Dec 20, 2006 16:29
I have this fear building within my self that I am going to start crapping the as a mother. I have no one older to turn to for advice that I trust or agree with. I held my new niece for the first time the other day and since then I cant sleep at night or relax anymore cause when I do all I think about is am I doing everything I am supposed to be doing with Hanna. Am I teaching her everything I am supposed to. I am scared about potty training and terrified about bring Ethan home. Hanna is a very jealous baby and how do I take care of both of them equally. WHen do I sleep with 2 baby's. I cant stand the thought of leaving hanna for a couple of days to have the baby. I am scared out of my ever loving mind. What if I cant do it. What if I mess up. What if! what if! what if! Nothing anyone has told me so far is helping.
I know I will try my best, I just hope that's good enough.