St. John has had a trying day, all right, listeners...readers...whatever, shut up before someone dies. He's been prevented from doing the noble work of drunkening the fine folks of Hell by Pietro, who as far as he was concerned was insane when he worked with him in New York and is also insane now, he's dragged a bathtub across town (with Adam's
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"If it's this hot in May," she says, absently, "It's going to be awful in July."
He punctuates this with a Look at St. John. He just helped you drag a bathtub across town in sweltering heat, dude; you are not allowed to make a crack about his religion even if he has left himself completely wide open for it.
...although really, what's he gonna do if you do?
Anyway, she straddles the bar (manfully -- she is clearly dramatically reenacting Nathan Petrelli's meaningful relationship with Bosnia) and lies down on it, closing her eyes.
Stfu, she doesn't need to talk.
PS after uh...a lot of math in the IRC room, it should be established that St. John does in fact mean degrees Celsius here. Which for this PAINFULLY AMERICAN typist means about 102 degrees Fahrenheit....possibly. Maybe. Hopefully.
"As an alternative to shooting, I think we need a swimming pool. Or we will, eventually." This is her professional opinion. She also looks over at Nica for back-up, because any excuse to run around in a bikini ought to be right up Nica's alley.
Feel free to glare at Mr. Optimism over here, guys.
"God. I fucking hate summer. We didn't have any of this 'seasons' bullshit back in Los Angeles. We had the same weather all year round."
Oh, god, here he goes with fucking California. This is going to be a theme. Because clearly absolutely everything is perfect in California. No earthquakes or rolling blackouts. It isn't, y'know, the state that elected Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger as governor or anything.
She doesn't actually really...move at all, but she is considering the swimming pool suggestion. "There's bound to be swimming pools around here. It's stinking hot. You boys could stand to learn a thing or two about honest work."
It's worth noting that when Nica says 'honest work' what she actually means is 'doing exactly what Wanda and I tell you to, quicksmart hop to'.
"I really kind of fucking hate swimming," he returns mildly, once his esophagus crawls back to where it's supposed to be.
"Well, Nica and I will just swim together and ignore you two, then." Wanda is entirely too innocent, in her fashion, to be a cocktease about this, which is sad, because there is great potential for it right now.
He's always been relatively indifferent to swimming. He didn't have time for it anyway. The idea is vaguely appealing now, as disgustingly hot and sticky as it is, though the idea of having to strip down to swim trunks in front of other people is...not.
"We could get one of those tables with a big umbrella in the middle. For shade."
She is mostly inclined towards rolling around and going ":3?" when it gets hot. Emphasis on the lazy rolling.
If she does that on the bar, she's going to fall off, though. So more of the :3 face in this instance.
"Snow. Which Wisconsin, I've heard tell, gets a fuckton of." He is...not pleased by this. Fucking precipitation!
...oh well, at least it won't be hot.
PS...was that a scratching, scratching at your chamber door, THK? IS IT VAMPIERS? 4 in the afternoon?
Wanda brightens up at the mention of winter, however. "I like snow. And ice, and snowfights, aaaaand also snowforts."
Wanda is five, apparently.
"You can show me how to make stuff with it?" He doesn't want to be left out.
It's eloquent facial contortion, stfu.
However, she sits up, dislodging the martini glass -- one of them will catch it, surely.
"Anyone else hear that?"
"What the fuck." St. John is naturally inclined towards...uh, suspicion and hatred, so you'll forgive him if he's immediately got out the cheap Bic he's been using in lieu of his Zippo (RIP) for the past few days.
Time for hoisting himself over the bar - it does have a door, St. John - and picking his way toward the source of the noise (the entrance of Dante's, for those keeping score at home). Yeees. Perhaps he will get to kill something. :3
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