low self esteem.

I want us to be above the human downfall. To be compassionate with out the chaos. To be self sustaining and whole. To be objective and clear. To not make allowances for ourselves to live in self made shades of gray. To find peace and wisdom in moments of solitude. To hold up your own end in life and accept all the responsibilities.

This is what I pray for when I lay my head down at night. This is what I see in my dreams for a healthy world. People getting out of their own way to be happy and whole. To get the most out of life and our relationships. To be ok with just ourselves so we can be ok with the world.

To stop the Insanity.

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