Can someone explain to me where Clint/Coulson comes from? Because I sometimes feel like I missed an entire MARVEL film somewhere along the line where they had chemistry, of any kind. And don't just say Thor because Hawkeye called Phil 'sir' for a bit. I'm not a slash kind of person, but even if I were, WHY THEM?? I mean, you have Stark and that whole snarky he-pretends-not-to-know-your-first-name, you-pretend-to-not-be-impressed-by-him-but-you-are thing.
And then there's THIS:
Coulson's BIG GAY MANCRUSH on Steve Rogers, which, you know, why don't people go there more? When was this Clint/Coulson thing decided upon? It's like somebody chose it and then all Marvel slash fangirls stuck their fingers in their ears and started running with it, despite canon giving them gift after gift of slashy goodness that doesn't involve Hawkeye at all.
I'm not a huge fic person, full stop, but I keep seeing it, Marvel people, Agents of Shield people, everyone seems obsessed by it. EXPLAIN YOURSELVES.
ETA: Is it the alliteration? I can understand that part of it, it's MARVEL, after all. It would be good if someone just came straight out and said, yeah, it's the alliteration, Whelk, that's all it is.